
I reincarnated, became anti-mage, came back and find that magic exist

After he loses his right to inherit the company and loses all hope for his future, he gets very acquainted with ropes and finds himself being born in a new body. The world has magic, but the boy has a condition that makes him perfect to fight against magic, so his parents basically abandon them to the anti-magic organization. He trains there and huptidoo, time passes and he is now an S-rank adventurer and the gate back to his original world opens and he goes back. Then he finds that magic existed in his old world and now he has ample opportunities to... chill out and drink coffee. Oh and turns out the reason why he wasn't the next company head was because the company is basically a high end magic comorodate. His lack of magic was the reason why he couldn't become the next head of the company. He was never told of this and he gets really annoyed that people around him hid this from him and he tried his best for nothing. But since he is an anti-mage and his old family was full of mages, he has ample opportunities to screw with them. Will he? Who knows. As long as he gets to enjoy his coffee. Side note: I won't correct the title since I don't respect this language.

SanderTomson · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 3: Manaheart castration

A week has passed since Anthon visited his old family. He has been investigating the Worshta family thoroughly and devises a plan to make it so that there will be no mages left in the Worshta lineage. A rather mundane task for someone who has taken jobs for the anti-magic organization in Ferotnias. Jobs that often revolve around hunting down troublesome mages.

This time, Anthon had to consider modern matters such as guns and explosives. The suit can mostly deal with force based attacks, but Anthon has no idea how well it'll fare with modern firearms. Explosives aren't an issue in most cases, but the difficulty would arise if there wasn't any air to breathe after the explosion.

After considering the modern factors, he then made sure to only target the buildings belonging to the Worshta family.

It was at this point that Anthon realized that he kind of was as considering things that terrorists would do when taking the modern aesthetic in consideration. He later dismissed these thoughts as it didn't matter to him in the end as he wasn't going to kill anybody. At least not if he can help it.

Then came the big day of hunting down the Worshta family lineage. First was easy since Louis was such a party animal that Anthon only needed to go to where she was partying and deal with the problem.

When he saw Louis, she was surrounded by a bunch of cheap girls around her serving drinks. Anthon just went to her and said "Louis Worshta?" To which Louis answered "What kind of freak wears a costume like that. Go away."

Anthon forcibly touched Louis' shoulder for a moment and the job was done. Louis was confused, but didn't realize she lost her ability to use magic somewhere along the night when trying to do a party trick. She immediately realized who was responsible and assembled people to hunt Shade down.

The next few days Anthon had some problems with thugs who knew magic. He simply did some moves and removed their magic also, which made them panic a little. There were people who didn't solely rely on magic and it was those people that Anthon had most trouble dealing with. That being said, Anthon just beat them to the state of being unconscious.

The other members of the Worshta family were a little more tricky. Nevertheless, Anthon just went to each building owned by them and made all the magic items useless. Of course there was resistance, but it was easy to deal with people who are so confident in the magic that they forget that they have modern weapons at hand.

Anthon believed that some mages in this world are now a little arrogant in their skills in magic now that they can freely show it off. The ability to use magic has now become somewhat of a status symbol. Those who have become too confident because of their manaheart find it rather painful of a fall when they lose it in the way Anthon does it.

There have been many hit squads for Anthon during the past few days, but it has become abundantly clear that the Worshta family is weakening after many castrations in the family.

One day Shade received a messenger from the Worshta family that asked Shade about his demands. Shade simply replied "Manaheart castration of all Worshta lineage." Which they obviously refused.

Anthon had to travel quite some distances as the family was scattered. It took two weeks of him hunting them down that the last Worshta family member lost their manaheart.

Now, after losing all of their lineage's magic and many of the magic artifacts ruined, the Worshta family fell into ruin and lost its face from the magic society.

Everyone knew that it was Shade who did it, but no one but the top of the Nox family knew why he did it. Anthon received some fines of course and spent two days in jail, but other than that, he was on clear waters. It would seem that some other mage families had a hand in making Shade's punishment as lenient as possible. It would seem that the Worshta family was generally disliked by many of the major mage families.

While he was chilling in jail, he complimented the coffee there and gave it 7.5/10. Why did he get to drink the coffee there? Who knows. Anthon has a way with people sometimes. He did teach some brewing methods for the cop who was interested in one day becoming a barista.

This also implies that Anthon could walk freely around in the jail at some point, probably at the end of his stay, but later, he became the legend who gave Larry the push to become a barista. That was however deep in the future, as the economy was terrible at the time and Larry had a family to feed.

One day, while he was drinking coffee at some coffee shop, a familiar face walked by. It was Elis. Anthon had no idea how or why she was there, but he just shrugged it off as it has likely nothing to do with him. Spoiler, it had everything to do with him.

