
I Reincarnated Inside My Novel as an Anomaly

An 26-year-old aspiring writer, passionate about weaving reincarnation plots into his novels, suddenly found himself awake in a world that was not his own. The unexpected occurred: he had not only reincarnated but did so within the very work he had written. He believed himself to be a mere extra, an insignificant character in the vastness of his creation, but the reality was different. He was a mistake, a slip of fate, a survivor who should have perished within the pages of his story. His existence was a paradox, an anomaly that did not go unnoticed by the laws governing that universe. And now, as a flaw in the fabric of reality, he was about to trigger a cataclysmic collapse that could shake the foundations of the world he had imagined.

Superfabinho · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Neo X Edward

Neo gave me a look full of questions, but without waiting for answers, he disappeared into the crowd. The MP5K he had inspected in the black suitcase seemed to have ignited a flame of curiosity within him, a flame that I knew to be rare and dangerous.

After all, in no chapter of the novel I had written did Neo face an armed enemy. There were no precedents for him, neither in past battles nor in forgotten memories before his triumphant return. It was obvious that he was eager to experience this new challenge, to feel the adrenaline of dodging bullets instead of fists and swords.

But let's be realistic, I would never enter a duel with Neo. That would be pure madness, narrative suicide. I knew all too well the distance between our strengths.

And this difference in power… Ah, that reminded me of a scene I wrote the other day, during Neo's lunch. A quick fight against a third-year supporting character, a character I had invented just to be crushed by Neo. It was a brutal demonstration of his strength, a way to show readers that he was a giant among men, a true monster among the mere mortals of the school.


Now, Neo finds himself at the heart of a vibrant coliseum, surrounded by the expectant gazes of a crowd of students. He stands at the epicenter of the arena, under the light of festive enthusiasm.

Before him, Neo faced his rival with determination. The challenger was a third-year veteran, known for his imposing physical presence. With short, dark hair, and a beard beginning to outline the contours of his face, he had the stature of an athlete.

His opponent was Edward Ken, a respected figure among the best of the third year, holding the number 19 position in the ranking.

Proud, standing at 1.88 meters tall and weighing 90 kilograms, he was the image of strength.

In contrast, Neo presented himself with a unique style. His amber-colored hair was a stylish mess, and his dark eyes reflected a fierce intensity. His physique was defined and agile, a reflection of his dedication.

At 1.71 meters tall and weighing 71 kilograms, Neo was not just a competitor; he was an opponent not to be underestimated.

The judge, an unquestionable figure of authority, entered the arena and outlined the fate of the combatants with his words:

"Neo, representative of the fighters' club, and Edward, from the assassins' club, will face each other in a duel where death is a real possibility." His voice, though impassive, carried the weight of the gravity of the situation. "There are no rules."

The competitors, understanding the seriousness of the confrontation, retreated to their respective corners as the judge withdrew, leaving the stage for the battle that would follow.

With measured steps, the two competitors were face to face. Without a judge in the arena, the fate of the fight was in the hands of the combatants, who would only cease the confrontation by clemency or the fatal fall of one of them.

The atmosphere in the arena was electric, with students from all levels gathered to witness the confrontation. Among them, the elite of the third year stood out, including the enigmatic woman with white hair and eyes hidden by a blindfold, the number one in the ranking. Beside her, a mysterious young man with black hair falling back and a discreet tattoo under his eyes watched silently.

Jigoro, the newly crowned top one of the second year, made his presence known with his aura of novelty. Taiho, imposing in stature, was a figure that stood out in the crowd. Viktor, Say, and Jade, equally formidable, were strategically positioned, their attentive gazes not missing a single movement.

The crowd was in a frenzy, united in a thunderous chorus that clamored for "Blood!".

Neo, absorbing the vibrant energy around him, relished every moment. With his eyes closed, he assumed a combat stance, a pose familiar to MMA fighters, designed for full defense and ready for the counter-attack.

A young man in the crowd, wielding a microphone, incited the audience with his cry of "I want to see, I want to see," to which everyone responded with a resounding "Blood!".

The battle, where death was not only accepted but expected, was a rite of passage at the academy. The crowd, with their chants and gestures, transformed the duel into a spectacle.

Edward, with a smile that denoted both confidence and pleasure, was ready to face the challenge. The sound of the drum announced the beginning of the combat, and behind him, thousands of shining metal swords gleamed, ready to be wielded.

Neo contemplated the spectacle before him with a smile. Thousands of swords floated in the air, their sharp blades pointing in his direction. While any other fighter might be intimidated by such a scene, Neo adored it.

