
I Reincarnated Inside My Novel as an Anomaly

An 26-year-old aspiring writer, passionate about weaving reincarnation plots into his novels, suddenly found himself awake in a world that was not his own. The unexpected occurred: he had not only reincarnated but did so within the very work he had written. He believed himself to be a mere extra, an insignificant character in the vastness of his creation, but the reality was different. He was a mistake, a slip of fate, a survivor who should have perished within the pages of his story. His existence was a paradox, an anomaly that did not go unnoticed by the laws governing that universe. And now, as a flaw in the fabric of reality, he was about to trigger a cataclysmic collapse that could shake the foundations of the world he had imagined.

Superfabinho · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Shooting Range

Ah, is this really happening right on the first day of class? What perfect timing, the sarcasm of fate, right?

There I was, staring at that divine beauty in front of me as she released her challenging proposal: "As the challenged, the rules say you determine the day and time. So, Nam-Sam, which day and time do you choose?"

"Hmm," I murmured, trying to digest the absurd situation unfolding before my eyes.

"Isabel Lyon, correct?" I asked, receiving an affirmative nod in response. She displayed a serene and determined expression, as if she had been planning my defeat from the moment she set foot in this academy.

Ah, but of course, I had already devised a contingency plan for such a situation. Dramatically, I wiped my mouth, dirtied by food, with a napkin before responding: "As the challenged, I determine that the fight will take place in two weeks. The time? Well, it can be during lunch."

Isabel seemed somewhat bothered by my choice of time and date, and retorted: "You have chosen a date and time too far away. The battle academy does not allow such a thing."

"Actually, they do allow it," I insisted, as Isabel's aura began to leak and she placed both hands on the table, trying to pressure me. "Let's fight today, or at the latest by tomorrow!"

Our faces were just a few centimeters apart, and Neo and Say watched the scene as if they were watching a movie, with only the popcorn missing to complete the setting.

Quickly, the students inside the cafeteria turned their gazes towards us, and I could hear the whispers spreading. A tense and uncomfortable atmosphere hung in the air.

But Sam and Say? Well, the hard reality is that they couldn't intervene. Those were the rules.

The top 230 was discussing the time and date of the duel with the top 231, and no one else could interfere. They would have to reach a consensus.

"Isabel, as the challenged, I determine the date and time. That's how the rules work," I declared, wanting to end the discussion once and for all.

Isabel's irritated pout only made her even more charming. Seriously, how can someone look so pretty when they're annoyed? Ah, the ironies of life...

"Are you scared, huh?" She tried to provoke, but I simply shrugged. It wasn't worth getting stressed over.

Isabel realized that her attempts to rattle me weren't working very well. Then, her eyes turned to the others at the table. And that's when the expression of shock and disbelief came.

"This little guy who uses a firearm is sitting with them? The top one and the top five of the first year? How so?" Isabel murmured to herself, visibly disturbed by my company.

I couldn't help but notice her green eyes fixed on Neo and Say, as her expression went from surprise to confusion. I decided to give her a little help to bring her attention back to me, letting out some strategic coughs.

Soon, her usual determination took over again, and she faced me back. "Okay, get ready. In two weeks, we'll fight then," she said, accepting my terms.

Oh? She really accepted? With a smile on my face, I extended my hand, sealing the deal. She extended hers too, and there, we set the ranked duel that would decide who would be the new top 230.


As we watched Isabel's silhouette moving away from the cafeteria, Neo asked me, "Why did you schedule the duel for two weeks from now?"

It was a question that Say also had in mind. I understood their doubt; after all, they are the type that fights wherever, whenever. If challenged, they are ready for the confrontation right there.

But I am different. I have to take advantage of something that few living beings have the privilege of possessing: intelligence.

Here, it's literally a jungle where the strongest reign. And for the weaker ones to survive, one must have their feet on the ground and some neurons firing. It's about playing the game wisely, and not just going around hitting anyone who comes your way.

"Just know that this is part of the way I play the game," I replied, trying to sound mysterious.

Neo and Say exchanged looks that said, "Okay, that makes sense, where were we?". They decided they didn't need to question further on that subject. But Neo, he always had something more to add:

"Earlier, in the fight between Jigoro and Miguel. You knew everything about him, his martial art, and even his superpower," he paused briefly, eyeing me with suspicion: "How did you know all that?"

I wasn't bothered by such a question and answered: "I studied about the strongest ones here, it's simple," trying to sound convincing.

"That's strange, ancient jiu-jitsu is a dead martial art. It's not in the records, not even on the internet. The only way you could know all that information you mentioned would be if you were a user of ancient jiu-jitsu," Neo insisted, seeming to want to unravel a mystery called Nam-Sam.

Say just stood there, staring at us both, waiting to see where this would go.

Neo was right. Ancient jiu-jitsu no longer has records in this world. I know about it because I was the one who introduced it to this world, as an author, not as a character.

Despite all of Neo's suspicions, I calmly replied, "I learned not to use ancient jiu-jitsu, but I learned what it is."

"Again, how strange," Neo began, his words sharp as razors. His expression was a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "Some practitioner of that martial art would have to explain to you what ancient jiu-jitsu is. But what's even stranger is that you decided to learn what ancient jiu-jitsu is but not to learn how to use it." His pause was brief but laden with meaning.

"It's almost as if you're trying to hide something."

His observations were as sharp as blades, and he didn't seem willing to let this subject go so easily, not now that he had started.

I shrugged, trying to maintain my calm and confident demeanor. "Of course, I could learn to use it if I wanted," I responded evasively. "But learning about a martial art doesn't necessarily mean I intend to use it. Sometimes, knowledge is just knowledge."

Neo kept looking at me with that penetrating gaze, clearly unsatisfied with my answer. It was as if he could sense there was something more behind my words. Maybe he was closer to the truth than I would like to admit.

But just as he was about to continue his questioning, Say intervened: "Neo, I think the interrogation is making me lose my appetite."

I mentally thanked Say for stepping in and did my best to show an uncomfortable expression, standing up from the table. "It was good having lunch with you guys, but I think I need to go train."

I waved at the two of them and started walking towards the exit of the cafeteria. Say and Neo watched my silhouette moving away, and Say looked at Neo with a worried expression, questioning: "What's gotten into you?"

Neo seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering, his expression more serious than usual. "I'm just curious," he replied evasively. "That's all."

Say didn't seem entirely convinced but didn't press the matter further. With a sigh, she also got up from the table, ready to move on with the rest of her day.