Anthon paid it no mind that the demon king's daughter was walking freely around the world that he came from. He wasn't worried that she would recognise him since he wasn't wearing a mask and he was in his Anthon persona.

Moments later, Elis comes to sit with Anthon and order a drink herself. It was at this moment that Anthon thought that he might be cooked. Nevertheless, he kept a calm face and drank his coffee.

Then he decided to be polite and ask Elis "And who might this pretty young lady be to sit with nobody like me?" Elis answered with a smile "You know exactly who I am, Shade, so why don't you drop that."

This made Anthon almost spill out the coffee he was drinking, but since it was an unforgivable sin to waste coffee, he managed to keep it in with the sheer power of will.

Anthon swallowed his coffee and asked Elis "I'm not sure what you mean pretty demon lady. My name is Anthon and I'm just a retired person with not much to offer."

Elis drink some of her drink and then says "You don't have to play dumb with me. Or perhaps in your time as an adventurer, you have completely missed out the fact that we demons have a great sense in magic."

Newsflash, Anthon had completely forgotten about it by the time and he silently asked for the forgiveness of the teachers of the anti-magic school. 

Elis continued "Furthermore, us demons from noble lineages have a keener sense with magic, making us be able to observe the very nature of the magic of those we look at. That is besides the point, but the gist of it is that I can sense the same kind of abyss in you that I felt when I first meant Shade. The level of ernamanaconsuma in you is something that is hard to replicate and is once in a millennia occurrence in Ferotnias."

It was at this point that Anthon completely gave up hiding his identity from Elis, who then said "So your real name is Anthon. What an interesting name."

Anthon said "Thanks for the compliment. So why are you here?" To which Elis gave as simple answer as "You". Anthon asked "Pardon?" To which Elis elaborated "I heard that the great S-rank adventurer Shade had gone to the world beyond the gate, so I followed you here. It took some convincing, but we managed to make a delegation in this country. I was just on a stroll until I found a familiar presence drinking coffee leisurely."

Anthon gave a nervous laugh at this and asked "So… all this was just to meet up with me?" And Elis answered "Yes."

Then Anthon asked "Why do you want to meet me so badly and go through all the hassle?" To this, Elis answered while smiling "I came to make you mine."

If Anthon had any coffee in his mouth at the moment, he was sure that he would have coughed it out at this moment. Luckily, Anthon predicted this potential dangerous sin, so he didn't take a sip from his coffee cup just out of caution. This further caused a conundrum that Anthon had to just let the coffee sit there and get cold, making the coffee lose its most prominent state of being. 

This was unforgivable, so Anthon tried to hurry up the conversation by saying "I'm sure that would be lovely, but I have decided to stay single and avoid any potential future problems with any romantic interest when there might be a conflict that causes us to split our assets. Hence, I have to ask you to stop doing whatever you are trying to do, so please drink your coffee and leave."

Elis gave a slight giggle and said "You still refuse to join hands I see. No matter, I will make you mine in the future, so mark my words." Anthon took a sip when Elis spoke, which was a little of a gamble, but since it was likely she wasn't leaving, he had to take the risk.

Anthon asked "What even makes you want me to be yours. I just managed to beat up your dad." To which Elis answered "That would be enough on itself to gain my interest, but then you also refused my father's proposal back then, so my interest in you doubled."

Anthon says "Yet you went on a rampage." To this, Elis gave a slight laugh, rose up from her chair, went to Anthon and grabbed him from the collar of his shirt. Then Elis stares at Anthon's eyes and says in a sinister tone "That is right. And if you ever make such a fool out of me again, I'll make sure that you have no legs to run further away from me. Are we clear?"

At that moment, Anthon simply thought "Great. I got the attention of what is basically a yandere." Then he says with a poker face "Sure" as if his life wasn't in any kind of danger. 

Inside however, he is screaming. He knew that he could take her on in a fight, but if he tried to do what he did with the Worshta family, he would then have a whole demon race after his throat. And that's not all, the woman in front of him also knew his face, so hiding under the guise of Anthon wasn't an option with the demon race anymore.

Elis then let go of Anthon and went back to her seat to enjoy her drink. Both began to talk things about the world they were now in, and Anthon tried his best to not reveal that he was originally from this world before reincarnating.

Somewhere in the distance and on top of a building, a cat-eared woman with short hair and a scarf, looked at both Anthon and Elis. She muttered "There you are, hubby. How dare you talk to that demoness and let her drink with you. Is she also after hubby's seed? Possible, but I have to investigate the woman's background first before taking action. But no matter what, I will make sure that hubby will impregnate multiple women that I approve of. Notably, most of the girls from Hexen academy."

Then the woman smiled and said "But most importantly…" then she rubbed her belly and said "I'll make sure that the child between us two geniuses will be born healthy and strong. Just you wait…"

Then both Elis and the cat-girl on the roof thought "I'll make you mine" at the same time.