
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

CHAPTER 9 - Visiting a Zoo. Part 2.

CHAPTER 9 - Visiting a Zoo. Part 2.

Dreimo's second life, before recovering his memories from his first life, was utterly miserable.

Day after day, he suffered constant abuse from strangers and his own mother.

Dreimo was not happy at home, he did not love his mother... He did not love life.

But there was a time when Dreimo was happy, when he made friends his age at the park.

He took advantage of when his mother would get high and drunk the night before, as that meant she would sleep for more than 15 hours, and he would go to the park to play.

He played with the new friends he had made and returned home before his mother woke up. He slowly began to enjoy life... Until that day came.

One of his mother's friends saw him at the park and told her. And what did she do?

She... killed them.

She killed four young children who were only 5 years old, just so that Dreimo wouldn't dare to leave without permission again.

And the worst thing is not that she killed them, the worst thing was what she did with their heads.

After giving Dreimo a brutal beating, which included disgusting sexual torture, she left the children's heads in front of him and forced him to watch while she doused the heads with gasoline and set them on fire.

Seeing all that hurt Dreimo, it hurt him a lot. After all, he was just a little 5-year-old boy, but despite that, he didn't cry... Or rather, he didn't dare to cry out of fear... Fear of his mother.

He simply looked up to see his mother.

"B-but... they were my... fr-friends."

"I already told you I don't care! I told you not to waste time on nonsense!"

"B-but I was just pl-playing..."

A young Dreimo, 5 years old, received a tremendous slap from his mother, and she began to kick him on the ground mercilessly.

Dreimo only groaned on the floor and didn't put up any resistance. After all, he knew it was useless to try and plead for mercy from his mother because if he did, the beating would be worse.

"Stop talking nonsense! I killed them because I wanted to!"

After a couple of blows, she stopped hitting him because if she mistreated him further, he would pass out, and she needed him awake.

"A client will come soon, I can't keep beating you."

She grabbed him by the arm and lifted him up.

Dreimo saw the deformed heads one last time, distorted by the fire, and finally, his tears dared to fall from his eyes.

Despite crying, Dreimo's expression was cold... An expression that reflects he no longer cares about anything.

An expression devoid of any hope.

"You can't have friends."

"... I know... I know."

Dreimo's second life is filled with pain and trauma. Divine punishment for all the pain he caused in his first life? Certainly. He knows that better than anyone, which is why he doesn't hate his mother from his second life or the people who abused him when he was little. Why? Because he believes he deserved it.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

... Ah... Seeing the mothers with their children reminded me of my second mother's whore. The crazy woman was killing my friends simply so that I wouldn't have any ties to anyone, preventing me from getting help, as my own mother was prostituting me.

I didn't receive any help, so I had to personally take care of the problem... Ahhhhhh!! No, Dreimo! We promised to leave the past behind. Just focus on the present.

Damn it. Why am I lately remembering my past so much? Fucking gods, is this your doing? I doubt it, since the Supreme Goddess forbade you from meddling with me... Supreme Goddess... A Goddess who only wants to have fun at the expense of others... Tsk. Fucking Goddess. Are you enjoying yourself? Tsk.

Ah... Dreimo, breathe and forget about your past problems and those fucking Gods. Enjoy the present. Enjoy your friend.

"They're cute, aren't they?"

Yuik nodded quickly. She looks so adorable and excited.

We were watching the monkeys at the zoo.

The animals in this world and the other world are similar, but they're also very different at the same time. They may look alike, but the monkeys from the other world have eyes all over their bodies, allowing them to detect any danger and escape.

In the other world, there are more dangerous and rare animals compared to the animals in this world, which are more harmless and adorable, at least the majority of them.

