
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
211 Chs


After saying this, the officers, Gregory and Professor Venomous, went into the evidence room and watched the footage, and there the testimonies were confirmed.

Guetta incredulous. "Awesome. This boy was beaten and won!"

On the other hand, Morales did not know what to say about what he saw. "He grabbed that big man by the face and tossed him like a rag doll."

The professor looked very intently at the boy on the screen. Suddenly he noticed a file written on a table about Leni Loud with a careless seal, opened it, and began to read. "A complaint of attempted rape Why did they drop this case, Greg?"

Gregory does not reprimand the professor for reading it, as they both have equal power at the station due to the scientist's donations. "It no longer matters."


"Because a madman slaughtered delinquents with two of his followers. The file is there." Gregory pointed to a folder with Edward's name on it. Reading the horrific details and seeing the twisted images in the pictures, far from feeling horrified, he smiled in a dreadful manner.

The professor closed the file and proceeded to leave, leaving the policemen behind.

-back with Lincoln and Lola.-

The Loud siblings are on their way home.

"I'm sorry I ruined your friend's training, Lola. I don't know how I did it, though."

"Don't worry, Lincoln, you really helped me a lot."

"But now I can no longer accompany you to your practices."

"Never mind, I'm sure Lori will have no problem coming with me."

Lola holds Lincoln's hand. It started snowing, and it was cold. Lincoln had the idea to take Lola out for hot chocolate at the coffee shop that Clyde had taken him to. Inside the café, Pam, who had seen the boy enter the building, was shaking her apron and straightening her hair, and the fact that the boy was blind wasn't a reason she couldn't look any better.

Lincoln and Lola sat down at one of the tables, and Pam took their orders with some nerve, as she still couldn't control the butterflies that formed in her stomach when she saw the white-haired boy, but there was someone else who didn't. Looking away from him, a girl with light blonde hair is holding a red headband and is wearing a white jacket and red pants. The girl stared at Lincoln for a few minutes, but unlike Pam, she looked at him so fearfully that she dropped her coffee cup, which alerted the customers, including the Loud siblings. Pam immediately looked for a mop to clean up the spill while the girl in the jacket ran to hide in the bathroom, where she pulled out her phone and called someone.

"hello?." Christina's voice was on the other end of the phone.

"Hi Christina, I'm Suze."

"Hmm?. When did you get back from Florida?"

"Today, however, it doesn't matter; it seems we have a problem."

"Problem?. What kind of problem?"

"I think I just saw Lincoln Loud."

"Yes, the girls and I know. He's back in town."

"What is he doing here? He was supposed to be locked up in a correctional facility."

"Obviously he ran away."

"He's at Cafe La Frezza. Do I call the police?"

"Yes, do it now."

Suze was about to hang up when she noticed that Lincoln had already left. Damn, he's gone."

"Are you still at the coffee shop?"


"Then move and follow him." Christina looked annoyed.

"Yes, Christina." Suze hung up and started following Lincoln.

Meanwhile, Lincoln and Lola are walking back to their home when a mysterious person calls them.

"Excuse me, youngsters. Are you in any way the Loud siblings?"

Lincoln and Lola turned to where they heard the voice. Lola saw a very strange man, which made her hide behind Lincoln. When he sensed his sister behind him, he became defensive.

"What do you want, sir?" Lincoln spoke in a firm tone.

The man laughed softly. He knew Lincoln would act this way, and he had to be diplomatic. "Calm down, boy. Let me introduce myself. My name is Professor Venomous. From what I see, you are very far from home."

"And what if that is the case, Professor?" Lincoln never stopped putting up the guard.

"Do you want me to drive you?"

Lincoln was not naive. The fight that morning and the dreadful encounter nights ago with these men under the bridge in the garden with Leni had taught him not to let his guard down and to be more alert to strangers. "That's very kind of you, sir, but my sister and I like to walk."

Venomous noticed Lincoln's distrust, but he was a cunning person, and only by seeing the girl he can convince them both. "I understand that, in that case, I'll get into my huge, elegant limousine and let you enjoy your walk." 😂😂😂😂

"Limousine?" Lola stepped out from behind Lincoln and saw a huge limousine parked on the front pavement, looking like a British bus but longer.

"Yeah, that's my limousine, girl. It's the smallest I've ever had, and fortunately I've funded street modifications, making them suitable for turning my vehicles and having better maneuverability."

Lola drooled when she saw the car and ran towards it, and Lincoln followed to pick her up, but she had already gotten in. Lincoln had no choice but to go up as well.

While Lola enjoyed the car's ample luxuries, like a jacuzzi and a 66-inch TV, Professor Venom chatted with Lincoln.


It was already 15:00 p.m. The residents of the Loud House talk to Albert and Myrtle.

"Is that what you want, Dad?" asked Rita Albert.

"I'd like to, but it's not in my hands; it's up to Myrtle."

Myrtle holds Albert's hand. "I have already decided if I want to."

Suddenly, they heard a huge parking lot in front of the house. The family was speechless when they saw the boy descend from the giant on wheels, as was Lisa when she recognized the passenger. It was the brilliant technology and pharmaceutical mogul. Professor Venomous.

"No, I don't want that." The calm was broken by the screams of Princess Loud, who was clutching tightly at the door of the limousine. "I belong here; I haven't tried imported chocolate yet."

It took three hours for the efforts of Loud, Albert, Myrtle, and the limousine driver to persuade Lola to release the car door. Venomous just watched the scene soberly.

Once they had managed to get Lola to leave the door, the family thanked Professor Venomous for the kindness of the ride, accepted it with a nod, and left.

From the window, Lola said goodbye to the beautiful limousine while crying.

The rest of the day passed normally, with some attempts to cheer Lola as she lay in bed.

When Night came, Myrtle and Albert had to go back to their hotel because they were a couple again and could no longer stay at the Loud house.