
I Own Hollywood

Being given another chance at life I am driven to become the most famous actor, director, artist, and businessman there ever was. Having an entire world of knowledge in my head I will make it all from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, DC, Game of Thrones, to Pirates of the Carrabian. I will rise to the top and rule it all. First story so going at my own pace.

Ghost_Strike · อื่นๆ
16 Chs

What's Next?

Looking at my missed calls I decide to just go down the list. The first was Uncle.

"Hey, Eren I'm assuming you've seen the reviews. Overall there very good however a side-effect of is that your history is being looked into which isn't bad, but your family may come up a lot online."

"I know Uncle I am prepared for the floodgates."

"Ok good if you need anything just let me know."

'While the massive interest in my family may be not "the ideal" it will highly increase the turnout of the movie tonight. After that, the movie will spread through the word of mouth.' Going to the next missed call I dial the number. Dial, "Eren good to see you're up. That call was just to let you know that we will be releasing Home Alone internationally in 1 week."

"Good to know Mr. Anderson, and I'm looking forward to the box office performance."

For the rest of the day, I kept track of social media and finished the first Harry Potter book. Once I finished the book, I went to look for Veronica because I promised she would be the first person to read the book. When I gave it to her, she was excited to read it.

Later That Night Somewhere...

"Come on James we don't want to make Jessica and Luke wait for us."

"I'm coming I texted them to get some snacks so it won't be a problem."

The couple walks into the theater and meets the other couple.

"Why were you two so late."

"Someone wanted to stop and get something to eat and were in the drive-through for 20 minutes".

"Well, let's hurry up and get the tickets."

"Hello, what movie would you like to see."

"Yes 4 tickets to A Light Christmas--"

"Hey, James look up there."

They all look over to see a poster of a new movie. "Home Alone."

"We should see it."

"Bet. If it sucks I get to copy the next essay we have to do."

"Alright bet."

After The Movie...

"That was hilarious I may go and see it again tbh."

"I'll admit it was really good."


'Home Alone Directed by Eren Wayne. So he's made a movie.' Looking in her purse she pulls out a card with Eren Wayne's information on it.

A smile shows up on Jessica Lauren's face, "Mine as well see the movie."

The Next Day...

When I woke up, I had two notifications from the system.

{System Reward 20 Skill Points For Release Of First Film. System Reward 2 Content Points For Release of Film.}

'Nice.' I do my morning routine and head to DreamHigh with Buster. When I arrived, I walked up to my uncle's office and knocked on the door.

"Eren, good to see you," Uncle looks down, "And you too Buster. Home Alone made $55 Million on opening night."

"That's good."

"Good, that's fucking amazing."

"Well the hard work from the cast & grew was a large part of it. Now the word of mouth will take over and by that time international audiences should have heard of Home Alone."

"I agree. So what's the future holding for you."

"I'm currently working on 2 new scrips so for now just keep me posted on the box office and potential interviews."

"More movies, you're going to be busy," Uncle said with a surprised face.

"True, I'll be waiting on making my company for now until I finish the scripts."

"Alright, remember to take a break every once in a while."

"I will, is there a free office where I can work."

"Yeah, we got one down the hall 4 doors on the right."

When I arrived at the office, I let Buster get comfortable and I opened my laptop and looked at social media for review on Home Alone.

(Movie Buzz & Reviews)


5/5 This movie is amazing love the actor who played Kevin really likable. Will definitely see this movie again. Shout out to Eren Wayne for creating the movie. #HomeAloneRocks #ErenWayne #ErenWayneFamily


Overall the only bad thing about this movie is that I forgot to get popcorn and at no point during the movie was there a boring part so I could go get popcorn. Also, Eren Wayne is super hot even by Hollywood standards. #HomeAlone #ErenWayne


Was a little surprised that the family aspect of Christmas was not in the film but that thought immediately left my mind as the film was so amazing. Everyone should pay respects to Eren Wayne especially do your own research on his family. #HomeAloneRocks #ErenWayne #ErenWayneFamily


Wonderful movie glad I brought my kids to see it easiest Friday distraction to get a little rest. #HomeAlone


5/5 I hope they make another movie with the same actor. Next big child actor can't wait to see what he does next. #HomeAlone


4/5 Movie was amazing the only reason it's a 4 is because my children and wife keep telling me they want to see the movie again. #HomeAlone #HomeAloneRocks


Wonderful movie. Sad when I looked into the director's past but glad he has gotten some success with this movie. #HomeAlone #ErenWayneFamily #HomeAloneRocks #ErenWayne

'Looks like the reception is very good & interest about me & my family is increasing. I'll have to address that soon with an interview or a post.'

'With Harry Potter going to be released soon I should spend my content points on scripts, but I need something that doesn't cost much. While I do want to get into franchises, I don't have the popularity or money.'

After another hour of thinking I decided on what to spend my points on.

{Script Obtained: "Shawshank Redemption". Script Obtained: "High School Musical". Remaining Context Points 0.}

Shawshank Redemption was known as a classic in the other world. The story was simple but what made it special was the acting. High School Musical was probably one of the most timeless movies of the younger generation for some reason. By upgrading the dances, dialogue & some of the songs the movie could become legendary. To do that…

{Skill [Musician 'Beginner'] Obtained, Skill [Dance Director 'Beginner'] Obtained, Skill [Scriptwriter 'Beginner']. 10 Skill Points Remaining.}

{Skill [Musician 'Beginner'] Upgraded To [Musician 'Average'], Skill [Dance Director 'Beginner'] Upgraded To [Dance Director 'Average']. Remaining Skill Points 1.}

Alright, I'll start writing the script for Shawshank Redemption first. For High School Musical I can use the hype of Home Alone and it being family friendly and can be enjoyed by kids to break into that genre of film.

'I think I need more skill points to be able to upgrade my skills to a satisfactory level to write everything for High School Musical.'

5 Hours Later…

After Hours of writing Shawshank Redemption, I decided to go home.

When I arrived, I walked in and saw Veronica cooking dinner. When she sensed my presence, she looked up from what she was doing. "Welcome home Mr. Wayne, dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. By the way, I finished reading your book, and I can say that I'm a fan of it. The characters and world are so captivating I was tempted to read it again," she said with what I could swear I saw sparkles in her eyes.

"Well, I'm glad you like the book. When you're free can you call to set up a meeting with JeadenCollins for tomorrow."

"I will get right on that."

"Thank you, Veronica."