
I Ruined Mr. Tyrant's Wedding

Allison Gray is Miss Wrecker. She gets paid for ruining relationships. But she has one rule to this job: Never ruin a good relationship. So when she was offered a job to ruin Evan Mori's wedding, she took it and didn't hesitate. After all, it was only a marriage for business and the bride has a hidden lover. She portrayed her role perfectly and ruined the wedding day, but there's one big complication: Evan Mori turns out to be her new boss and the tyrant demands for compensation she can't afford: her hand in marriage. - "What exactly do you want from me, Mr. Mori?" "I told you, I want a bride. You took my bride, you bring me another one." She snickered. "You want me to become a matchmaker?" "No, sweetheart," he stood from his seat and leaned forward. Both his hands were flat on the table as he crouched and peered down at Allie's piercing eyes. Evan stared at her green eyes darkly. They were so alive like a lovely summer forest, yet at the same time they were unnervingly cold and fearless. He didn't like her defiance. "You will take her place. You will be my bride."

macy_mori · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Give Me Five Days

"Do you want to use the bathroom?" Allie asked.

"You think you can outsmart me?"

Instead of answering, Allie walked back to the table, only to find Jodie Brookes nowhere to be seen.

Evan followed her with quiet steps. She turned to him with accusing eyes.

"What did you do? You made her leave?"

"And you're the one annoyed now, Miss Gray?" Evan's voice was so calm, yet it carried the weight of a deadly rock ready to smash Allie into pieces.

"You notified my secretary about our meeting, but you didn't say anything about including Miss Brookes. Am I so unremarkable in your eyes that you find my time worth wasting?" He walked to the table and poured himself a glass of wine.

He took a sip and shot a glare at her.

"I came here thinking that you finally made your decision, but it seems like I was wrong. You are a stubborn one, Miss Gray."

"Mr. Mori, I don't understand why you want to marry me when women like Miss Jodie are more than willing to marry you. If this is your way of getting back at me for ruining your wedding, then you should think twice. I am just an ordinary person. Even if I agree to compensate you the way you want, I'm sure your family will not be in favor of our marriage."

He shook his wine glass and leaned on the table, slightly sitting on it.

"You are missing something, Miss Gray. An important detail. That's why you don't understand this whole situation."

Allie's eyebrows twitched.

They stared into each other's eyes as Evan continued.

"I want a marriage with no strings attached. I treat my marriage purely as a business. My wife cannot have feelings for me. The likes of Miss Brookes wouldn't match my taste, and surely we wouldn't get along on that matter."

Such a heartless man, thought Allie. Was that the reason why he was okay with marrying Miss Ambrose before because she loved someone else?

Allie wasn't fond of romance, but she regarded marriage with high value. Marriage should be only for two people devoted to each other.

"That's why you are perfect, Miss Gray. You treat ruining relationships as a job, so marrying me would be a job as well. Don't worry, I would take care of everything you need."

He stepped closer to her. "I would provide you with everything a husband should do. The only thing you need to do is present yourself to the world as my wife."

She sucked in her breath when she inhaled his scent.

"Let me ask you a question, Mr. Mori. Why do you want to get married so badly?"

He snapped his fingers. "Good question." Here he goes again, smiling like a devilish angel. "Simply because I want my mother's shares. If I get married, only then will she give me her shares."

As Allie expected, it was all about business.

"Marrying a commoner like me wouldn't be good for you. In high society, it's scandalous to marry someone of my status. You should have an heiress of a big company as your wife, Mr. Mori."

He smirked. "I have an empire of my own, so I don't need a rich wife. Sure, it might cause a scandal for a while, but those things don't last long, love. All I need is a doll wife who can sit pretty without meddling in my business."

"You're crazy," Allie muttered, shaking her head.

She grabbed her bag and was about to leave. She was a few steps from the door when she heard him speak.

"Is that a no, then? If you refuse to compensate me, then I will make you pay for the damages by ruining Code Vision's chances of survival."

This made Allie furious.

But she held back. If she rushed at him and hit him, he would be provoked, and she could get sued! Who knows what else he would do? She didn't want him to ruin Code Vision, let alone interfere with Redlip.

Allie took a deep breath.

"How about we make a deal, Mr. Mori?"

"Oh?" His brow shot up, and his lips seemed to curl into a cruel smirk. "Mm, let's see."

"Give me five more days. I will look for a perfect bride who meets your standards. If I can't find anyone by then..." Allie gulped, finding it hard to utter the next words, "I will marry you."