

Mr. Kim suddenly asks something weird about Arhi . And Arhi is just silent after Mr. Kim asked.

Grel : "What do you mean Mr. Kim?" I feel Arhi 's fighting style has no problem.

Mr. Kim closed his eyes, he tried to remember something.

Kim: "I still remember back in the day when I was training with the Queen, Cira ." He looks at Arhi again.

Kim: "Her eyes are like Arhi flowers. The aura is firing but it is not a fire, but a flower. A flower is beautiful, but a Arhi flower has thorns. She shoots like how the flower hurt people. Meanwhile, there's another Arhi flower. It was a yellow Arhi . But what happened here, the yellow Arhi flower does not have any thorns on it. It was different when you shot your tricky arrow at my face without hesitation yesterday."

Arhi does not answer anything from it.

Mr. Kim looks at Arhi for a moment.

Kim: "Hmmm... I guess both of you can guess it later. I'm just helping all of you to improve. Other than that, I did not have anything again to tell you." He means both me and Fasmel .

He is walking toward the Might Kingdom, it seems he is going back now. Then he stopped, then looked behind.

Kim: "Ah yes... About Grel . You still need to be careful with your power."

I was confused about what he was saying to me.

Grel : "My power?"

Mr. Kim continues his walk toward the Might Kingdom.

Then suddenly my power aura is depleted. And it makes my shield heavier to carry with one hand.

I instantly drop the tip of the shield at the bottom to the ground and it helps me for a moment.

Grel : "Huuff... Almost fall off." Then I tried to lift it again. I can still manage to lift it.

Grel : "Ok this is around 60kg. Lifting this with one hand for a long time is not good." I put the tip of the shield to the ground again to help me relieve it.

So this is what Mr. Kim is meant. I completely forgot about my new shield. Mr. Kim doesn't have a shield or weapon with him, but he even calculates all of our power at the time. Including my new shield. Is this what people call "Flight hours"?

(Reference: Flight hours are the duration of your skill, work, or job of your life on the field, the longer flight hours, the long experience will gain.)

Fasmel : "Haaaah... Why did he just surrender? I want to train so badly. It is still only half of my power range." She looks so disappointed.

Grel : "Ahaha..." Awkward laugh. "That's how he is."

Then I lurk at Arhi , she looks at Mr. Kim but still did not say anything.

Fasmel : "Ah! I know!" She suddenly looks so excited.

Fasmel : "Level 8... Power enhancement." Her body becomes infused with a red aura of power.

Fasmel : "Now. Give me the shield for a second."

Grel : "Eh? Are you fine?"

Fasmel walked toward me and insisted on having the shield from me.

Fasmel : "I want to try to lift it. I'm also strong you know."

Grel : "Um, yes but that's not how it works."

Fasmel : "C'mon let me help you with this, okay?"

Grel : "Emmm... Alright..." I move to the right side a bit while still holding the shield and give Fasmel some space to lift it.

Grel : "You ready?"

Fasmel 's position is already behind the shield. And she put her arm in the middle of the hanger of the shield.

Fasmel : "Yes!"

Then I loosen my hand from the shield. My power aura on the shield mow is depleted and gone quickly. But the power from Fasmel was not infused into the shield.

Fasmel : "Eh?" Her body was forcibly moved to the front with the shield she was holding. She does not control the shield, but the shield is controlling her body. And then she falls with the shield.

Fasmel : "Eeuughh!..." At the same time after she falls, her aura is depleted and disappears.

Grel : "Ah... So powerful."

Fasmel : "Why can't I lift it..."

Grel : "It's literally not your power you obsess."

Fasmel : "Uuughh... That is still weird. How is that even possible?" She said that while still on the ground.

Well to be honest I don't understand it either. The user power can only be infused with their specialty weapon or shield. That's just how it works.

While we were both talking, Arhi walked toward the horse.

Arhi : "Let's just go back."

Both I and Fasmel look at each other.

Fasmel stands up and chases Arhi .

Fasmel : "Wait, don't even think about riding the horse!"

Arhi : "Even if you ask I don't want to. The distance is just pretty short."

Fasmel goes up to the horse saddle.

Fasmel : "Maybe sometimes I will give you the front seat after I teach you how to ride properly."

Arhi : "Like I said I can ride it! It was back when I was a kid... *Sigh."

Fasmel : *Giggling. "Alright. My bad..."

While both of them were talking, I was thinking about how I will lift the shield with me. The weight is about 60kg right now.

Grel : "Alright! I will carry it just like this!" I carried the shield to my back and started walking.

Fasmel : "You sure will carry that? Are you not gonna recast that again?" She is asking while we are all moving toward the Might Kingdom.

Grel : "Yep..." Trying to manage my breath.

Time skipped ahead and we arrived at the gate.

Fasmel parks the house to the housekeeper, Arhi and I went inside first.

I said to Arhi she should go first since I will put this shield on Mr. Doon's place since it's near the gate then to the inn.

Then I put the shield inside of Mr. Doon's place and leave.

Doon: "Hahaha... How does it feel young prince? Carrying this shield... Hahaha..."

Grel : "Ahahah..." awkwardly laughing. "It's just heavier than I thought."

Doon: "Don't worry young princes, just come here anytime when you need my place again."

