
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

CHAPTER 4 - A day of shopping. Part 1.

CHAPTER 4 - A day of shopping. Part 1.

My life has been very long and difficult... And also painful.

I have suffered everything, literally everything. I have seen horrible things in my life... And I am tired of it. I am tired of living a life full of suffering, both personal and from others.

I just want to live a normal life. Have friends, maybe a wife and a baby... A peaceful life.

"It's harder than I thought."

If I could, I would travel to world 15 and live there. In that world, there is technology and no monsters that screw up my existence every week... But I can only be in another world for a month, and then I have to come back to recharge my magic energy.

If I travel to another world, for example for a month, when I return to this world, I must be here for a month to be able to travel again.

It's very problematic, that's why I decided to stay here to live.

"I am doomed to live chained to magic."

I hate magic. Tsk. I wish I could eliminate it, at least from this world.

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to relax.

"Mother, father, if you could see me again, would you recognize me?"

That's a question that will never have an answer.

What I did to my own mother is simply unforgivable and disgusting, all because of Sant's mother.

Sant, I don't really hate you, but if I relate too much to you, a part of me that is still hidden inside my heart might awaken.

I am afraid of becoming the same Dreimo as in the past.

I don't want to be the Dreimo of the past... I don't want to.

"Please, I don't want to be him."

I wiped my tears and opened my eyes.

"Yuik, you might be my last hope. Please, help me to be human... Help me to be a good person... Help me to stop being a monster."

I don't want to be a monster. I don't want to.

After calming down, I entered my house and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yuik, I know you can't speak, so knock on the wall once if you're done showering and twice if you're going to take longer."

She knocked once. She's done.

"I'll leave you some clothes. Don't worry, I won't look."

I closed my eyes and opened the door.

I left the clothes on the floor and left.

I bought her some clothes. I bought the first thing I saw, because I don't know Yuik's size or the type of clothes she likes, but at least it will work for now. Tomorrow, I'll buy her more clothes.

"Ah... I need to build another room."

Now that Yuik will live with me, I need to make new modifications to the house so that Yuik can live comfortably with me and not feel uncomfortable.

~Knock knock knock.~

Someone knocked on my door and I yawned.

I hope it's not one of my old stalking colleagues. I don't think they can find me, but nothing is impossible. And considering that my luck can be a complete shitshow, them finding me is quite possible.

I opened the door... Ah, it's just my boss. A beautiful 40-year-old woman. A woman of the Sliper race, but I prefer to call her a Slime woman.

Her body is literally made of slime, although she wears normal clothes. Sometimes I forget that there are very rare species in this world. That makes the world more interesting, but also weirder, and that ruins the normality I seek.

Her slime hair is cute. I have to control my urge to ask her permission to touch it.

She is a fairly normal woman, unlike the women who commonly surrounded me in the past, and that's why I like working with her.

Demon Queen women, Goddesses, Queens, supreme rulers of some species, famous singers, actresses, blah, blah, blah. A never-ending stream of women of that kind surrounded me... Although... I forced them to be with me... And almost all of them ended up dead after I got bored of them... Why do I keep remembering my past?

Anyway. My boss is a woman who has been divorced twice and has a son. She is a 40-year-old woman who is quite normal and average, not taking into account her race. Being a librarian will allow me to relate to normal people, therefore, I will also be considered normal and even boring.

"Hello, Miss Neik. What can I do for you tonight?"

Ah, the followers of the God Rauk have weird and short names.

... Well, Dreimo is very weird too, so I have no right to criticize the names of others.

"And the books?"

"Uh...? Ah... Ah... T-the books...?"

"Yes, the books. I was notified of your arrival, so I suppose you already picked them up. Or am I mistaken?"

S-shit, I forgot. I forgot to go get the books! My job is in danger!

"W-well, I..."

"You didn't do what I asked? Why didn't you go? I told you to go immediately."

"B-but I already went. I just arrived. I was lucky to have traveled without any inconvenience."

The city is a bit far away, it's a two-day carriage ride, but I can lie to her saying I rode on a very fast horse.

