
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


Ren told Peter to go in the hot spring first and that she'll join him later. Peter removed his clothes and wore his towel and went to the hot spring. The moon was shining on the water at night alongside the yellow lights coming from the candles creating a very romantic atmosphere.

Peter felt awkward as he removed his towel and sat in the hot spring wearing only his shorts thinking about Ren's Amazing body sitting next to him.

Peter: "The water is so niiiiiiice! I needed this badly." As Peter was relaxing in the hot spring, Ren told Peter to close his eyes.

Ren: "If you opened your eyes without my permission I'll kill you!"

Peter: "I... I promise I won't ahaha."

Ren was wearing her sexy bikini under her towel. She sat down in the hot spring, a little further from Peter.

Peter: "Can I open my eyes now?"

Ren: "N-Not yet."

Peter turned his back on ren and opened his eyes. "I'll just look away from you."

Ren gathered her courage and removed her towel and told Peter to look at her. Peter turned around and saw Ren's wearing a bikini under the moonlight.


Ren's face turned red as Peter was looking at her "Say something you idiot don't just look."

Peter: "You look incredible and your body looks amazing. Respectfully"

Ren: "Really? I thought I looked weird. I'm not used to wearing this."

Peter: "You don't look weird you look SEXY!" HER BOOBS ARE HUGE!

Ren: "You can sit close to me I feel more comfortable now."

Peter: "GULP" "O OK."

Peter sat close to ren and looked at Ren in the eyes.

Peter: "You look more beautiful when I'm this close to you."

Ren was super happy when she heard Peter say that, but she tried to laugh it off "Aahaha, you look stupid when you say that."

Peter: "H Hey! I'm trying to be romantic here give me a break."

Ren: "I can't take you seriously when you force yourself to be romantic Just be yourself."

Peter: "Sighhh, Whatever. I'm just happy to be here relaxing in this amazing hot spring."

Ren: "So you're only happy because of the hot spring?"

Inside Peter's head "Now's my chance to strike hehehe."

Peter closed his eyes and smiled "Of course not, you think I'm not happy sitting next to my Hot fiance in a bikini under the moonlight in a hot spring?"

Ren's heart skipped a beat "Th That's not what I meant, but I'll take the compliments. Also, I'm not your fiance until you defeat the captain."

Peter: "I'm not gonna lose. I'll win and you'll be my first wife."

Ren gets closer to Peter and looks him in the eyes "Tell me peter Since I'm going to be your first wife that means I'm special right?"

Inside Peter's head "Oh! Is she jealous of the other princesses?"

Peter put his hands on Ren's shoulders. "You're the first love you'll always be special to me." Then they started kissing each other for a while.

Ren told Peter to stop before she gets too excited and do it with him before they get married. Peter Immediately stood up with his mouth open and face red.

Peter: "You mean we are going to do it after we get married?"

Ren's face turns red and looks away: "Of course you idiot."


Ren: "Wh Why are you screaming?"

Peter clenched both of his fists like he was about to power up, "Just wait captain Malena. After what ren just told me there's no way I'm going to lose ahahahahaha."

Suddenly, Ren slapped Peter's ass making him jump in surprise. Peter points his finger at ren while his face is red


Ren: "Ahahahaha this is just a teaser for our wedding night if you win!"

Peter's nose starts bleeding. "Aghhhh! I need to train more before the fight. I HAVE TO WIN AT ALL COST!"

Six days left for Peter to fight against captain Malena. Will he be ready and take the win? Or, will he lose and marry princess Amelia? Find out in the next chapter.