Grel : "Thank you, Mr. Doon." Then I walk back to my inn, and Mr. Doon waving at me saying goodbye.

Grel : "Fiuhh... My shoulder feels so tired."

Hmmm... I flashback to last night with Mr. Kim.

The scene changed when Mr. Kim and Grel were on the top of the roof.

Kim: "The reason I only teach you about instinct, is because you have a different heart than the other. People hate you, people don't see you, people ignore you, and it damages your trust in them, but you did not seek any revenge. Your heart remains calm."

Then the scene changed back to where I walked.

Kim is talking but in Grel 's mind: "You might be the chosen one to enter the mist."

The mist... Some places where these places do not exist in this world but can be entered by some people like Fasmel 's father. A dimension when a person forcibly or by accident enters it. The other world seems to have true information with Kiwi as proof.

Wait... Wait a minute... If Kiwi was coming from another dimension and came to this world... Then that means...

The scene changed when Dai was sweeping the floor of my rented inn. Then I quickly opened up the door.

Dai : "Hm? Young prince? Why does the young prince seem in a hurry."

I looked around the bedroom.

Grel : "Where is she?"

Dai : "I'm sorry young prince, who?"

Grel : "Of course Kiwi ."

I looked around but she was not even there in the bathroom.

Dai : "Aah. Kiwi ... She's run away..."

Grel : "What??" I was shocked after hearing it.

Then suddenly someone taps my trouser at the back.

I look at it. I don't see anything. But then suddenly Kiwi becomes visible.

Kiwi : "Boo! Hehehe..." She tried to surprise me.

Dai : "Sorry young prince, she just wants to surprise the young prince."

Grel : "Ahaha..." I turn around and kneel to her.

Grel : "You got me..." I pet her.

She smiled.

Grel : "About that power..."

Kiwi : "Yes?"

Grel : "Do you remember where you got it?"

Kiwi seems confused.

Kiwi : "What does it mean?"

Grel : "Hmmm... It's like where you first know and learn that power. Something like that."

Kiwi : "Mmmm... I just learned it from grandma."

Grel : "Grandma?"

Kiwi : "Mm... She says everyone can learn it."

Grel : "Hmmm... Then when Kiwi used the power, did Kiwi be told by Grandma about the cost to use the power?"

Kiwi : "Yea... She said there's a cost. And it cannot exceed the owner's age."

So I was right. The other dimension has another God and its power works the same as us.

Grel : "Do you know other powers other than invisibility?"

Kiwi : "Yes!" She suddenly became cheered up.

Kiwi : "It's a Bomb! Bomb!"

Grel : "Eh? Bomb... Bomb?"

Kiwi : "I always see people use that almost every single day."

Grel : "Are they fighting a demon?"

Kiwi : "Nope. They just blow up the bear and another wild animal."

Grel : "Aaa..." What is that world?

Dai : "Young prince. I've done sweeping this bedroom floor. Is there any other thing I could help?"

Grel : "Hmmm... Maybe one thing. Could you find me another resting room? Since the other girl is here, I could not sleep well last night. And you also seem gonna be sleeping there too.

Dai : "I understand. Then excuse me for a moment, I will find another restroom for the young prince."

Grel : "Thank you."

Dai : "It's just my honor."

Yea, it's because she got paid by my father.

Then she walks to the door and wants to leave the room.

But before she leaves, Fasmel just comes in with a tiring expression.

Grel : "Fasmel . Where have you been?" She just walks away toward the bed.

Fasmel : "I can't talk anymore." She just jumps to the bed.

Fasmel : "I need to rest."

She probably put the sword back in the arena first then came here.

Then Arhi also comes into the room.

Grel : "Arhi . Where have you been?" She just walks away toward the bed like Fasmel did before.

Arhi : "Hoaaamm... I don't know." She just jumps to the bed.

So she was also tired.

Dai : "I see... I understand what kind of pain young prince endured."

Grel : "Right?"

We both look at Fasmel and Arhi already sleeping on the bed. While Kiwi plays around behind the scene, she spots some house lizards on the wall. She looked at it and her tail wiggled around.

Dai : "Then please excuse me, young prince."

Grel : "Ah... Yea..."

While Kiwi was sitting for a moment, she was steadying her body to jump. Then she jumped but the house lizards just move and she missed it. The house lizards keep moving to the top of the house. Kiwi was still looking at it with a wiggling tail and her head was tracking the house lizard's position. Dai looks at Kiwi . Then she turned around and looked at me again.

Dai : "Should I take Kiwi with me again for a moment?"

Then I look at Kiwi for a moment. Kiwi looked at me and then looking at Dai . Does not know what we were talking about before. I raise my hand and give a thumbs up. It's like I'm saying "yes please" to her.

Dai understood and then lifts Kiwi with her.

Even after Dai picks her up, she still locks her eyes on the house lizard at the top. Until both of them go downstairs.

Finally some space. I'm sorry Kiwi ... But let me sleep for a moment... I'm also tired.

Hmmm... I don't know where there is another good restroom other than this one. The bed is just good.

Then I look at both Fasmel 's and Arhi 's faces.

Even both of her faces are happy after resting here.

I moved both Fasmel and Arhi to the edge and now I have space at the left side. Then I jumped and slept. This bed feeling. Is the best. I feel... Tired... So quickly...