
I reincarnated in the world full of beasts with a Clash of clan system

he died and reincarnate with his body remain intact. - - - - This novel story is my own but the system element are in clash of clan can you tell me is that a fanfic or own novel? Because I see someone NOVEL with tap tycoon or smth with his/her own story too so I'm confused is my work are fanfic or not? can you tell me? Btw some chapters are cringy slice of life The plot is somehow slow or fast idk just read it. Lastly my updates of chapters are randomly so don't take too much hope for me (The one who beautiful out there is a witch.... not my art btw..)

CONDENSED_MILK · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

Chapter 17: Super Barbarians.

This day is now very shiny and somehow very peaceful today.

trees branches swaying along with a breezeful wind, and leaves of it is making a sound that contains of harmony im ears.

The villagers walking around and observing their new land that now is grassy and full of plants and trees.

Some villagers carrying a logs of trees and walking towards the people who's rebuilding the houses that destroyed.

a numbered of twelve man and one woman hammering the nails in plank wood, while the other mans sawing the logs they've accumulated in beasts invasion. the logs they collected as for now is not in good condition but can still use some of it. Even its damaged by the beasts attacked, they can throw aside the damaged log and use it for a coal.

A ponytailed white haired man, paired by black eyes and polished brown skin with his bulking muscles, that seems are not exaggerated.

he's only wearing a casual black t-shirt and white short, he didn't know why his modern clothes remain intact and not torned by the unknown rammed to him.

He shook his head and keep silently observing the three dwars and the other villagers together with them.

he silently twist the valve and spilled some pink liquid to the ground, he didn't spilled all of pink liquid he only open the valve in thirty seconds and shut it again in closed one.

But someone interrupted his doing when a woman approach him.

"C-chief Wilson, I thank you for saving my life."

He turned away on the feminine voice, and he can see hayat bowing to him.

"It's alright, but before that why did you stupidly rushed in the full of beast!" Wilson raised his voice subsquently after he received a praised.

Hayat looked up to him that somehow taller than her, she make a solemn face. "Because, i need to protect the people here that i even didn't know."

Wilson squinted his eyes even him too is confused. why am i protecting them?, why i feel that people here is attached for me in long ago?

Wilson shook his head in bewildered state, now that hayat mention it, it's so troubling so much for him, but again he shook his head and focused in what problem right now.

"Right! tell me about the seal you talking about." Hayat taken aback when she heard a taboo word in her previous world, but she isn't in her world right now, she recovered herself and said the seal that wilson mention about.

"We barbarians called it the seal of ego, the more we used this seal, the more our minds are breaking, and the ego we hiding are releasing. so even the one ego of barbarians came out, that is multiplied the mind break we gained, after using a seal in multiple times."

Wilson squinting his eyes and thinking it deeply. "The seal you mean haven't any cure from it?"

Hayat only shook her head, while wilson is staring in the level five elixir collector.

"It's only a speculative but, this might can solve to the information of the seal you mentioned." Wilson tapped the elixir behind him.

Hayat thinking it seriously, it seems also through their chief appearance dramatically changed, and become stronger too.

She stared to wilson black eyes that stared back to her, she nodds to him and closed her eyes and thinking in what pain she might gone through.

Wilson pick up the jar besides the collector and he start twisting again the valve, the pink liquid start spilling in the faucet, he immediatly filled the jar and closed the valve again.

Hayat opened her eyes and she saw the nine inches jar and six inch wide, full of pink liquid.

she gulped her saliva down by this many liquid that she need to drink.

Wilson straigthen his arms and give to her the jar.

Hayat hands shakingly take the jar, and again they stared each other. seconds of doing that hayat finally gathered her courage and drink the jar.


Wilson covered his ears due to the loud scream that hayat make. Even they're in four meters apart wilson can still hear a earpiercing scream.


Wilson can't take it anymore then he leave her alone, its not intentionally to force her drink it, it's her choice.

Wilson decided to come back here later and check her after a hour.

he walked in the south direction of the village, and walked. he can now see the forest he love, he enter the forest and as expected the scenery and the peaceful log are still here, then he sat down and breezing the fresh air of the environment, from his nose to the lungs.




in unknown location.

A figure floating in kind of dark place, it is very dark, darker than you close your eyes.

The figure are still floating and floating it seems its sleeping in eternity.

A unknown light shone down upon it. the figure opened its black eyes.

"Huh? where am i?" it somewhat from a feminine voice.

"Urgg" The girl re collected her memories, but something amiss there. "Protecting? Bullshit!"

the woman remembered the old man, she bewildered by where is this location.


She shouted angrily.

'Did you receive it?'

the girl startled by the sudden voice it somewhat directed to her mind, so she use her mind to communicate this voice too.

'...yes?..' the girl can't understand by what this voice pointing at.

'Just a matter of time, just sleep and fully regain your mind.'

After the voice said that, the girl eyes slowly closing.




A three hours had passed after hayat drink the elixir.

Wilson decided to come back in the village and check her procedure.

After a dashing wilson amaze by the strength he gained while only drinking this elixir, now he only need a fully minute to reach the south forest into the village place.

When he take a step he didn't hear the feminine scream, but now it is mixed.

He hurriedly go in the scream direction and as expected, Wilson saw the thirty mixed gender barbarians covered in pink cocoon while screaming on the floor.

"Chief Wilson, the pink liquid you give to me is indeed a solution to our seal." A muscular feminine voice behind him, he turned away.


Wilson saw a more muscular lady but not an exaggerated one. her yellow long hair are much more became denser, her chest seems became..."I cup?" wilson eyes become a predator eyes and want to violate *ehem* 'i mean i want to violate some little rules.'

Hayat looked away when his crotch seems standing. *Cough* Again wilson fake his cough, and try not to cum in this voluptuous lady. wearing only a bear fur on her private part.

Wilson noticed the atmosphere become quite, he turned again in the pink cocoons.

*plop* one of the cocoons blow a bubble and the bubble pop. after that many bubble starting to blow out and popping.

repeated scene saw by wilson after a hour. and now the bubble dissolving, and many new barbarians appeared in the pink cocoon.

The thirty figures stand up and bowed to him.


'damn, a super barbarians in early game.' he shook his head, and remembering the faces of them, But it still unrecognizable. of course there is a barbarians whom have a same description in coc on his past life.

(Take it here.)

Wilson only remembered the girl besides him, because of her breasts. "Alright, that's for now we gonna take a training daily and focused to strengthen ourselves to protect this village!" Again wilson startled by the sudden proclaim by him. 'Huh? protect? the hel-'

"we need to protect this village this is our home and this is the place where are we gonna die!" Wilson smiled proudly when he said that.

All the barbarians cheered loudly.





Unknown location.

In a dense forest, that even light can't shone upon the ground because of many trees standing like a pillar, swaying the branches along with the leaves.

A humanoid figure wearing a green hood, and red brais. sitting in one of a big trees standing.

it make a bitter face when it felt something.

"Tsk! so that village too!"

(Brais is the trousers of medieval age :) )

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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