Since we arrived, I've felt a great excitement and happiness in Yuik. She loves animals, huh? Should I get her a cat or a dog as a pet? Hmm... Well, maybe later. First, I'll wait until she's capable of taking care of herself. If I give her a pet and it accidentally dies, she'll become depressed again. I don't want that to happen, and I also don't want to help her take care of the animal. She needs to learn to handle the responsibilities that a normal adult has. Just as mothers take care of their children, she must learn to take care of a living being so that in the future, when she falls in love with someone, she won't be afraid of having children.

Children... Ah... I also want to have a child, but my sperm is too powerful for a normal human woman in this world or any other world. I can only have children with a woman like the heroes, although the chances of impregnating them are still low. I would only have a 100% chance with a Goddess.

Ah, everything is against me in achieving the normal life I want, but I won't give up!

"Let's keep watching."

It's the first time I come to a place like this with a friend. I always came alone... Ah, I feel sorry for the past Dreimo. But now my life has improved.

I have a true friend and a normal job. I finally have the life I dreamed of.

And I hope it stays peaceful like this.

We toured the entire zoo, not leaving any animal unseen, and we also bought many souvenirs. I couldn't help but buy so many things at the souvenir shop, Yuik loved everything. I was going to buy her just one thing, but when I saw that Yuik couldn't decide, I couldn't resist anymore and bought everything she liked.

And I don't regret a thing! Look at her, wearing a lion cap while hugging a monkey plush. So adorable!

"Ah... We finally finished seeing everything."

Yuik nodded and smiled.

"Are you enjoying this world?"

She nodded quickly.

"Well, well. I see. I'm glad to hear that. This is one of my favorite worlds, mainly because of the technology and video games. There are other similar worlds, but they're strange. Fufu. There's even a world like this, but only women exist, only 0.1% of humanity are men. I was almost violated when I visited."

Almost? I was violated... Well... Ah... I did worse things to that world in the past, so I accepted being taken advantage of... Ahhhhhh! Stop remembering the past!

I'd better keep eating.

We were having hamburgers at the zoo cafeteria.

It was a long day but very fulfilling. Yuik had fun, so this day was very productive.

Oh, Yuik wrote something and showed it to me. "What's the weirdest world you've seen?"

"Hmm... Well... I would say the furry world."

Yuik doesn't know what I mean; I can feel her confusion.

"The furry world is... well... animals that look like humans. I'm not sure if you understand... They're like the Demihumans in our world, but their appearances resemble animals more than humans. Did I explain it well?"

Yuik nodded.

There are many Demihumans that look like bipedal animals, but I think Yuik understood me better with that explanation.

"The furry world is full of animals with human form. It was too strange to see, that's why I didn't stay there for long."

Yuik nodded, indicating that she understood what I said.

Ah, that world is so bizarre... Oh, and my past self didn't care about their appearances and... Ah, I was truly sick.

But it's time to leave, Yuik is already sleepy, I can tell from her eyes.

Well, we've been here for over 6 hours. It's time to go home.

"I think we should leave now."

Yuik finished her burger and nodded... She looks adorable with her mouth full.

Alright, it's time to go.

I stood up and was about to bump into a girl. My mistake. Yuik's adorableness distracted me, and I didn't pay attention to my surroundings.

"I'm sorry."

I managed to step back and avoid the collision.

"I-it's okay."

... Ah... I'm a heartbreaker in this world, huh? Ah, I wish that could help me find true love.

I turned to look at Yuik.

"Let's go."

She stood up, and we left the place.

I'm satisfied with today's outcome.

Yuik's mood improved. I could sense that she had a good time seeing strange animals for her and eating delicious food.

If she continues to achieve these results, I will soon see a smile on her face.

I must make sure no man approaches her. She's not as afraid of me because I revealed that I'm the hero Dreimo, the person who defeated the Demon King. I'm someone admired by humans, and she trusts me because of that. But she's afraid of men because of the bandits who tortured her.

First, she must get used to being with me, forget her past, and move on with her life.

After that, I will let men talk to her... but not yet.

It will be a long process, but it will be worth it.