"Really? Then give me the books."

"Wait, please."

I quickly entered my room. What I'm about to do is not normal, but it's an emergency.

"[Teleportation. City Carmei.]"

A portal appeared in front of me.

"I promised myself to never use magic unless it's necessary, but this is an emergency.

I entered the portal.

After traveling and returning, I handed the books over to my boss.

Luckily, I got them back quickly, so it didn't take long. As long as my boss doesn't ask anything about me to the employee at the other library, she won't suspect anything.

"Here you go. And sorry, I had planned to deliver them tomorrow, that's why I didn't make it to the library."

"I see."

Tentacles came out of her back and took the books.

"Good job, see you tomorrow."

"Y-yes. Goodbye. See you tomorrow."

She left and I closed the door.

Ah... I did it.

My legs started shaking and I fell to the floor on my knees.

I lost almost all my magic power when I defeated the Demon King. I used a lot of magical energy healing Yuik and turning her into a vampire. And now I used teleportation magic... Damn, it's the first time in years that I feel so tired.

I need a good rest... Huh?

Someone touched my shoulder.


I looked up and saw Yuik, wearing the clothes I gave her. Simple sleeping clothes.

"Do you like them? Are they comfortable?"

She nodded.

"I'm glad. I didn't know your size, so I bought the first thing I saw. It looks good on you."

I got up from the floor and sighed.

"Ah... My head hurts. Let's go to sleep. I'll take a bath tomorrow. I'm really sleepy."

Yuik nodded.

Today was a long day. I hope Yuik can rest comfortably.

And if she can't sleep, I'll have to modify her dreams. Something drastic, but necessary for Yuik to be able to rest.

I placed a pillow on the floor and stretched my arms. There's only one bed, so I'll sleep on the floor so Yuik can sleep on the bed. I can't allow her to keep sleeping uncomfortably on the floor.

"You can use the bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

She shook her head and pointed at the floor with her index finger. Huh? She doesn't want me to sleep on the floor? Wow, she really is a good person. My heart is touched.

"Don't you want me to sleep on the floor?"

She shook her head.

I'm sorry, Yuik, but we can't sleep together, that could be misinterpreted, and you wouldn't be able to sleep comfortably with a man in the same bed as you, and I won't allow you to sleep on the floor either.

"Ah... Please use the bed. Even though it doesn't look like it, the floor is more comfortable for me. Please use the bed... Ah, so sleepy."

I couldn't bear the sleep anymore and lay down on the floor.

"Good night. Rest well. Have sweet dreams."

Today was a good day for me. I got a new friend. A pure girl who tries to move forward with her life despite having gone through hell in life.

Yuik, you're a good person, you don't deserve to suffer, and I'll make sure you don't suffer again... Even if it costs me my life.

When Dreimo fell asleep, Yuik nervously looked at the bed. "Is it okay for me to use his bed? Will he get mad at me if I dirty it?" She wondered this. Her slave mentality hasn't gone away yet, as she still can't believe her life has really changed.

She watched Dreimo sleep.


She covered her mouth, remembering she couldn't speak.

She wanted to thank him for giving her a place to sleep, so she wrote a note and left it on his chest.

"T-than... T-than..."

Just saying those words tired her out, so she stopped to catch her breath.

With one last effort, she took a breath and spoke.

"Thank you."

Timidly and with her entire body full of nervousness, she lay down on the bed.

She looked around. There was no one else. It was just the two of them in the room. A pretty room and a comfortable bed.

She was afraid Dreimo would violate her while she slept, but she regretted thinking that for two reasons.

Number 1: Dreimo is the strongest man she has ever met. If he wanted to, he could have easily violated her, but he didn't.

Number 2: He gave her food, returned the parts of her body she lost, and now gave her a comfortable bed. Distrusting the person who did so much for her would be disrespectful.

She decided to trust him and sleep.

She closed her eyes and tears fell from her eyes.

For the first time in a long time, Yuik slept without fear of being violated.

She slept without fear of being tortured.

She slept in a bed and not on the floor.

For the first time in a long time, she felt like a human being and not an object.