
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


Peter and the old man have been traveling for two days in the land of the dead.

Peter: "Water..... I need water, it's so hot here."

Old man: "We are close to the village."

Peter: "How are you not thirsty? you aren't keeping all the water to yourself, are you?"

Old man: "o of course not ahahah."

Peter: "The sun is going down, which means zombies are about to wake up. we've been lucky to not encounter them so far."

Suddenly the old man started noticing something moving in the distance.

Old man: "Shhhh, look in that direction."

Peter: "What? I can't see anything. is the heat starting to get to you, old man?"

Old man: "Zombies are about to wake up in that direction."

Peter: "How can you tell?"

Old man: "I can smell them."

Peter: "HUH? you can smell them from here? what are you? a dog hahahaha."

Old man: "QUITE BOY! Just look."

Peter: "Fine."

Peter starts staring in the direction the old man pointed at. Suddenly the sand started moving.

Peter: "Huh? the sand, it's moving."

Hundreds of Zombies started digging up.


Old man: "I didn't expect them to be this many."

"Peter heard a noise behind him. he turned around and saw tons of zombies standing behind them.

Peter: "O O O O O Old man." 'Starts poking the old man'

Old man: "What?"

Peter: "Why didn't you smell these?" 'Points at hundreds of zombies waking up behind them.'



Hundreds of zombies started chasing Peter and the Old man across the desert.


Old man: "SHUT UP AND RUN!"

They noticed the village in the distance.

Old man: "Peter, the village peter, run to the village!"

Peter: "I'm way ahead of you, old man." 'The old man starts out speeding peter.'


Old man: "I might be old, but I'm still in my prime, boy!"

Peter: "What? That Doesn't make any sense!"

Once they got closer to the village, the zombies suddenly stopped chasing them.

Peter: "Huh? they stopped moving."

Old man: "Looks like the village is protected by a ward that stops the zombies from getting close."

The village guards saw them and ran towards them.

Old man: "Looks like they noticed us. Careful, they might be guards, but they are still thugs."

Guard: "Who goes there?"

Old man: "We are travelers."

Guard: "What were you two doing out there in the night? don't you know the undead wake up in this hour?"

Old man: "We got lost and by the time we found our way to the village the undead woke up and chased us."

Guard: 'Looks at peter' "And Who are you?"

Peter: "Me uhhh Ummm I..."

Old man: "He's my son."

Peter: "Yeahhhh, his son, ahahahah."

Guard: "Why are you laughing? did I say something funny?"

Old man: "Forgive him, sir. My son is stupid. His mother dropped him on his head when he was young."

Peter: "HEY!"

Guard: "I've heard enough. Come on, follow me inside."

They got stopped at the gate by the captain.

Guard: "Captain, they say they are travelers."

Captain: "Travelers ay?"

Old man: "Yes sir."

Captain: "If you wish to enter the village, then you have to pay a fee."

Peter: "Huh? Since when do we have to pay fees to enter villages?"

Captain: "Either you pay or we kill you, take your money and feed your bodies to the undead. Your choice."

Old man: "We will gladly pay, here. 'Gives the captain a large amount of gold.' I suppose this should be enough to keep us out of trouble around the village?"

Captain: "Ohhh! This is more than enough. Please, sir, get inside, it's cold out here in the night. Guard Show them around the village."

Guard: "Yes Captain!"

Old man: "Thank you, sir."

The guard showed Peter and the old man around the village.

Peter: "I have to say, it looks better than I expected. I'm impressed"

Guard: "Of course, this might be the village of outlaws, but adventurers from all over Nyland visit us and bring their business with them."

Peter: "Adventurers you say? That means the adventure guild exist in this world"

Guard: "We'll stop here at the tavern. They have rooms for you to stay the night. It can get, umm, crazy inside, so be careful not to piss off the wrong person."

Old man: "Thank you."

The tavern was huge and filled with people partying loudly.

Peter: "I can hear a lot of noises coming inside. I wonder if there are Hot Girls with big boobs Inside. Ehehehe, LET'S GO INSIDE."

Old man: "Wait, Peter."

Will Peter find Hot Girls with huge boobs inside the tavern? Will they be able to stay out of trouble? Find out in the next chapter.

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