
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · เกม
100 Chs

Chapter 56: Server and Reiki Foundation Period

Just talk about online functions.

The most important thing is the server problem.

The online function of My World can only be put on hold because of the server problem before the festival.

Now there are two solutions for servers.

First, he will spend money to buy several large servers, and then pay the cost and maintenance fees. The initial investment is huge, but if it is properly managed, the income is still quite high, and it can lay a foundation for subsequent online games.

But its disadvantage is that the investment is huge.

If you want to maintain the consistent good reputation of Bluestar with several large servers, the "potato server" is absolutely not available, and you need to ensure the player's experience.

This will cost a lot of money, and even the subsequent maintenance can be said to be a considerable expense.

The second point is to rent servers.

This is relatively less investment, but also less income, which requires paying "rent".

In addition, if we want to maintain the good reputation of Bluestar, we also need to rent a high-quality server.

Moreover, it is better to use the server managed by someone. Although Lin Jie earns less money and needs to pay the management fee, it is easier to win.

What if he can't guarantee that he will be playing liver game for a month.

A pile of server problems suddenly appeared to him to solve, which was very annoying.

So think for a moment.

To balance the two, Lin Jie now prefers to cooperate with some platforms or giants with large servers.

For example, go to the SS platform to talk about cooperation, and use the server used by the online version of My World directly on the SS platform.

This is not only convenient for players, but also allows them to reduce the loading time of the intermediate conversion server and enter with one click.

At the same time, it can also leave a lot of work for the festival.

After all, for the network platform of ss platform, its understanding of all kinds of servers and daily maintenance knowledge must be much better than Lin Jie.

How to make money in this way?

Lin Jie thought about it for a moment, compared with the online game purchase system of skin.

He still prefers to use the monthly card system.

For example, players want to use a small server with ten people to go online with friends.

Then the Lin Festival will charge them ten or twenty soft coins a month.

Rent such a small server to them.

Later, some of the money will be given to the SS platform, and the other part will be earned by Lin Jie.

Although this method earns less, it is really quite convenient and does not need to be updated frequently.

In order to continuously earn money back, the internal purchase system needs to continuously produce all kinds of skin, props, etc.

This is unacceptable for Lin Jie, who can't freely use fantasy game production.

The monthly card system is equivalent to letting players pay the server rent by themselves.

Lin Jie just needs to write all kinds of programs in the online version at the beginning, and then he will have nothing to do next.

And after a brief review, Lin Jie found that in today's world, due to the low competitive pressure and high return rate, the online game monthly card system is much more than the internal purchase system.

Players also prefer free props and skins. They buy monthly cards every month.

It is very easy to influence the reputation of Bluestar Studios to make a sudden internal purchase.

Now that the monthly card is made.

So what the forest festival needs to do is to discuss the specific requirements of cooperation with the ss platform, such as sharing.

Another is to use fantasy game production to add online functions to My World.


After planning how to complete the regional task, Lin Jie did not go to the SS platform for discussion at the first time.

Because he is still basically in a situation where he doesn't have thousands of dollars. If the SS platform wants him to pay a deposit or something, he will be blind

So wait two more days.

When will the ss platform make money? I will use your money to talk about cooperation with you.


By then, the regional task will be easily completed.

As for the main task?

The main task of Qute Mo (research) Д °)╯︵┻━┻

That is simply not something that people can do!


Lin Jie has not been idle these two days while waiting for the SS platform to make money.

Since he ate eight fruits of marrow washing and directly spiritualized his whole body, he began the next stage of cultivation under the guidance of Lin Xiaoyu.

According to Lin Xiaoyu.

The first to third steps are the foundation period on the way to spiritual cultivation.

The first level of spiritual state is to transform the human body into the spiritual state, so as to enter the path of practice.

The second level is the spiritual state, which is divided into three levels.

The primary level is "Tuo Mai", the intermediate level is "Zhou Tian", and the senior level is "Ling Ji".

In other words.

It is when you are in the state of spirituality and spiritualize organs in order.

The circulation of spiritual power has a channel that is unique to individuals, and the purpose of the secondary primary level is to develop this channel in the opposite direction.

To form a spiritual force from the lung, to the heart, brain, eyes, liver and kidney, stomach and spleen, intestines and testis, muscles and bones, muscle skin, and then from muscle skin to muscles and bones to intestines and testis Until the lungs are expelled from the body, such a Sunday.

When it can run for the first week, it is the second-level intermediate.

Every Sunday, the spiritual power between heaven and earth will be automatically purified by the human body and retained in the body.

These retained psychic powers are the ones that can be used freely without any burden on the body.

Like when fighting with the kitchen knife man at that time, Lin Jie forced his spiritual power into his brain and eyes, which would cause severe pain.

It is because the Forest Festival does not use the spiritual power that has been purified on Sunday.

It is the spiritual power that he absorbs directly from the air into his lungs.

With the continuous operation of the whole day, until these purified spiritual reserves reach the limit of each organ, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, which is called "spiritual pole", that is, the second level advanced.

To reach this state is to have the stepping stone to step into the third stage.

And the third stage is called Holy-body state.

The first goal is naturally to find the soul.

Only in the state of spiritual pole can the spiritual orifices appear. If you look patiently for a period of time, you can find them.

It is a place where a large amount of spiritual power can be stored. Most people are in the upper abdomen, so the Holy-orifices also have another name, called "Dantian".

But this position is not absolute.

This thing varies from person to person, and the position of some people's spiritual orifices will grow very strange, such as in the armpit, or in the buttocks

The moment you find the Holy-body and store the Holy-power in it, you have reached the third level.

After that, we will continue to accumulate spiritual power and fill the spiritual orifices. This is intermediate.

When the soul is full, it needs to make an epoch-making change, that is, constantly compress, constantly compress, so as to increase its spiritual strength density.

Until the liquid psychic force is formed in the Holy-body.

After turning the generation of liquid spiritual power into a personal normal, this can be regarded as consolidating in the third level.

From the second stage, these are slow work with little technical content, but very hard work, which requires continuous spiritual accumulation every day.

Many children of practice families began to practice from a very young age, and accumulated spiritual power for many years in succession before they completed the foundation period of the third stage.

And finally, after finishing these things.

Then we can really choose our own way of practice and gradually achieve something that ordinary people can't do at all.