
Chapter 18

[A/N:This is a draft and a very quickly written chapter.]

Everyone was now discussing about their future plans,Conrad proposed to find the other Garde,but Katrina and Hilde felt if they joined all the garde it will break the charm around the Garde making all of them vulnerable to the Mogs attack.

Conrad spoke"We can bring them heree,we just have to cancel their charms one by one."

Alex sighed and explained"Conrad,I know you want to bring all the Garde together,but you have to understand all of them went into hiding the moment they thought Maggie died,which means for the next two or three years they will stick to a very remote country or state to avoid Miss detection.The only one who are staying in one place is Nine and his Cepan Jackson."

Conrad was slightly frustrated at not finding any of them and he knew everything Alex said was true as he asked"So we can go get Nine right?"

But everyone decided serching for number three takes the most priority.

While Susannah in her grandfather's last video log saw him giving a coded message, on discerning it she found out it was a number to her father's old safe, which held an old Mogadorian communicator which was said to be highly encrypted as she called the number her father had given her.

Susannah: Hello this is Susannah granddaughter of Markus.

Susanah didn't hear any answer for while, then

Unknown Mog: How did you get this?

Susannah :I found it in my grandfathers safe.

Unknown Mog was silent for a while then:If you are really his granddaughter then answer these questions.

Susannah was asked many personal questions related to her father and grandfather, which she answered without any problem. She could tell the person at the other end was happy.

The unknown Mog: My Name is William and I was close friends with your grandfather,I never thought his granddaughter will contact me.

Susannah then told Willam about needing help as she remembered her father telling her she could trust this person and he would help her if she ever got into a tight situation, Susannah decided to take her fathers advice and decided to visit him, the thing was Andrakus was so full of himself that he refused to believe the fact his son, daughter, and wife and beyond his control, so in hindsight, he never spied on them.

Susannah made sure on one followed her as she made her way to the location William had sent her,It didn't take long as car appeared and told her to get she was hesitant,but soon got in gathering all her courage,she was then blindfolded as she hear someone say"Sorry this just security measures."

It took a while when her blindfolds were removed he soon found it was an old abandoned warehouse were on knocking she was greeted by Mogs who were armor as they quickly guided her in as she saw Willam who was now old smiled said "Sorry for the rough treatment,but I must say you look just like your grandfather father."

Susannah smiled hearing that as Willam questioned"So if I am right you must have found the truth about our beloved leader?"

Susannah nodded and answered"yes,I found father's old video diary, he explained everything. Also, he was the one who told me to call you if things went wrong."Susannah didn't reveal anything about their ally Tony(Alex).

William smiled hearing that as he said"I am glad you contacted me, also we have much to talk about."

William started leading her inside as he said"After your father's death, we knew Setrakus Ra would come after all of us, So to escape his clutches we faked our death in an explosion. Thankfully he brought it."

Susannah looked around the warehouse to see many young and veteran Mogs working on computers or checking weapons as she asked"So Uncle you are trying to create an army to rebel against him right."

Willam nodded and replied, "Yes, we don't have the power to take out Setrakus Ra in a head-on fight, but over the past two years many of his bases have been attacked by an unknown enemy so his follower have been reduced, also because of this there have been doubts about Setrakus Ra's leadership we were able to create a rumor about how Mogadore was destroyed because of him."

Susannah widened her eyes and said, "So you were able to recruit some of them right."Willam nodded and with a smile replied"Yes, we had quite a few who joined our rebellion. We have been thinking about getting an alliance with the last remaining Loric. But we are not sure they will agree after all our race is responsible for almost destroying their people. "William was not a fool,he made sure recruit the Mogs after through background checks and test.

Willam held slight sadness about Loric's destruction as Loric and Mogadore were once allies who had helped each other. It hurt the fact they completely destroyed an ally who had once helped them.

Susannah with slight curiosity questioned, "What if they joined us?"Marcus with a smile answered"Then our chance of winning increases."