


"Oh? The ride's over? Already?" Ame complained as she stomped irritably.

'Oh come on! That felt like it was going on forever!' Haru thought as he held onto her shoulder to support himself. 'Why do I have to suffer like this?'

"Hey are you okay? I told you it wasn't scary!" She said as she held him. Haru covered his mouth and ran to the nearest bushes. "Hey where are you--" Ame said as she ran to follow him.

"Blegh!" He had vomitted. "It's not that I was scared, it's just, I have a weak stomach." He said.

"Then why didn't you tell me? Silly." She said as she pulled his face towards her and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. "What? I tried to tell you so many times, but you didn't let me finish!" He said as he pulled away from her.

"I--I'm sorry." She said as she looked down. She just realized how many times Haru tried to speak, but she kept cutting him off. 'So that's what he was trying to say. How inconsiderate of me.

He realized he got mad at her for such a small thing, almost nothing at all. "No. I'm sorry" He said as he patted her on the head. 'I remember, it's all for her!'

"Do you want to go again?" He asked.

"But, you just said--" He didn't let her continue.

"Forget what I said. I'm tough. I can take it." He said as he took her hand. Haru led her as they walked back to the queue when she pulled him and led him to the a cotton candy stall. "I have a much better idea." She said as she handed him a cotton candy. They went to the queue for the ferris wheel.

"You want to ride this now?" He asked as he took a bite out of his cotton candy. She nodded. "Is it because I want to ride it?"

"No, it's because WE want to ride it." She said as she ate from his cotton candy.

"Hey, you have your own." He said.


They were next to get on the ride, Ame was about to step in but...

"Wait! You can go first." He said as he pulled Ame out of he car and let the three girls behind them ride the ferris wheel first.

"Thank you mister." One of them said as they excitedly got entered the ride. Then he let a second group of people in line to cut in front of them again.

"What was that for?" Ame was confused.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just wanted us to ride this specific car." He explained as he pointed to the incoming car...

It was a heart-shaped car. What he just said made her smile unconsciously. "Come on! Let's get in." He said as he pulled him in.

"Have a safe ride." The operator bowed as he closed the car. The ride was about to begin.


They seated opposite each other, looking below through the glass as they ate cotton candy. They secretly took quick glances of each other without either one knowing. Ame looked around and noticed something on the door of the car.

"It is said that if you confess to your loved one on this very car when it reaches the top, you and your loved one will be together forever and no one can drive you apart." Ame read what was written on the scribe. "Isn't this a little too cheesy?" She laughed.

"You find it cheesy?" Haru laughed. They looked through the window and tried to secretly take glances at each other again, but ended up exchanging glances every time. They were chatting as the ride went on. As they reached the very top, the ride stopped.

"What? What happened?" She fell into a panic. "Did the ride break down?" She looked down realizing how high up they were.

"Ame." He called, realizing she wasn't paying attention to her.

"Haru?" She was confused, seeing he was kneeling down on one knee.

"Ame, Tsubaki Ame, I love you." Haru said as he held on to her hands.

"Haru..." She tightened her grip on his hands.

"I know, you don't love me, I know you are forced to be with me, but all I ask of you is to keep anyone else out of your heart, and I'll keep knocking 'til you let me in." He says, making her tear up a bit. She felt moved and guilty at the same time.

'Who am I to be loved so dearly like this? By someone whom I haven't even returned my love to.' She thought.

"Can you do that for me?" He says, looking up at her as their faces flush.

"Of course." She says as she kneels down and hugs him. He was happy as he returns her embrace. He then pulls away and pulls something out of his pocket.

"Then, will you marry me?" he said as he opened a box that revealed a ring.

"Do you even have to ask? We're already arranged to be married stupid!" She laughs as she pounces on him.

"That's what your parents want, I'm asking you what YOU want." Haru pulled away and said in all seriousness.

"Yes! I will marry you!" She blurted out. She realized she sounded overly excited and hugged him again, to hide her flushed face.

He pulled away and squished her tomato-red face. He took the ring out and placed it on her ring finger. "You said yes. Now you have to take responsibility." He said as he squeezed her hands and placed his forehead against hers.

"Do you think I'm the type of person who doesn't take responsibilty for her actions?" She said as she lightly headbutted him. "Ow!" The ride started moving again after a while.

"Silly. Do you think I'd marry a woman like that?" He said as he headbutted her back.

"Were you the one who made the ride stop? Did you plan this?" She asked.

"Who knows?" He shrugged. All he could think was, the timing was perfect. Maybe they were given that moment as sign.

Maybe they were meant for each other...