
I should've killed you when I first met you

Led loses his will to live when he realizes that everything in his life is messed up after being diagnosed by a rare disease. When he tries suicide, he is saved by a mysterious girl who does not tell anyone about her identity. She changes his life and makes him feel lots of different feelings which he did not think that he would be able to feel in his lifetime. But who exactly is she? And why did she save his life? Everything is revealed as the story unfolds itself

Hakai_ · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


"Are we lost?", the blue haired girl asked.

------- 3 hours ago -------

"Let's buy some stuff", Led said.

"Shouldn't we buy stuff from the main part of the town?", the girl asked.

"Oh, no, I know every part of this town and let me tell you - this place is the best."

He bought tons and tons of stuff after that.

"Will you be able to carry that?", she asked.

"Oh don't worry. We can book a cab."

"What if we don't get one?", she asked again.

They did not find a single cab.

"From what I've heard, the drivers are on a peaceful protest and will not go to work until their demands are met", Led scratched his head. "Guess we'll have to walk now. Hey, could you please help me carry this stu....."


"But why?"

"Because you told me not to worry."

On that day, Led learned a life lesson - Think twice before you speak.

They kept on walking, and walking....

-------- Present Time --------

"No....we're.....not.....lost", Led said barely being able to stand up.

The girl was extremely irritated. She walked back a few steps and then kicked him from behind.

He fell down rock hard on the ground.

"What was that for?", he asked still being on the ground.

She pointed towards a park.

"We have passed that park for the third time now", she said.

The boy stood there staring at the park without a word.

"What?", the girl asked.

No response.

"She grabbed him by the hand and started shaking him.

"Say something!", she said.

"Led?", someone called from behind.

They turned back and saw a girl probably in her twenties with groceries in her hand.

"Shinzo?", Led tried confirming it.

"What are you doing here?", Shinzo asked, "And who is this girl?", she pointed at her.

"Me? Who are you?", she pointed back at her.

"What are you doing with Led?", Shinzo asked.

"How do you know Led?", the girl fired back.

"Hey easy there girls", Led said as he tried to cool down the situation.

"Shut up!", they yelled back in unison.

He learned another life lesson - Never try stopping a fight between two girls.

Their eyes met again. The air was growing more tense around them.

"Am I screwed?", Led thought.

"Whoever you are", Shinzo gave the first attack.

"Stay away from him. I've known him since we were kids and I was his best friend."

[ -20 HP ]

The girl took damage and took a step back.

"I don't care if you are his best friend", she attacked back. "I saved his life once and I've been staying with him for three months now."

[ -40 HP ]

Shinzo took major damage and was about to fall but regained her balance.

"We slept in the same bed once and he always told me that he would marry me when we were kids."

[ -60 HP ]

She fell down on one knee. She held her breath and got back up.

"He said that I make the best food. When I was injured, he carried me on his back to the apartment. We held hands on the bus and he was even about to kiss me!"

[ -9 HP; - 11 HP; -15 HP; - 25 HP ]

Shinzo kept on getting damage and fell to her knees where she let out her last breath.

The girl looked towards the sky.

"I won."

She started limping towards Led but something caught her leg.

A hand. Not just anyone's hand but Shinzo's.

At least I'm not flat", she used her last ounce of energy to say that.

[ -20 HP ]

"AAH!", she screamed in agony and fell down.

Both of them fainted.


Led just stood there with a blank expression while witnessing all this. He did not know what to do. He was speechless.

"Can we go home now?", Led asked.

Both girls got up slowly. Probably because of fatigue caused by their battle.

"You cheated", the girl said.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Shinzo replied without facing her.

"Hey! Why did you...", she stopped as Led walked past her.

"Where are you going?", Shinzo asked.


"But you don't know where it is", the girl said.

"I'll find it out."

Let me help you. You have a lot of stuff on you", Shinzo suggested.

"No! Let me do it", the girl demanded.

"I'm fine." Led answered.

"Hey why did you copy me?", Shinzo asked the girl.

"I don't know what you're talking about", an instant counter.

"You.....hey where's Led?", Shinzo looked around.

He had disappeared long ago.

"Led?", Shinzo called.

"Led?", the girl called.

"Led?", both of them called.

"Led?", both of them yelled.

-------- Far away from both the girls ---------

Francis had just reached home when he heard someone knock at the door.

"Who could it be at this hour?", he thought.

And he couldn't believe his eyes when he opened the door.


"Hello Uncle Francis."

"Didn't you say you were coming during the summer holidays?"



"Surprise", he said in a monotonous voice while smiling.

"And where is the girl you talked about?"

"I bought some stuff from the store", he passed him and went inside

"Hey wait! Where is the.....", he was interrupted by another knock at the door.

Shinzo showed up with a blue haired girl.

"What took you so long?", Francis asked, "And who is this friend of yours?"

"She is the girl Led told you about."

"Oh my! What a cute girl", Francis thought.

"Way to go my nephew!" He pumped his fist in the air as he thought.

"Can we come in?", Shinzo asked.

He stepped aside.

"Is Led inside?", the girl asked.

"He came 5 minutes ago. What is your name my de---" She went inside without answering him.

"What is it with cute girls always ignoring me?", he wondered.

Shinzo looked at Led how a child looks at medicine - disgustingly.

"When did you meet her and why did she not come with Led?", Francis asked Shinzo.

"It's a long story", she said as if it had nothing to do with her.

"Show her the guest room and get the water ready."

She took the instructions and then went inside to complete them.

The girl knocked at Led's door unseen.

"Who is it?", he asked.

"It's me", she replied.

He unlocked the door and went back to his bed.

"Listen I'm really sorry you had to witness all that", she said.

"Oh, no, I left because of something else."

He stopped short and his face dropped in an instant.

She decided not to nag him about that thing and was about to leave.

"Rosalind", he said.

She closed the door and sat beside him.

"Who is she?"

"The reason behind the death of my mother', he said with a stern voice.

"And your dad?, she asked hesitantly.

He looked at her with a blank expression.

"I killed him myself."