
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

CHAPTER 10 - A Trap

CHAPTER 10 - A Trap

This world is very homophobic, that's one of the things I tried to fix in this world. During my stay in this world as the hero Dreimo, I did many things to improve it, like killing nobles and kings to replace them with trustworthy people whom I could manipulate at will. I also shared my scientific knowledge with certain individuals to enhance the quality of life for others.

If all goes well, in about 100 years, this world will cease to be savage and become like the 15th world. The only downside will be the increase in pollution, but that will be a problem for the future Dreimo.

"Ah... Ah..."

Yuik tries to speak.

Oh... It seems Yuik has shown some interest in her. She probably thinks it's impossible for her to be a man... Well, she's a woman... Ah... She still has her male parts, but she's almost a woman... But she identifies as a woman... That topic is complicated to explain.

She's a woman, end of discussion.

The important thing is that Yuik has shown interest in her.

And is that a good thing? Of course. It means she's curious. If she didn't care anymore, she wouldn't be curious to know about her.

It's a big step forward. I hope this continues and no one ruins it.

"Do you want to know her story? I have funny and interesting anecdotes about her."

Yuik said no... Shyly... She's lying. She's really very curious.

She shook her head quickly, but I sense shyness in her. Ah, Yuik, you shouldn't feel shy around me, you can ask me anything, I'll never be bothered.

"No...? Ah... Yes... I understand... My life can be a bit boring..."

She quickly said no and wrote, "You're not boring! I didn't want you to think I'm an intrusive girl."

Hehe. Pity worked. Yuik, you're too easy to fool. We also need to work on that aspect of your personality. You're too pure and kind, but unfortunately, this world is savage and dangerous. Kind people like you are easy prey for monsters disguised as humans.

For example, if you didn't have my protection, any man could deceive you by pretending to need help, and when you approach him, he could drug you and abuse you. I've seen many victims who have been abused in that way. Their kindness was to blame for those men violating them... Ah, that sounded bad... I mean they should be kind, but not too much. They should have survival instincts and never forget that not all people are good. There are many bad people in this world... and I was one of those bad people... Ah, not to exaggerate, I was the Supreme King of the bad people. That's why I know their way of thinking and acting.

That's why you need to learn how to differentiate when a person is sincere and when a person is lying. I must teach you how to survive without me. In a few years, maybe you'll fall in love with someone and start your own family, and when that happens, I won't be able to be by your side all the time. I'll continue to protect you, but without you knowing it. I want you to be independent.

"Don't worry, it's not something private... Well, yes, but not that much. It's nothing compared to the secret about my identity as the hero Dreimo... I'll tell you the story of how she and I met."

Get ready to learn one of the many reasons why the King of this country hates me to death.

This story begins in my early days as a hero. When I was 15 years old and awakened to my hero duties, I was forced to meet the King.

I had a plan to escape and start a new life, but I didn't know the full extent of the Demon King's power. If I wanted to have even a semblance of a normal, long life, the Demon King had to die.

And knowing my luck, if I didn't help defeat the Demon King, I would never be able to enjoy a normal life.

I decided to join the heroes and kill him.

I met the King and encountered my fellow heroes... but the first impression I made was terrible. Too terrible.

You already know my personality, Yuik, I don't like rude people or those who think they're more important than me, and when they realized that, they got angry.

"You must kneel, commoner!"

"Mmm... Nah. I don't want to."

"Do it!"

"Are you deaf? I told you I don't want to. Now go and get me something to eat. Quickly," I said to the prince, snapping my fingers.

The third prince wanted to force me to kneel before the King, but I promised myself never to kneel before someone I don't respect.

And the King is no exception.

My fellow heroes knelt before him, and that annoyed me greatly.

"Hey, idiot, you'll get us into trouble! Just do what they ask!" yelled the future traitor of the group.

"Why should we kneel before someone who needs our help? He should be kneeling before us, begging us to defeat the Demon King. Hey, you piece of crap King, at least say 'please, help humanity'! The heroes are the hope of humanity, not you, you old piece of crap!"

I was too rude to him and made a very bad first impression on my fellow heroes, but I couldn't help it. The King reminded me of someone I hated with a passion in the past, so asking me to kneel before him was like asking me to kneel before the person I hate the most.

"I told you to do it! Learn to respect your superiors, commoner!"

"Superiors? Haha. Are you serious, idiot?"

