
Chapter 20

Alex,Hilde,Freya and Six were now infront of a high class apartment in New York as they made their way up to Davids apartment,Alex had used telepathy to on the managers and found out Roland Cox had already arrived at the location.

Alex with slight hurried tone said"We have to move now,it seems one of paladins are already here."

All started running towards the apartment.

While Roland Cox he brown eyes, dark skin a strong build,with white hair.He seems to have scar above his right eye.He was beating the living crap out of David Rice,Roland used the shock prod to completely negate Davids ability to Jump as the electricity coursing through him made it impossible for him to visualize the location he wanted to go to,Roland was soon getting annoyed with Davids tries to escape he shot a tether cartridge that launches one end of a electrified wire which grapples on to David's leg as he then uses it reel him in.Roland then slams wire's other end to solid ground in order to restrict the ensnared David's movement.

Roland then slowly takes out his knife saying"Because you are an abomination. Only God should have the power to be everywhere at all times."

But before he could continue the door blasts open and four masked figures enter the room,before Roland could react even one of them uses a gun that blasts him with a sonic wave,that sends them flying through the air.

[A/N:This is.the sonic gun from Minority Report.]

The figure is Alex who reloads the gun by being spinning it around at the hilt.David who was still suffering from the effects of the shock looked confused at his saviours as they quickly helps him up,suddenly he blacked out.

David woke up he looked around to see he was in a room with Alex sitting opposite to him,but he made sure he took different form as he didn't trust the guy enough.

David knew these people were trying to help him,but he needed to know who these people are as he questions"Who was that? and Who are you?"

Alex smiled and replied"That my friend was Roland Cox he us memember of an extremist secret society called Paladins,they are dedicated to eliminating people like you Jumpers. Jumpers and Paladins are at "war" since medieval times.Well we are a group that is against them."

David frowned and said"I didn't do anything to them,so why try and kill me."

Alex sighed and explained"I know you didn't do anything to them,but like I said they are extremists they believe only god should have the power to teleport."

David was shocked hearing about how he was now dragged into a war because of his powers as he mutters"I didn't want any of this.I am leaving."

Alex frowned and thought"Forcing him to stay will cause problems.But the same time we can't let him fall into the hands of the Mogs."

Alex then spoke"Okay you can go,but be wary they will hunt you down no matter what."

Alex then took out and card having his number as he said"Call me if you need help."David was thoughtful and then nodded as David jumped,it was like small, humming sound and a blur around him as he teleport/jumps.

Six who appear beside him as she was invisible and watching the whole thing as she asked"Shouldn't you somehow made him stay."Alex shook his head and replied"He is confused and he seems to have stupid idea that as long he keeps his head down they will avoid him.Also forcing him to stay will just cause issues between us.Also I made sure to inject him with tracker when he was knocked out."Six nodded confused idiots are not easy to deal with.

Alex was looking at Shock Prod he stole from Roland, it was short pole-like standard issue weapon for Paladins that harvests electricity. It has a ball-shaped end which shocks a target with high-voltage electricity not unlike taser, momentarily incapacitating them. The weapon's other end can be loaded with a single-use cartridge, consisting of a barrel, and preloaded projectile and powder charge for ranged combat.There are two types of preloaded projectiles:1)Tether Cartridge which is used grapple and prevent Jumpers from escaping.

2)Net Cartridge: A cartridge that splits into a electrified net to capture the target. It has greater range and penetrating power comparable to firearms."Alex was impressed by Paladins work.