
Chapter 2507: The True Situation_1

At this moment, Tang San, who had his eyes shut tight, suddenly opened them wide, and began to cough violently, "Cough cough..."

Seeing this, Xiaowu beside him exclaimed with joy, "Third Brother, how are you feeling? Are you feeling any better?"

Tang San's gaze fixed on her face, he reached up to rub his head and said, "Xiaowu, what happened to me??"

Xiaowu immediately explained, "Your clone was destroyed by the Abyssal Emperor, and after suffering a strong backlash, you fell into a coma!"

Tang San gave a wry smile, "Right... I almost forgot, I was defeated by the Abyssal Emperor!"

Even though he knew he could have killed the Abyssal Emperor before he ascended to the God King realm if he had gone all out!

But his hesitation led to disaster!

Xiaowu was quite distressed, "No, Third Brother, you just didn't use your full strength, after all, that was only one of your clones!"

Tang San pursed his lips and chose not to argue...

But in his heart, he knew very well that the strength of that clone wasn't much less than his own body!

If the Abyssal Emperor could defeat the clone, he could defeat his body as well!

But the next second, he seemed to think of something, and hastily asked, "Right, Xiaowu, how is the Lower Realm?"

Having slept for so long, hasn't the Lower Realm already been destroyed by the Abyssal Emperor now ascended to God King?

Xiaowu said somewhat reluctantly, "I notified Xu Sheng, and he has already reached the Lower Realm, fighting against the Abyssal Emperor!"

Upon hearing this, Tang San did not hesitate to release his divine sense and began to perceive the Lower Realm...

But this perception alarmed him!

He exclaimed, "How... How can this be? Why has the Abyssal Emperor's strength increased?"

It even caused him to feel a strong palpitation...

He gritted his teeth and said, "No, I must go to the Lower Realm!"

Of course, more importantly, he had to reclaim his image in the eyes of Tang Wulin, no, in the eyes of all the Soul Masters of the Lower Realm!

But before he could take any action, two figures walked over at a leisurely pace...

"Sea God, with such a serious injury, you should just recuperate in peace," they said.

Seeing them, Tang San exclaimed in surprise, "Kindness God, Evil God, why have you come?"

The Evil God said playfully, "Of course, to pay you a visit! Who would have thought you'd get so severely injured by a fellow from the Lower Realm?"

Tang San's face immediately darkened, "Last time, I was careless, and that's why I fell into that guy's trap!"

"This time, I'll deal with him personally!"

The Kindness God gently interrupted, "Just forget about it, Sea God, you are so badly injured, even your Divine Artifact is lost, going there won't be much help!"

"Besides, the Creator God's strength is far too powerful compared to the God King realm! How could a newly ascended God King stand a chance against him?"

Even several God Kings united might not be his match!

Tang San fell silent, but he also had to abandon the idea of going to the Lower Realm...

As for what to do next, he'd wait until Brother Sheng dealt with the Abyssal Emperor!


Having gained greater strength, the Abyssal Emperor, after fusing it completely with himself, twisted his face and told Xu Sheng, "No matter if you are the ruler of the Divine Realm or whatever, you cannot possibly be a match for me now!"

He had never felt such overwhelming power surging within him!

Xu Sheng lifted his chin, enunciating each word, "Abyssal Emperor, is your confidence stemming from the cape behind you?"

For some reason, the Abyssal Emperor's cape grew longer every time he leveled up!

Hearing this, the Abyssal Emperor couldn't help but subconsciously look at his own cape, his already twisted face becoming even more ghastly...

"You, you actually dare to provoke me!!"

Extending his hand, the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss Halberd flew over once again...

He clenched his fist, and without any warning, swung it forward…

The ultimate power of death poured out, striking Xu Sheng directly…

As he stretched out his arms to defend, he heard a "bang," and his whole body staggered several steps backward…

Upon closer inspection, a few traces could be seen on his arms…

The Abyssal Emperor laughed loudly, "See? This is my true strength!"

Xu Sheng rubbed his arms and sighed, "What should I say about you! Such an attack couldn't even break my skin."

What on earth was this guy so happy about?

If it were him, he would've gone to hide in a hole by now!

The Abyssal Emperor, furious to the point of splitting, "What did you say!!"

To further provoke the other, Xu Sheng extended his arm, "If you don't believe me, see for yourself!"

At this scene, Yue Zhengyu couldn't hold back and burst out laughing with a "pfft!"…

"Teacher Xu is too much, actually saying such demoralizing words!"

Though he was still in the sorrow of losing his grandfather, now he just couldn't help it!

Yuanen Yehui remarked out of the blue, "It's the truth, the attack of the Abyssal Emperor didn't… break Teacher Xu's skin!"

Xu Xiaoyan said with a touch of sarcasm, "In my opinion, the Abyssal Emperor shouldn't waste time with these strange tactics, it would be more effective to attack directly with the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss!"

Ye Xinglan said seriously, "That makes sense, the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss halberd is a Divine Artifact, I fear Teacher Xu wouldn't dare to take it on with his bare body!"

Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes flickered, "Everyone's mood seems to have undergone a big change with Teacher Xu's arrival!"

In the past, it was also like this, whenever the Shrek Seven Monsters encountered something they couldn't handle, Teacher Xu would step in!

But Tang Wulin was changing the subject, pointing to the other side and saying, "Gu Yue, now's the time…"

Gu Yuena lifted her eyes and saw that he was pointing to the ferocious beasts being controlled by the Abyssal Emperor!

Then, with a flash, she was by their side…

Looking concerned, she said, "Di Tian, are you all right?"

These ferocious beasts had ended up in this plight because they were trying to save her!

Di Tian shook his huge dragon head, "It's nothing serious, just that the Abyssal Emperor has used some method to bind both our bodies and souls, making us unable to move!"

Bi Ji also nodded slightly, "But these things don't matter, as long as you, our master, are fine!"

"Master, no need to worry, we will be rescued soon"

"Yes, it's just temporary immobility, nothing serious!"

This confident tone left Gu Yuena puzzled, "Why do you say that?"

The ferocious beast replied subconsciously, "The person fighting against the Abyssal Emperor is actually…"

But in the next second, it abruptly stopped talking...

Because Di Tian was staring at it with a vicious gaze…

As if to say, dare to reveal it, and I'll slaughter you!

Gu Yuena naturally noticed this detail, and her gaze gradually became solemn, "Di Tian, are you hiding something??"

"Or perhaps, you've known Teacher Xu's true identity all along, I don't like being deceived!!"

Di Tian met her gaze and sighed, "Yes, master!"