I laughed a little and approached him with firm steps and no fear.

The guards tried to stop me, but when they attacked me, I destroyed their weapons with my own hands, leaving them defenseless.

That scared them, and they stopped attacking me.

"Who has the hero job? You or me? Who has the opportunity to defeat the Demon King? Do you think you're superior to me? Come and prove it. If you land a single blow on me, I'll lick your shoes. How does that sound, piece of shit on legs?"

Yes, yes, I know, Yuik, I was too rude to him. I was a teenager, Yuik, I hadn't developed the manners and etiquette I have now.


He tried to hit me, without any fear in him.

By the way, the third prince wasn't effeminate at all; on the contrary, he was quite masculine. He was two meters tall, huge, and had enormous muscles. You would never believe he would become a beautiful girl. He seemed too masculine, which is why even I was surprised by his sexual orientation.

I easily stopped his fist with my hand, and with two simple punches to the face, I knocked him unconscious to the ground.


I exchanged glances with the King and smiled at him.

"Now, get on your kne... Huh?!"

"And then, the heroes broke my face to prevent me from bothering the King because they and their families respected him. I could easily defeat them, but I didn't want them to think I was stronger than them. Why? If I were stronger, they would envy me and try to kill me. And if I were too weak, they would take advantage of me. I kept myself at the same level as them."

Ah, the King was the only normal human who managed to match the Demon King in the past, which is why he is admired by the humans in this world. But I know his secret, that's why I don't respect him.

He had a harem, great power, and invented manga in this world. He's a Japanese person who reincarnated in this world!

Reincarnated and summoned individuals always obtain incredible unique abilities. Even the simplest ones are very powerful if used correctly.

And yes, the King "had" a harem because I forced him to only be with one woman, and I sent the others to another world to start a new life. My mother, the former Goddess of Love, despised harems, and in her honor, I will compel as many people as I can to respect her ideology, whether they like it or not.

This world will soon have a law and rule to only have one wife or husband, and it will be illegal to have more than one partner... Oh, Yuik wrote.

Yuik wrote: "Great. What did you do next?"

"Survive the harassment from the third prince."

After accepting to become a hero and studying at a magic school, I started being harassed by the third prince. He followed me everywhere and declared himself as my rival.

He literally followed me everywhere.

When I trained with my fellow heroes, he would appear and train with us until he passed out from the pain. Our training was intense to become more powerful in less time.

When I was in class, he would sit next to me and compete to see who got the better grades. He only beat me once, and that was because I couldn't be bothered to do an assignment. He celebrated for three whole days.

I got tired of it and ended up accepting him as my disciple to make him stop bothering me with the whole rival thing.

I thought he was only following me because he wanted to become stronger and surpass me... I was very wrong.



When I entered his room to teach him offensive magic, I found him dressed in women's clothing.

Have you ever seen a huge man wearing a mini skirt, exposing his rear while wearing overly tight women's underwear? I hope you never do.

"Why don't you knock?!"

"Why are you dressed like that?!"

It was too uncomfortable, and after discovering what he felt for me, it became even more uncomfortable.

Yuik wrote: "Was he following you because he fell in love with you?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

Oh, I remembered what I did to her and my fellow heroes. Damn curse!

Yuik wrote: "What did you do?"

"I obviously rejected him. I have never fallen in love... and he was no exception... But I did him a favor in exchange for him to stop harassing me. I turned him into a woman. I used my magic to modify his body... Blah, blah, blah. It was a long and boring process, not worth describing... He became a beautiful girl. Unfortunately, I couldn't remove his member. My magic isn't that good... But at least she looks cute, right?"

Yuik nodded.

Yes, he... she is beautiful. She has a big penis between her legs, but that doesn't make her any less beautiful. After all, I based her new appearance on the looks of a Goddess I met in the past.

"Ah... And her father took away her right to the throne and expelled her from the family. They didn't like the idea of him being a woman. Knowing that made me angry, and I shoved a cucumber up the King's ass in front of all the citizens of the Capital... again. And now she's an S-class adventurer... I guess... The last I heard, she was an A-class adventurer. Considering everything I taught her, I hope she has reached the S-class by now."

Stupid fucking King, you come from a modern world where people's sexual orientation is respected, and it turns out you're homophobic? Tsk. I truly hate you. I don't regret shoving so many cucumbers up your ass.

Yuik wrote: "By the way, why don't you fall in love with anyone? Is there someone waiting for you in another world?"

