
I rely on medical skills to cut the dragon

After I was haunted, I learned witchcraft in order to survive. I will try my best to live.Of course, as a doctor, or a witch doctor. Of course, I will help the patient. Including patients who are sick because of ghosts.

liang_zhang · สยองขวัญ
56 Chs

A grim struggle

The corpse demon turned and rushed towards me. As I retreated, I threw out a sick tiger amulet, and its chest was hitting the swirling amulet paper.

I shouted, "burn it up!" In an instant, its figure was swallowed up by the flames.

But the sick tiger talisman can't hurt it at all, which means I don't have any means to hurt it directly.

The hero aways didn't suffer the immediate loss, so I ran away without waiting for the flames to dissipate.

Looking back, Zhang geqi rushed over and was cutting at the corpse demon from the back. However, the corpse demon noticed something wrong behind him, turned around and slapped Zhang geqi on the chest. Zhang geqi, who was hit hard, arched back, and then "whew" flew backward!

The corpse demon twisted his whole waist 180 degrees in order to hit this blow!

At this time, I noticed that its spine was only wrapped in a thin layer of skin, which looked particularly eye-catching.

I think of grandma's brocade bag saying that cutting off its spine can win. It seems that this is its biggest weakness.

So I raised my hand and threw out the last sick tiger amulet. The corpse demon turned around in a moment and received the flame explosion with his front body.

In the impact of the explosion, its body slid back for several meters, and its defensive actions to protect its back twice proved its weakness, which is the spine!

But this guy was so fast that he ran towards me with almost no pause.

This guy was fast, and brother dog saw it, barked and jumped at it, but this time the corpse demon came straight to me, completely ignoring brother dog's harassment.

Being directly attacked by such a ferocious and terrible enemy, I have no effective defense means. In a hurry, I can only draw a talisman from my waist bag that can only defeat evil spirits.

At this moment, the skinny corpse demon was in front of me, and he clawed fiercely at my chest. At the same time, I also stuck the beaver cage charm on his face!

After the beaver cage charm adhered, a pure shine air restrained its action, and the open thin claw still hit me with inertia.

But even so, a terrible force pushed me back suddenly, and my body kept sliding like a curler. No matter how I waved in vain, I couldn't stop.

Suddenly nothing behind me, my mind is empty. It's over!

Behind me is a hole with a drop of tens of meters. I have to fall to pieces!

At this time, a thin rod miraculously appeared on my right hand, and my desire for survival forced me to hold it tightly to stabilize my body immediately.

After I adjusted my weight back, I turned around and saw that it was not an ordinary thin rod, but a incense burner lifting rod in the hands of the female ghost who suddenly flew over.

The female ghost levitated lightly in midair and saved me at the most critical moment.

I just got out of danger and my heart was still beating wildly.

At this time, Zhang geqi got entangled with the corpse demon again. The corpse demon was afraid of the edge of the Dragon cutting knife after being enchanted. He jumped around with his vigorous skills, waiting for the opportunity to invade, and his moves were insidious and cunning, as fast as lightning, forcing Zhang geqi to put his hands and feet at all.

It seems that the talisman can only hold the corpse demon for a moment. This guy is too strong to be reasonable!

Yes, even the difficult Earth Dragon King was torn between his fingers, not to mention our two mediocre witch doctors and flood dragon catcher.

I made up my mind, grabbed the dog skin on my back and said, "brother dog, separate for a while!"

I tore off the dog's skin and threw it on the ground. Suddenly, I felt a burst of heat on my back. The Thunder scar, which had been suppressed for too long, released a blazing Yang.

I picked up the brass cane, held it in my hands and recited the mantra.

Halfway through the spell, the walking stick in his hand was as hot as boiled water.

"... the sky and the earth cover can catch the crowd; samadhi is really shine, and the soil is rotten and the body is charred."

At the last sentence of chanting the mantra, the walking stick full of Yang turned red, burning my palm Zizi, and even had a weak numbness like an electric shock.

At this time, Zhang geqi was almost overwhelmed. I rushed over immediately, swung my cane and smashed it at its thin spine!

But suddenly, it opened a pair of eyes on both sides of its spine, glared at me fiercely!

I was surprised! what, this guy has eyes on his back?

As soon as he was aware of me, the zombie quickly twisted his waist and spun towards me. I held the stick in my hand to fend it off. The zombie's hand smouldered when it touched the stick, as if it had touched a red-hot iron.


Zhang geqi didn't miss this opportunity. He rushed from behind again. The corpse demon turned like a propeller, attacking me with one hand and Zhang geqi with the other hand!

However, the double-sided containment greatly weakened the focus of the corpse demon. Zhang geqi was quick in eyes and hands, and directly cut off the corpse demon's left hand.


With a strange cry, the corpse demon jumped up in a strange posture, and the floor under its feet also broke.

It jumped on a stone pillar with exaggeration, and with a push of its feet, it swooped down like a meteor.

"Bah, no matter how high you fly, you have to fall down!"

Zhang geqi was ready, raised his knife and cleaved, but the corpse demon passed over our heads, like a flameless meteor. Its target was not us - bang, the sarcophagus in the center of the venue was smashed by it like an egg!

Then, the corpse demon stood up in the noisy dust, and saw that the mysterious luminous object embedded in its body was actually transferred to the severed limb of its left hand, which was like a magnet attracting iron sand, and absorbed all the broken bones around the sarcophagus.

Attracted by some mysterious force, those broken bones slowly gathered into a huge thing. Zhang geqi and I exchanged eyes and rushed together tacitly.

The corpse demon who stepped on the fragments of the sarcophagus threw up his left arm, and the large dead bones gathered in his left hand then rotated, and in an instant turned into a white bone giant hand to shoot at us. The scene was like a pile of bones pouring down from the top of his head!

"Fuck you!"

Zhang geqi shouted and swung his knife at the "giant hand", and the blade cut them apart like a wave!

However, the numerous broken bones blocked our sight. For a time, there were all white bones flying around, and we couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, Zhang geqi was picked up. The corpse demon then covered our sight with bones, sneaked over, and a claw stabbed into Zhang geqi's abdomen. Zhang geqi gaped and puffed up his mouth.

But at the moment of being penetrated, Zhang geqi was not timid, but raised his knife and struck the right hand of the corpse demon, which had been deeply cut into his wrist.

At the moment, although Zhang geqi was held in midair, his trembling hands still held the Dragon cutting knife tightly, constantly trying to cut off this magic claw.

This scene made my heart tremble, and I rushed to help!

Then, Zhang geqi vomited a mouthful of blood. It was incredible that the parabolic blood was caught by Zhang geqi in midair!

I was shocked that his blood turned into an irregular rust knife!

Zhang geqi's angry eyes widened, thrust it into the monster's neck, and shouted, "the world's ministers and soldiers!"(I changed my translation.)

I see. With the metallic dragon pill in his body, his blood will turn into rust as soon as he leaves his body. He used this move to fight back in the desperate situation!

Of course, the effect of "the world's ministers and soldiers" also affected me. When I felt the cane suddenly sink, I immediately threw it away.

In an instant, the brass cane was inserted straight into the ground and directly penetrated several layers of floor tiles; The Dragon cutting knife directly cut off the right hand of the corpse Demon Under the action of strong suction; The rust knife stuck in the corpse demon's body also forced the corpse demon to kneel down on one knee. After struggling to support for a few seconds, it finally fell down!

At this time, a burst of thunder rumbled, reverberating in this empty underground space, just because it was underground, the thunder seemed heavier than usual...