
Chapter 3. chaos abrupts

*a huge loud sound the sky darkend the air thickens with tension daisy is scared and horrified while me I am just happy I am hoping it's something big some may ask what kind of Prince would want chaos over his land? The prince that didn't want to be a prince in the first place*

Diasy hides with her froakie while I walk with greninja to see what this is.

I see a massive ship it's kind of like flying spaceship it has a huge emerald in it's front it kinda of just looks like ordinary spaceship.

"That's a cool flying spaceship"

As I blindy observe the spaceship with intrest while the ship is shooting bombs destroying buildings but no I am just concentrating on the space ship

Greninja just quitly observes waiting for a command.

Then a new voice from the flying boat idk man

Guy from the spaceship: people of kalos bow down to my extraordinary powers!

The guy said with a weird and annoying grin on his face.

"Greninja use water shuriken"

Greninja jumps up shiftly and Precisely cutting the thick air with a shattering water shuriken that slices through the ship chasing a masssive explosion.

The guy in the ship: you peasant how dare you attack Lord kales ship!

"Your names kale? "

I laugh so hard sorry to anyone named hale by the way

*the guy just shouts inaudible things that I can't write here As I will go to prison for hate speech and graphic speech or cyber bullying*

"Okay thats it greninja water shurik-"

Before I can say that a mega charizard x out of no where comes and flame throwers the entire ship destorying it in one go the ship destroyed the guy flees with a parachute barely escaping with a burnt bottom he says he will come back like every anime villan bro really had no character development well it turns out so did I!"

Even though the charizard did most of the damage oh by the way the charizard just vanished before anyone expect me can see

So what happend *sigh* I received the one thing I hated the most attention.

Since no one saw the damn charizard everone only saw me a 5 year old prince with my greninja

So I got surrounded by people prasing me calling me a hero and everything.

I just want to go draw and play man! I thought to my self.

Then the Duke came in daisys father

Duke: I hear you defeated the threat with my mega diance!

No one belived him and called him a fraud and kept praising me

Well let me tell you the Duke now completely and utterly hates me because apparently I took all credit while he did the work even though he did nothing and for the contrary he doesn't even have a diance let alone a mega!

Becuase the Duke got called a fraud he left griting his teeth angrily

Well I didn't know what to do I hate attention people don't get that do I had to resort to a escape.

"Greninja smoke screen!"

*greninja smoke screens and we both run back to the palace*

You may think happy ending but no there is one force even I can't stop.

Daisy: I want a battle!

Hold up didn't she see me desrory the ship alot and the people calling me a hero

Well it turns out I escaped before she could see I am sure it wouldn't matter to much as she wants to battle me even if I do anything like stop a terrorist or something which I did!


Classic daisy she dragged me to the battle areana again.

Daisy: froakie use water bubble!

Fraokie uses water bubble

My Chad greninja just stands still it barely tickled greninja

Chat is she cooked?

"Greninja just tap froakie on its head

Greninja taps froakie and froakie gose flying destroying everything

Daisy just stands there in shock

While the Duke arrives

Duke:daisy what is this as your father I do not condone violence

Daisy:but he-

She turned around I was no where to be seen

Daisy got punishment which is she must not battle anyone for a whole month this may not seem like much but in the pokemon world this punishment is the equivalent to torture.

to be honest I expected like no one to see this but it says I got 69 views not kidding and someone saved this in there collection and I even got a power stone! but I have no idea what the hell a power stone is so yeah. thanks lol! but this story is cringe I may say so my self lol it's my first time writing so don't bully me too much.

DaoistPDggZgcreators' thoughts