
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


The old man left a teleportation crystal back at the water kingdom to fast travel after they got the emerald gemstone, but since they don't need to get the gemstone anymore, he decided to use the teleportation crystal to fast travel.

Peter: "Whoa! I didn't know teleportation exist in this world."

Old man: "Heheheh there's a lot for you to learn about this world. Now stay close to me, both of you."

Peter and Ren stood next to the old man as he used the teleportation stone. A bubble started surrounding them and then 'Poof!' They all disappeared and reappeared in the water kingdom tavern.

Peters falls to the ground, feeling like throwing up. "Ughhh, This was not fun. I feel sick."

Ren: "Get it together, don't forget why we are here."

Old man: "Ren is right, we can't waster time let's go meet the king."

As Peter and his squad were walking to the castle, they noticed that the town became a lot more active. They arrived at the castle gates and were welcomed by Captain Malena. They went inside the castle to meet the king.

King: "I see you're back and brought my other daughter with you."

Princess Amelia sees Princess Ren standing next to Peter and gets mad. "Tchh, What is she doing next to the hero?"

Peter: "We found each other in the land of the dead, she saved our lives and pretty much joined us in our journey."

Princess Amelia: "Who cares! Did you bring me the emerald gemstone?"

Princess Ren: "No we did not bring you the gemstone."

Old man: "This is about to get awkward."

Princess Amelia: "HUH? And who asked you? This is not your business so stay out of it."

The King: "Ahem! Both of you settle down. Hero, Explain what's going on."

Peter: "Well, I, Ummm, decided that I want to marry Princess Ren instead of Princess Amelia." Looks away in awkwardness.

Princess Amelia stood up from her chair in anger. "You decided what? You chose that half breed over me?"

The King: "Hero, You made a deal with princess amelia."

Peter: "Yeah, but she said I need to bring her the emerald gemstone and I didn't. Besides didn't she said that she'll never marry a hero like me? She should be happy."

Princess Amelia: "Well, I changed my mind I don't want the emerald gemstone anymore."

Peter: "I want Ren and she wants me. Your highness my decision is final."

Peter looked at the king in the eyes with confidence. The king sat down on his chair and started thinking while everyone stayed silent.

The King: "Ren, You want this? You want to marry the hero?"

Ren: "Yes father."

The king: "Ok then I made up my mind. Hero, you will fight a warrior chosen by Princess amelia. If you win you get to marry Ren, if you lose, Princess Amelia gets to decide what happen."

Inside Peter Head: "Dammit! I'm not a good fighter, but..."

Ren: "I'll fight instead of the hero."

Peter: "No Ren, I'll fight. Ok your Highness I'll fight anyone you want."

Princess Amelia smiles and starts laughing. "Ahahaha, Idiot! I chose Captian Malena as my fighter."

Captain Malena: "I won't let you down princess."

Peter: "Alright, When do we start?"

The king: "You just got back from your travel it's not fair if we start now. The fight will be held one week from now. That should give you enough time to prepare and rest."

Peter: "Sounds good to me. I'll see you in one week."

Ren: "Peter, you idiot Captain Malena is strong what if you lose?"

Peter: "Heh! Do you know who you are talking to? I'm the HERO OF NYLAND! I'll definitely win just wait and see."

Ren: "Let me train you at least."

Old man: "I agree with Ren. Let her train you peter, it's better than nothing."

Ren: "We'll start tomorrow. I'll meet you at the tavern and don't dare look at other women around the kingdom I'll know and I'll kick your ass."

Peter: "I won't I promise heheheh."

"Will peter be ready for his fight or will he lose and be forced to marry princess Amelia? Find out in the next chapter."