
I reincarnated in the world full of beasts with a Clash of clan system

he died and reincarnate with his body remain intact. - - - - This novel story is my own but the system element are in clash of clan can you tell me is that a fanfic or own novel? Because I see someone NOVEL with tap tycoon or smth with his/her own story too so I'm confused is my work are fanfic or not? can you tell me? Btw some chapters are cringy slice of life The plot is somehow slow or fast idk just read it. Lastly my updates of chapters are randomly so don't take too much hope for me (The one who beautiful out there is a witch.... not my art btw..)

CONDENSED_MILK · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

Chapter 1: A small village

there is a man with an eleven-7 uniform. his black hair had a buzz cut, his appearance is no different from others a black eye, a pointy nose, and with atlethic body.

Wilson is a 23 yr old part-timer in eleven-7. the sun is almost setting, then he picked up his jacket, and he sees his exchange partner "yo! you became muscular right now" he said to him teasingly.

he has had no friends since birth, he lives alone

and doing some workout three times a day.

"yeah, you attacked your same number in

enemies clan?" He said in a lazy serious tone.

"yeah, I manage to get a two-star in my same

number and also in number 35." it shrugged

It's two shoulders and sighed "their defense is so

unpredictable and a load of their CC is a super wizard and some sneaky goblin."

"good job, how much time left?"

"five hours"

"Alright I gotta go"

"yes!! our leader is going to take an action!! let me watch it live"

He chuckled to its clan member, then leave

After a few minutes of walking he took out his phone and played a Clash of Clan *tuguding tiding*

*swooowsh* woooosh* * tugak gak tak*( i only imagining the supercell ringtone)

then he checked his troops and the spell troops if it were right and his Clan castle if it was full. he nodded in satisfaction "it seems they are reliable as ever" he tapped the sword icon on his phone then it shows the score scale of clan war "132 stars on our side and 135 in enemies side" he tapped the blue town hall above it you can see besides its ign is number 2. then he checked the number two base line up "Hmmm, the position of artillery is a bit decisive it might be a trap. Huh? The position of the archer queen is on the outside of walls with builder huts??? And the Grand Warden is beside the Two Dark barracks without the range of any defensive towers? what the heck is this defense line up, it might be a troll, then if it trolls then it free three stars" he shrugged his shoulders then start attacking the number two. he see a 21viewers on the left side of the eye and 12 viewers on the right side he smiled amusingly, then lets violating some base.

*shrieeekkkk* *thudd*

Wilson felt a headache when he woke up on the ground, but he noticed that some people are bowing at him. he observe his surrounding for a while, but alas he didn't know where he is right now. he sees some wooden houses and some straw huts.

he sees a curvacious priestess wearing a white gown with her silky white skin, making steps toward him.

"my prayer, blessed by god" she halt her steps in four meters and then bowed. he didn't panic, he clearly remembered what happened before he goes this place.

"where i am?"

"Dear lord, you are in Aproni Village"

he observes again his surrounding, seeing their outfit, a made of brown leather of bear trousers for men and half-naked, to the women is only covering their sensitive parts.

"Why you called me a lord?"

her hand is shaking slightly, she hesitating to answer him, she shook her head then. "Because my prayer blessed by God, and he sends you here to p-protect u-us in the beasts" she bowed again.

Wilson understands the situation now, he read some novels with a cliché like this. then he stands up and shakes off his clothes to remove the dust. he didn't see some warriors or guards here so he asked the priestess.

"where are the other imperial guards protecting here?" after he said that he see some teary eyes on the priestess.

"t-they leave us, t-they said that w-we can't p-provide them an s-supplies and h-happines. also, our native warriors died protecting the whole villages"

she looked at Wilson's face that begging him to protect them.

"How can I protect you I don't have any powers

or even some skills to survive" he made a serious face so the priestess in front of him believe in him, he didn't lie when he said that he knows the limit of his abilities.

"But didn't you hear some angelic voice in your mind like the Others' said?"

- Ding

- Do you want to synchronize with the Clash of clans system?

- Y/N

He heard an emotionless voice. 'angelic voice my ass!' He shook his head and then said yes.

he felt nothing, he checked this system.

- Inventory ¹²

- Army

- Resources

- Defense

- Trap

He sees a simple-looking and manageable System.

he checked what is the load of his Inventory

- Gold: 0

- Elixir: 0

- Gems: 250

- gold mine (level 1) ¹

- elixir collector (level 1) ¹

- cannon tower (level 1) ²

- gold storage (level 1) ¹

- Elixir storage (level 1) ¹

- army camp (level 1) ¹

-Builder Hut (level 1) ²

- town hall (level 1) ¹

"I heard it now, what is your name, and how large of land is your village is". the priestess takes a exhale. "my name is Aeryn, and our land is only 250 sq. meters"

"w-why you need an l-land?" she anxious if this man planning to sell their land.

"don't worry I'm going to buy some buildings"












The small numbers are the quantity in inventory

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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