Well, the closest thing to that would be Sant, but I only see her as a friend.

"Hmm... No... I've never had a girlfriend... Well, yes, but I've never loved anyone. I tried experiencing love, but it never worked out. I dated many girls, even had sex with most of them, but I never developed the feeling of love... After a few years, I gave up and stopped trying to find love. Now I just want to have friends... I don't know if I'll ever fall in love with someone..."

I took a bite of the pizza and smiled.

"You and I are more similar than you think... I didn't trust people either. I went out with all those girls because I hoped I could change and become more "normal"... But it didn't work. I currently only trust my friends, but I don't feel any romantic attraction towards anyone... I guess it's my curse."


After staying silent and still for a few seconds, Yuik wrote: "Can you tell me more about your past?"

Oh, you were gathering the courage to ask, huh? You're learning.

Well done for asking, Yuik, but I can't talk about that, not yet.

I don't want you to hate me.

"... I'm sorry... I'd rather not talk about it... The only thing I can tell you is... Well... When I told you that I was abused too, it wasn't a lie. My mother prostituted me to pedophiles and I was raped... My own mother... From the time I can remember until I was 7 years old... Ah..."

Yuik looked at me sadly... Tears in her eyes... Damn it, I made her feel bad!

"But that's in the past!"

I smiled to show that I'm fine.

"Now I'm happy. I have a friend, a good job... A normal life... It's everything I dreamed of having... I just need to fall in love, but I don't think that will happen... I guess I'm destined to die alone."

Yuik shook her head saying no... No?

She wrote: "I'm your friend, I'll always be with you."

"... A loyal friend... Someone who won't betray me..."

That's what I've always wanted... A true friend.

"Thank you very much, Yuik... That means a lot to me... More than you can imagine... Thank you... Well, let's keep eating, the food will get cold!"

Yuik nodded quickly and continued eating.

... I finally achieved one of my dreams... Having a true friend... Yuik is an honest person... Thank you for coming into my life, Yuik.

Thank you very much.

Honestly, I thought my life would be gray and boring, but since you arrived, color has returned to my life. Thank you for giving me this happiness that I don't deserve. Thank you for being with someone like me.

(A while ago.)

Seven-year-old Dreimo sat on the floor, looking at his lifeless mother's body.

"... I did it..."

Tired of the abuse he endured, Dreimo stabbed her several times in the chest and slit her throat so she couldn't scream.

"... I am free..."

But despite feeling happy, his expression didn't change. He still maintained a blank face.

"I am finally free."

(Pov - Sant, the Goddess of Hell.)

Why do I feel like that prostitute will steal Dreimo from me...? No... I shouldn't worry so much... Dreimo doesn't fall in love with anyone. I must be patient and wait for him to get used to his new life before flirting with him.

"When will you accept me, Dreimo?"

While Dreimo eats with that prostitute, I was sitting, watching the bandits who violated Yuik. They were being violated by orcs with huge members and tentacles. Their screams of pain are satisfying.

Dreimo, Dreimo, my lovely Dreimo, I hope you like this.

"Fufu. And this is just the beginning."

This is nothing compared to what awaits them.

Dreimo, you will be proud of me and give me a kiss as a reward.

"... No... I shouldn't worry... I am a virgin. Dreimo wouldn't choose a used girl... I hope not. Why settle for the leftovers of bandits instead of having a pure girl like me as a girlfriend?"

Ah... Why do I have to pay for my mother's sins?

Damn it.

"I will send him a photo... Fufu. I think I'll also send him something else."

I hope you like it, handsome. Think of me a lot when you pleasure yourself.

(Pov - Dreimo.)

Huh? Did I receive a message?

I took out my phone... Perfect, Sant sent me what I asked for.

I opened the message and looked at the pictures.

"... Fufu. This is satisfying to see."

You can tell they're suffering a lot. Perfect. They're being violated. They deserve it. This is satisfying to see... Oh, I already said that. But yes, it's very satisfying.

Later, I'll personally skin them and bathe them in lemon juice, and then put them in a giant frying pan with boiling oil.

I saved the photograph in my gallery and deleted the picture that Sant sent me in underwear, showing me her buttocks.

"That last part is unnecessary."

Although she has a cute tattoo of a black heart on her right buttock. And there was a drop of blood in the center...? Ah, I remember now.

Ah, you still remember that, Sant?