We returned to the other world and placed a bed next to the other bed in the room.

I bought the most comfortable and expensive bed I could find in the other world so that Yuik can sleep peacefully and without any inconvenience.

"Well, one bed for each of us."

I yawned and lay down.

"Goodnight, Yuik."

Yuik nodded and lay down on the bed.

Good, she didn't get too nervous. I am gaining her trust.

Little by little... Little by little.

(A week later.)

It has been a week since Yuik started living with me.

Fortunately, nothing bad or strange has happened.

Every day has been very normal and peaceful, and that's a good thing.

Yuik is no longer as scared of me as before and she gets less nervous when talking to me.

Unfortunately, she gets very nervous and scared when other people talk to her. If I want her to be independent, I need to teach her how to communicate with others.

"I'd like to take this book."

"Sure. May I have your card?"

"Here you go."

Ah... A calm day at work.

What more could I ask for?

No Gods messing with my life.

No Demons trying to conquer the world.

This tranquility is great.


... No...

Ah... Not him, please... Well, her... Ah, whatever.

Tsk. Why?!

"You're Dreimo, aren't you?!"

I easily recognize that bold outfit.

If I didn't know her true identity, I would think she's a beautiful and fiery girl.

Her white hair, too long to ignore... Wow... Her hair looks like a superhero cape. She let it grow too much.

Her blue eyes... This short attire... Mini shorts... A black blouse that barely covers her midriff... If I didn't know her true identity, I would feel excited.

"Good afternoon, miss. My name is Dreimo. Allow me to finish my work and I'll gladly assist you."

She grabbed me by the suit and got too close, growling like an animal.

"Are you the hero Dreimo?!"

Now, let's pretend to be confused.

"... No. I know he and me have the same name, but..."

"Don't lie!"

She tried to hit me and I cowardly closed my eyes.

"... Why didn't you defend yourself?"

Hehe. I knew she would stop. She may be an aggressive girl, but she doesn't kill innocents.

"M-miss, please, let me go. I'm not the hero Dreimo, he and me have the same name."

"Tsk. I know it's you."

"... I apologize if I offend you, but... don't you think that if the hero Dreimo is hiding, he would choose a different name?"

"... You're right, Dreimo is smart... But I'll be watching you."

"O-of course."

She let go of me and left the library... So aggressive.

"I-I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, miss... Should I change my name? Even the guild master mistook me for him when we met... Ah... I have bad luck."

I have to solve this problem.

Lunchtime, my favorite time of the day. Why? Because it allows me to enjoy a delicious meal in the company of my great friend, Yuik.

Yuik is truly a good friend. She listens to me and doesn't criticize me. She's a great friend, and I feel comfortable around her.

But... it's not love.

I thought I was falling in love with her, but it's not like that, it's not love, it's just friendship.

Why? Because I've been in love before, and it doesn't feel the same. It's similar, but not the same.

But I don't mind, I didn't save Yuik to fall in love with her, I saved her because it was the right thing to do.

I'm no longer the selfish and evil Dreimo from the past, now I'm Dreimo, a kind and compassionate human.

Yuik is beautiful and kind, she would make a perfect girlfriend, but I don't think I'll fall in love with her... or any girl.

I don't deserve to be loved.

"Pizza and hamburgers. Junk food, but it doesn't affect us. We can eat as much as we want!"

Yuik nodded, and we started eating.

"Ah. Eating with someone is more relaxing."

We were eating at our home, in 30 minutes we have to go back to work.

We must make the most of the time we have.



Yuik spoke to me, in her own way, and showed me her notebook.

It says: "Who was the girl that bothered you?"

"Ah, you saw that... Her name is "Seirak," she's the third princess of this country."

She was surprised and wrote: "But the King only has male children."

"Yes... She's a man."

She remained motionless for a few seconds and wrote: "A man? But she's very beautiful."

"Yes... Magic can do incredible things."

Although I was the one who made her a woman... Quite literally.