
I Rule the Wolves with My Mate after the Fall of My Pack

My father, the Alpha of the Bright Moon Pack was tortured to death by Reid, the Alpha of the Dark Night Pack, with a butterfly knife. My mother, the Luna, was forced to apologize to the masses as she stood up on a public podium, where she cut herself into pieces. My mentor, Gale, fought the enemy alone to save me, and was never seen again. Gale's son, Pirlo, dragged me out as I tried to return to the Pack in an attempt to rescue my father and other loyal Pack members, telling me to live well. "You are now the heir of the Bright Moon Pack, and everyone sacrificed themselves to save you. You have a responsibility now, understand?" He also told me to hide my identity by disguising myself with a new identity: Gina Miller, his younger sister and an Omega. However, just as we managed to escape, he told me, "Sorry, I think I will go back to take a look…" I watched as my brother turned around and walked towards hell on earth, wishing that it was me instead. Even so, I have a heavy responsibility on my shoulders, and I cannot decide lightly what I should do with my own life now. I waited at the location where we separated, only to be betrayed in return—I believed that Dolly was a friend who suffered the same situation I did, and though I initially believed that she sold me out for her own freedom, it turned out that she sacrificed too much for me. Captured and brought to Reid, I felt a shiver in my blood as he narrowed his eyes at me. "What's your name?" I managed to trick him and became a slave of the Dark Night Pack, hiding my age and biding my time before I become an adult, awaken my Wolf, and strengthen my supernatural abilities. Then, I would avenge my Pack, my parents, my mentor, and my brother! When Reid's daughter reached adulthood, he gathered the Alphas and Betas of neighboring Packs who were without mates to pick the best for his daughter. Elo, an Alpha, hated Reid and had no intention of taking part in some inane banquet, but his best friend Plon dragged him along, using intelligence gathering as an excuse. Elo was then surprised to find that the food offered at the table of the Dark Night Pack was delicious, and he slept soundly after hearing the verse of a simple tune despite being an insomniac. Moreover, he seemed to pick up an alluring scent in his dreams, and decided he must find the musician!

Mountain Springs · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Extermination of the Entire Clan

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Gina's P.O.V.]

I was surrounded by werewolves. Some of them were fleeing in defeat, while some had resigned themselves to their fate. I tried my best to move forward, but I was too weak. In the end, I let them push me around.

Everyone around me was moving in multiple directions, pushing me along as they went and I almost fell. But before I touched the ground, a pair of strong hands firmly pulled me up from behind.

I gratefully turned my head and saw that it was the son of my father's most trusted elder, Pirlo. I decided to depend on him to walk to the front of the Pack.

We arrived at an execution platform where my parents were tied up to a pole.

A burly werewolf stood in front of my parents, playing with a butterfly knife in his hand. His eyes were full of contempt as he looked at my parents. "Who should I kill first?" asked he. He sounded so casual that it was almost like he was playing a game.

That werewolf was Dark Night Pack's Alpha, Reid. I didn't know much as I was young, but I knew that he was the werewolf who invaded my pack and the same werewolf who captured my parents. I hated him to the bone.

Reid's eyes were fierce as the butterfly knife slid across my father's neck very slowly, torturing my father. My poor father's eyes widened in pain as if his eyeballs were about to fall out. And yet, my father never cried out. He held onto his last dignity as our Alpha.

Reid was getting bored so he exerted the rest of his strength and cut off my father's head with ease.

In an instant, I immediately felt my connection with my father break. I saw blood spurting out of my father's neck and the thick smell of blood flooded my nose.

A huge sadness instantly surged within me. I couldn't believe that my father, who had always been invincible, would die so easily in front of me. All kinds of memories with my father replayed in my mind. It was so overwhelming I almost blacked out.

My legs went soft and I knelt on the ground as tears couldn't stop falling from my eyes. I wanted to scream but Pirlo quickly covered my mouth and brought me away.

I wanted to break free from Pirlo's grip. My mother was still there. The sight of my weak mother up there squeezed my heart and I suddenly felt it hard to breathe.

However, Pirlo was too strong. Even though I was using all my strength to hit him, he didn't loosen his grip on me in the slightest.

He brought me to another werewolf and stopped. The werewolf looked at me with eyes filled with heartache as he took me from Pirlo. He was Pirlo's father, Gale, and Father's most trusted elder. Gale was also my teacher who had been by my side since I was born.

I collapsed in his arms as if I had found someone to rely on and release my pent-up emotions. I grabbed his collar and cried loudly, "Teacher, my father, my father is dead."

"Gina, don't be afraid. I am here. I will protect you." His hands patted my back, hoping to comfort and calm me. "Be good, be quiet. Don't let him find you."

I've always listened to my teacher's words, but the pain of losing a parent still made me choke with sobs.

At this moment, an arrogant and wild laugh attracted everyone's attention.

"Shut up!" Reid shouted to all the werewolves in the audience. "Your Pack's Alpha is so useless. You should just surrender."

He picked up my father's head from the ground and stuck it on my mother's face, who was still crying. He laughed wildly again."You don't want to be like him, do you? Now that your Pack is mine, you should belong to me too, Luna."

He was right, he defeated my father. According to werewolf rules, our Pack, including all members, now belonged to him.

"Alright, I agree."

My eyes widened in shock at my mother's words. I didn't expect her to agree so quickly. I found it hard to accept this reality for a moment. My teacher was also looking sorrowful as his hands that were holding me gradually tightened.

But Reid had already this response from her since he didn't believe that a she-wolf could still have a backbone in the face of death. He laughed as he said, "A beauty really knows how to adapt to the situation."

He untied her and reached out to hold her. And it was at this moment that my mother whipped out a small knife out of nowhere and stabbed at Reid without any hesitation.

Unfortunately, Reid had a much faster reaction as he dodged and kicked my mother hard in the stomach, sending her flying two meters away. The knife in my mother's hand fell and Reid stepped on it.

My mother wanted to get up from the ground, but Reid had kicked her too hard. Blood slowly flowed from the corner of her mouth.

My mother had always been weak and this kick had probably taken away half of her life. My heart ached, but Teacher's words still lingered in my mind. I could only watch on, suppressing the urge to run to her.

Suddenly, I felt my consciousness connect with my mother's. She had activated the group consciousness connection. As Luna, she could project to every werewolf in the Pack at the same time.