
I reincarnated in the anime world

A guy who died in earth and reincarnated in the world of anime. Wishfulfillment  Warning before reading: I don't recommend this to anyone. Also please watch your words and might hurt someone's feelings. If you lonely and depressed please don't make my work as the punching bag to relieved your anger. THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANY SINGLE PLOT THE STORY WILL GO ON WHAT THE READERS REQUESTED.

sigufo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs

Chapter 69

(WordCount: 2207)


"RAAAAH!!" Inosuke charge straight to the basket and when he passed the free throw line he then jump holding the ball in his hand.

"Hi!" From out of knowhere surprising Inosuke. Shun suddenly appeared behind his back he then put his hand in the ball and hold it like a glue.

"Where the hell did you come from?!!" Inosuke said.

Because Shun was physically stronger than Inosuke, he very easily steal the ball in Inosuke's hand.

"BALL!" As soon as Shun landed he throws the ball towards the other side of the court. Zenitsu who was waiting on the other side catches the ball with two hands.

"Look at me!" Zenitsu shouted towards the group of girls who was watching their practice play. The girls then look at him, When he sees that the girls are watching him he then slowly bent his knees and hold the ball in his hand and shoot it.

"..." Shun, Tanjiro and Shinobu face palmed their self because of the embarassing thing Zenitsu did. Zenitsu was on the three point line when he shot the ball, The ball didn't even hit the board nor didn't even reached the ring as it falls down in the ground bouncing a few times.

"What an idiot" Nino said who was watching on side.

"He needs some milk" Houki said who was on the side of Nino.

"That guy isn't good" Yotsuba commented.

"....Stupid" Miku commented.

"Shun-sama is very handsome!"

"Honda! Get his towel and sweaty t-shirt later! I need it for my collections!" Marika said with a phone in her hand that was near in her ears.

"Shun's homemade burger is very delicious" Itsuki said while eating the burger in her hand.

"...." Komi Shouko didn't say anything as she lightly clap her hand.

"They're mean" Zenitsu said with a teary face as he look at Shun. He was clearly hurt hearing what they have said.

"Why are you looking at me?" Shun said.

"Nothing" Zenitsu turned around and run towards the ball.

"Do you know that girl?" Tanjiro curiously asked.


"That girl at the top left of the entrance wearing a facemask" Tanjiro whisper.

Shun then take glance for a second before looking away. He saw that the girl is wearing a mask, glasses, cap, a skirt, a light green sweater that is zipped open, he also notice that the girl has big bust.

"Nope, maybe she is someone who's scouting our team" Shun said.

"But she's been for here for almost everyday after our first win" Tanjiro said.

"How did you know?" Shun curiously asked.

"Do you think I don't have any ability? My nose is very sensitive more sensitive than a normal human. I can easily differentiate every people's body odor, what colone their using and other things!" Tanjira proudly said.

"Cool!" Shun was surprise on Tanjiro's ability.

"Dog" Nino mercilessly commented.

"A pervert's ability" Houki also commented.

Like an arrow pierce thru his body, tanjiro cripple down in the corner depressed.


"Bye!" Shun wave his hands to the girls before walking on the opposite of where they're going.

As he walk he notice something off, he look at the glass of some restaurant saw something in the reflection.

He raised his eyebrow and shakes his head throwing away his thoughts. He then proceed of walking but slowly getting faster.

A few meters away a girl who is wearing a mask, glasses, cap, a skirt, and sweater that has a zipper that is half open. She stealthily following like great spy. When she notice that he is getting faster she then also started getting faster.

She saw that Shun turned to right. But as she turned to the right the sight of Shun was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he? Did he notice?" She muttered to herself.

She then looks around after a few minutes of looking around finding his clues or whereabouts she finally gave up.

She found a bench and decided to sit on it. She then takes off her facemask and her cap revealing a lower-back length bubblegum pink hair that has bangs hanging on either side, and a large dark-pink eyes.

-Image here-

"Fooo, My information about him is not enough its still unknown if he also has the same ability like Ryõta" She looks at the notebook in her hands that showed informations about Shun.

"Both Kise Shun and Tetsu-kun is hard to predict, Testsu-kun is understandable because he lacked presence to the point that I won't even know where he is."

"As for Kise's twin brother Shun, He is clouded with a dark cloud that makes him very hard to understand what he is" She muttered.

"Ugh, they still have one more match before they face of Dai-chan, I'll get more information in their match." She slumped on the bench cleary saying that she is tired.

"Hey! Did you see on the look at that girl earlier?" A voice sounded on the right side of the girl. She turned her head and saw two boys talking to each other.


The girl's stomach grumble as she saw that the boy's hand was a popsicle. She pull out her wallet look in into it.

"Aw, I don't have enough money for the Popsicle" The girl sadly said.

"How envious" She muttered as she stared at the popsicle on the boy's hand.

"I don't have popsicles but do you want ramen?" A voice sounded in the girl's back. She was surprise on the voice and immediately look at back, she sees a young man with a golden/yellowish hair, crimson red eyes, he also has a golden ring on his right ear, wearing a school uniform.

That guy was Shun, he is sitting on the bench with his right leg is on the top of hi left leg.

"!!!" The girl became alerted she didnt notice him sitting on the bench who was just on her side.

"Since when were you sitting there?" She asked.

"Oh sorry, its seems like I still haven't taken off my ring" Shun take off a ring from his finger and put it in his pocket.

"What was that?" She pointed at the ring that was in Shun's finger earlier.

