
I rely on medical skills to cut the dragon

After I was haunted, I learned witchcraft in order to survive. I will try my best to live.Of course, as a doctor, or a witch doctor. Of course, I will help the patient. Including patients who are sick because of ghosts.

liang_zhang · สยองขวัญ
56 Chs

Weird space

Unable to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the stone figurines for the time being, we continued to walk with a flashlight.

Seeing that I suddenly stopped speaking, Zhang geqi scratched his head, probably thinking that he had offended me just now, and his tone slowed down, "Dr. Lin, you don't have to envy me for my excellent physique. We have our own merits. You used to hire ghosts to help me find a knife before, and your knife flow against the king of the Earth Dragon opened my eyes."

I "ah" for a moment and said very funny, "what are you talking about? I'm thinking about things. Who envies you? In fact, looking at your injury, I know that you fight with your life to catch flood dragon. If you're not in good health, you can't do this business. I also admire you very much. By the way, how can flood dragon deal with selling money? Who can you sell it to in the end?"

Zhang geqi probably heard me say he admired him. He was very happy and replied with interest, "the Dragon pill in flood dragon's body can be sold to a man named Mr. Beng. That guy is very mysterious. After getting the Dragon pill, he will look at the fineness, size and roundness. He has a set of money exchange formulas. In short, the bigger the Dragon pill is, the more valuable it is, and he always trades directly with gold."

I felt very confused and asked, "is this Mr. Beng a collector?"

"No! Mr. Beng is more than one person. He can be found everywhere in the country. I think they are a mysterious underground organization. From my grandfather's generation, he has traded with Mr. Beng for Dragon pill. My grandfather's grandfather also traded with Mr. Beng. Who knows how long 'he' has existed, how many Dragon pill he bought, and how much money he spent! My grandfather said that he has never seen Mr. Beng grow gray hair, and it seems that he has been for many years A look. Also, I used to know a young man who was not afraid of death. He was curious about the identity of others, so he followed Mr. beng, but he was stunned by the mysterious man taking ether halfway. "

I nodded slightly, although I wanted to ask "is that young man who is not afraid of death you", but I care more about who "Mr. Beng" is, or what group of people.

I asked him again, "Dragon pill can only be sold to Mr. Beng?"

"Yes!" Zhang geqi answered decisively, "only he can charge! Of course, some double dealers who specialize in pitching novices charge low prices, and finally sell them to Mr. Beng. However, this bastard who earns the price difference will end up in a miserable end. For example, I beat a double dealer who was broken all over and blackmailed me a lot of medical expenses. He said he would call the police if he didn't pay the medical expenses, this bastard!"

I deliberately didn't care about the "laughing point" in Zhang geqi's words. I thought to myself that this mysterious Mr. Beng was really powerful - because the flood dragon catcher all over the world kept hunting and killing flood dragon and collecting dragon pill. In the final analysis, it was all Mr. Beng's money that promoted everything. It could be said that it was to protect world peace on its own.

However, the more you think about Mr. Beng's motivation and origin, the more confusing it is. Even their flood dragon catcher can't figure it out. For me, a layman, it's even a mystery!

Walking, the space in front suddenly widened. This should be the tomb, but the water is very serious. I think it was the rainstorm a few days ago. The cave was already wet, and the water evaporated very slowly here.

"Don't be afraid, doctor Lin. it's nothing."

Zhang geqi playfully pushed me. I suddenly lost my balance and stepped into the water. The cold water immediately dipped into my shoes.

"Hey, why do you move your hands so much? Don't suddenly push people!"

"Oh, I'll accompany you." Zhang geqi himself jumped in and kicked a few times, "what's the big deal? I was still caught in the rainstorm that day, rolling in the mountain torrents and fighting with the flood dragon. This is how life is exciting!"

I shook my head and sighed, put my backpack on a prominent stone, took out a few bottles of potions and put them into my waist bag, then opened my mask to contain a "dampness removing pill", and turned around to give one to Zhang geqi, but I found it empty behind me, and Zhang geqi disappeared again!

But there was a series of ripples on the water, which extended to the back of a fallen sculpture in front of me. I had a fire, "surnamed Zhang, are you kidding, can you see the occasion? Get out quickly!"

My voice echoed in the empty stone room, but no one answered...

After thinking for a moment, I put my backpack on my shoulder, holding a flashlight in one hand and exploring the way with a brass cane in the other hand. I walked forward under the cold water. When I walked around the side of the sculpture, I found that there was no one behind me.

I was surprised again. What was the ripple just now?

I turned around and looked around the whole stone room. In the corner, there were some gloomy statues of terracotta warriors, many of which had fallen down. The dark water was illuminated by a flashlight, casting the shaking halo on the ceiling. It was so quiet that even people's ears could have buzzing hallucinations.

"Zhang Geqi!"

I shouted. The stone room was still quiet and there was still no response.

I clicked in my heart and walked back.

The splashing sound of wading resounded through the silent stone chamber, and my feet were almost unconscious with cold, but it was strange that the entrance of the stone chamber was in front of me, and I couldn't walk past it anyway!

Damn it, did I encounter ghosts hitting the wall? In such a narrow space, ghosts hit the wall!?(ghosts hit the wall=A ghost keeps you in one place)

No, this may be some kind of defensive array, just like the eight array diagram of marquis Wu, which will give people the illusion of space...

"How miserable I am! ''

I was thinking, and suddenly a sad voice came from my ear.

I looked down, and some thin arms and heads slowly emerged from the dark water. These ghost like and zombie like things showed half their bodies, grabbed my trouser legs, and let out a low whine like an angry sound!

"How miserable I am! ''

"Help me!"

"Take us out!"

"I will never dare to rob tombs again in my next life!"

Several "ghosts" whined and grabbed my pants with their thin hands. They raised their faces and showed their semi rotten faces. Their noses had rotted into a hole, their gums were exposed, their eyes were as swollen as ripe grapes, and their bald heads were ridiculously left with a few hairs.

They became more and more excessive. Their claws climbed from my trouser legs to my knees, and the bitterest voice in my mouth constantly destroyed my ears.

"Get lost!''

I angrily swept with a brass cane, knocked off the heads of two "ghosts" and broke more than a dozen fingers at the same time. I waved the stick several times in succession to distance myself from them.

I don't know what these things are, but one thing is certain - they want to trap me!

Those "ghosts" didn't give up and wanted to continue pestering me, so they crawled towards me with their broken bodies, and there was a crash in the water.

I took out a bottle of "Myrtle fragrance" and drank it. Although the dose was very small, the effect of invigorating the spirit was excellent. In an instant, I felt my whole body as excited as chicken blood, and my cold numb hands and feet began to warm up.

Then I took out a sick tiger amulet. Anyway, there is nothing but stone and water here. There is no need to worry about causing forest fires.

I shook my wrist and threw the talisman out. When it was close to those "ghosts", I shouted, "burn it up!"

With a bang, the fire burst into the sky, and these "ghosts" were swallowed in an instant. They made a squeak like a mouse falling into an oil pan.

I subconsciously stretched out my hand to block the dazzling fire, and turned my face at the same time, but suddenly found that there were two shadows reflected on the wall by the fire.

I froze on the spot - one is me, and who is the other?