For him, Edward was like a freshly served dish, waiting to be consumed.

Edward, in turn, observed Neo and noticed his imposing presence, his unshakable aura. Even surrounded by a flying arsenal ready to attack, Neo did not exhibit fear. On the contrary, he seemed even more radiant than usual.

And that aura, which Edward misinterpreted as arrogance, only served to increase his irritation.

With a theatrical gesture, Edward raised his arm, and as if responding to an invisible command, thousands of swords were launched towards Neo. The crowd erupted in excitement; the first attack had been delivered.

Neo, sensing the imminent approach, transformed his posture. He adopted an elegant aesthetic, reminiscent of Chinese martial arts, with open fists ready for the encounter.

The swords, once scattered, converged on a single point, all aiming at Neo. Edward, already savoring victory, mocked internally: "Is he not going to move? Try to dodge like a rat?" He thought with disdain. "Well, it doesn't matter, it seems he has resigned himself to his fate."

But when the swords reached Neo, he stood firm on the ground. With open palms and lightning-fast reflexes, he intercepted each blade, redirecting them with surgical precision. One after another, he deflected them, leaving the audience astonished at such a display of power.

Edward watched, incredulous, at the ease with which Neo deflected his attack. Frustration consumed him and, in an impetuous gesture, he summoned thousands more swords, which split into two fronts, one to the right and one to the left, converging to attack Neo on the flanks.

Neo, focused on the frontal attacks, seemed to have no time to react to the lateral blows. But his posture did not waver.

In the audience, Jigoro watched attentively and commented, "He's using Aikido."

Aikido, the Japanese martial art focused on harmonizing with the movement and energy of the opponent to redirect attacks, is not traditionally aimed at defense against weapons. However, its techniques can be adapted to face even the cutting steel of blades.

As the lateral attacks approached, Neo realized he could face them. He retreated, dodging the frontal blows, but the swords, like guided missiles, began to follow him.

For a brief moment, time seemed to slow down for Neo. "My martial arts will struggle with this number of attacks," he pondered, treating each sword as a distinct enemy. "I need to take this to a more serious level…"

With a firm step, Neo's body began to transform as if by magic. His skin took on a new form, leaving the audience agape. In the blink of an eye, his skin turned to diamond.

The blades struck him, but instead of cutting, the metallic sound of their collision with Neo's body echoed like a clash against concrete. And, as expected, all the swords were repelled by Neo's impenetrable skin, now a shield of diamond.

The students of class 1-A watched, astonished, the revelation of Neo's superpower. It was a skill they recognized well, for it was the same as Peter, their teacher.

For the first time, Neo displayed his extraordinary gift in broad daylight: the ability to copy the superpowers of other individuals.

Edward, taken by surprise, halted his attacks. He understood that no matter how many swords he launched, none would be able to penetrate Neo's diamond skin.

Neo, noticing the pause in combat, provoked with a smile: "What happened? Gave up so easily?"

Edward was visibly irritated, questioning whether Neo was insulting him by scorning his attacks. "I would never do that," Neo replied, dissipating the diamond armor that made him invulnerable. He wanted more than an easy victory; he sought a true test of his abilities.

Edward, interpreting Neo's action as underestimation, smiled inwardly, convinced he had an advantage. In a surprise move, a sword materialized behind Neo, ready to strike at point-blank range. The audience watched, shocked by the sudden twist.

"Die," Edward uttered, with a coldness that cut through the air. But at the critical moment, when the blade almost touched Neo, he dodged with impressive agility, leaving the audience agape. Neo's skill was, without a doubt, exceptional.

Edward conjured more swords, but Neo, more agile, had already noticed the interval between the conjuring and the launch. With a firm step, Neo advanced so quickly that the audience could barely follow, mistaking his speed for teleportation. In front of Edward, Neo delivered a precise jab, causing the opponent's nose to give way to the impact. Blood gushed as Edward fell, unconscious, under the ecstatic gaze of the audience.

The swords suspended in the air wavered and, as if they had lost their master, fell inert in the arena. Neo, trying to contain his own momentum, noticed smoke coming from his hand—a testament to the supernatural strength and speed he had employed.

The coliseum exploded in ecstasy. Edward lay defeated by a single decisive blow, leaving the crowd in a mix of shock and admiration. Unable to process the turnaround, the spectators united their voices in a clamor for more: "Blood!" They longed for the continuation of the spectacle.

However, Neo, with a casual smile that belied the intensity of the confrontation, merely shrugged his shoulders. Without a hint of arrogance, he turned and began to walk towards the exit of the coliseum. For him, the day's fun was already complete.