
Chapter 26

[A/N:I was now thinking about David's mother the bitch clearly is insane,as she tells David because she is his mother she will give him a head start to run,so I am definitely killing her.]

Alex,Six, and Griffin decided to help David out,it took little convincing to help as they jumped to the Airport as they looked flight schedule's they saw the fact the flight from had landed an hour ago as Griffin asked"Didn't you check her flight?"

David shrugged as both Alex and Griffin frowned as Alex asked"You are telling me,you didn't even check her flight?"

David with panicky tone said"We have to find her."

Griffin with slight annoyed tone spoke"You go get her and we will meet me back at the Lair."

Six added"We need to find her quickly,the mogs and Roland won't be far behind."

As both Alex grabbed Six first jumping her with David,disappearing into thin air as Griffin saw a kid saw this and was shocked as he asked"What you looking at?"as he smirked and Jumped away causing the kid to gasp.While things were not exactly as they thought as David revealed his powers to Millie and naturally she freaked out as Alex entered the room and said"David the Paladins are here and before you....."David caught Millie and Jumped as Alex finished"Don't Jump to the Lair directly."

Alex frowned and muttered"Sorry about this Millie."as he takes small cylindrical and throws and Jumps away with Six who did the same thing as the devices activate and opening up and releasing aerosolize fuel and tow nodes on it pops and ignites it with electric, incinerating everything in the area.The Paladins who were just about to enter were thrown back because of the force of the blast.Some of them died in the blast,but Roland survived as coughed and muttered"Those blasted motherfuckers."

Roland knew now he couldn't get any particular jumpscars in this area after that blast.After this place was going to be soon filled with authorities and they can't bring their machine out a such times.

David was getting this torn up by Griffin shouting"Are you an idiot,you are not supposed to bring her here,this is not fancy club house.We told you to sent her somewhere safe not here.They have machine which could help bring them here"

Alec cut in"Don't worry I took care of it,they won't be coming here.I had to destroy her place so that"Griffin was slightly surprised as Millie was confused in all this heard about her apartment being destroyed yelled"you blew up my apartment ?"

Alex slightly bad as he replied"Sorry about that,they were coming to kill you,either we let them come here or we lose an apartment which we could easily get back."

Millie as she asked"David what is this all about and Why are they after you?"

Six led Milllie away and started to explain everything,Millie was shocked was an understatement.Six with soft tone said"They will go after everyone close to David because of his powers and knowing how close both of you are they will either torture you to get information or kill you."

Millie really loved David,but she was also slightly angry at the fact she was drawn into a fight as Six pretty much guessed what she was thinking said"David was jumping all over the place when he couldn't find you."

Millie was slightly touched hearing that as she nodded as she went and sat next to David who awkwardly hugged as Alex only on through"I will never understand girls."

Just then Griffin asked"Now that's out of the way.What do we do about Roland his group of Paladins ?"

Alex sighed and replied"We take them out,leaving them all alive is risky after Paladins are not people who will just enlightened one fine morning that killing Jumpers and their families are wrong."

Griffin and Six nodded while David questioned"Kill them,I mean not all of them maybe bad."

Alex scowled and said"I know you are trying to save your Mother Mary Rice or Drake now.The blood on her hands is not low,she has killed even children who are even less than 6 years old,she killed them without any pity.Do you really think someone like that can be redeemed?"

David didn't know all these things,after he was slightly emotional after seeing his mom back at the Roman Police station as he with disbelief also"She really did that ?"

Alex nodded as David slumped into his seat defeated,Alex really did feel bad for David his mother did try to save him but it was not out of love as he was thinking it was because of pure selfish reason to keep the life she now had intact,after all the fact she knew her son was jumper and paladins always find the Jumper no mater how bad they are.As all of them discussed about the attack on Paladin's who were staying at a Villa near the outskirts of Ann harbour.