"Do you feel my presence a lot more than earlier?" Shun asked.

The girl nodded as she feels his presence, if earlier it was like a dark cloud surrounding him now its like the Sun so that is so bright.

"I see, now I ask you thee. Do you want to eat with me? My treat" Shun said.

"N-" The girl was about to refuse but suddenly stops.

'Why would I refuse? Its a free food! And maybe I can also get some informations about him' She thought.

Shun smiled as if he knew what was the girl is thinking.

"I'm Satsuki Momoi, I'm pretty sure you already know who I am" Satsuki placed her hand in front of Shun.

"Kise Shun, I heard of you from my brother's stories when I was in america" Shun gently shakes her hand.

"Oh? He told you? But he never told me anything that he have a twin brother" Satusuki replied.

In response Shun smiled and stood up and straighten his back.

"Let's go, I'm getting hungry all of the sudden" He said as he turn on the opposite way and started walking.

Satsuki look at his back for sec before following his footstep.


A waiter comes to Shun and Satsuki's table and placed the food they order one by one in.the table.

Due to the aroma it gives, Satsuki was the first one complimented the food.

"Ohhh.... It's smell delicious"

"What's with you staring at me like that?" She asked.

"Are you single?" Shun asked.


Satsuki also got choked by the water that she's drinking because of what he just asked.

"W-what are you saying all of the sudden?" She said with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Shun laughed a few times before stopping. Satsuki pouted and just enjoyed the food in the front of her.

"Are they blind or they're gays? I just can't believed that someone beautiful like you wouldn't have any boyfriend nor suitors" Shun said.

The pouting Satsuki suddenly blushed as she stared at Shun who was still laughing.

"Well, I dont see anyone worthy for my love"

"What about Kuroko?" Shun curiously asked.

"Kuroko-kun? Well he seems a good guy and he is the type of a guy I like but I don't see any other things that makes me fall inlove with him" She honestly answered.

Shun suddenly became quite and was in deep thinking, he knew that in the canon of the anime that Satsuki Momoi have fallen in love with Kuroko Tetsuya but in this world she didn't.

"I see, nevermind about that"

"Let's see what you have written about me"

Shun looks at the notebook that was in Satsuki's bag which he have gotten earlier.

Satsuki saw the notebook that was in Shun's hand and immediately touch her bag and look for something.

"How did you do it?" She curiously asked because she never saw Shun approached nor touched her bag.

"A little bit of magic" Shun shrugged his shoulder as he keeps reading the profile about him. Satsuki pouted because she doesn't believe what he have just said.

Shun was finished reading the information about him and was surprised the ability of Satsuki.

"I'm impress how accurate this informations"

"Even though the information you have is only the surface of all of my secrets its still impressive" Shun smiled as he takes out a ball pen from his pockets and started writing some things in the notebook.

"What are you doing?" She said as she adjust her seat next to him and look what he is writing in the notevook.

"I'm helping you guys out"

"Just like aomine I want people who could give me exciting fights" He said while smiling.

Satsuki was surprised how generous Shun is and even willing to sell his information about him for free and how he is still smiling even though he knew that his opponents will know everything about him. She stared at his face that is still smiling while writing his informations in the notebook.

Shun notice her stares and look directly in her eyes. Both of them stared at each others eyes before Satsuki notice that she have been staring at his face for such a long time.

She look away with an embarrassed face. Shun smiled seeing her embarrassed face and look at the notebook and continue writing some informations about him.


Satsuki started intently in the notebook on the notebook that Shun have written while both of them walking side by side in the sidewalk.

The lights of the car that was passing by was bright because of the dark sky.

"Is the information you have written here is really correct?" Satsuki asked.

"Of course, I would never do such things like lying" Shun said.

Satsuki didn't question him any further because she thought that it will only annoy him and take back the information he have given.

As they're walking they have passed by some students who has eatng popsicles. Shun saw her craving look in her eyes.

"Do you want Popsicles as your desert?" He asked.

Satsuki shakes her head and said "Its ok, but thank you for the offer."

But Shun didn't listened and immediately walk towards the store and bought two Popsicles. He then walks out of the store holding two Popsicles in his hand.

"Just think of it as an repayment for taking good care of my stupid brother in the past" Shun said as he push the Popsicles towards her hand.

"Thank you" She respectfully hold the Popsicles and started licking it.

After some time both of them finally arrive at the bus stop.

"Aw, It seems like I still can't have that stuff toy" Satsuki sadly said as she stared at the Popsicle stick in her hand.

"Oh! Looks my luck is still high as ever" Shun said as he stared at the Popsicle stick that has a text that says WIN on it.

Satsuki stared at him with an opened mouth and ask herself how unlucky herself is.

"Hey! Can I rub my face into your face? Maybe I can get some of your luck!" She jokingly said as she laugh.

Shun also laugh what she had just said and then the bus finally arrive in front of them.

"It seems like this the end of our little meeting" She said.

"I enjoyed it! Let's do it again sometimes" She said with a bright smile.

"Yea sure, bye!" Shun nodded and as he Aldo gives his bright smile.

"Bye!" She then gets on the bus and sit down in the opened window while staring at Shun who was still outside.

"Here! considered this as a gift" Shun said as he throws the Popsicle stick he had.

"Thank you!" She shouted as she wave her hand outside while staring at Shun's fading figure.

"It seems like I have fallen in love" Satsuki muttered as she couldn't help but blushed as she remember the embarrassing things she did earlier.

(Sorry but Segss will not be on this chapter)