
Chapter 9

Desperation started to take over again. She felt her eyes moisten and she was short of breath.

She remembered everything that had happened since she entered that park. How peace and tranquility turned to fear. The adrenaline rushing through her veins, her heart racing, hands shaking, the pain in her lungs, the sensation of losing consciousness with her life running through the fingers, to be crushed in a cold embrace.

Luciene remembered, but she didn't want to think about it, at least not yet, not until it was really necessary.

Just thinking or talking a little about what had happened Luciene felt her temperature drop, as if she were back on that cold night, suffocated by the grip of that hand, feeling her skin burn.

Repeating the same process as before, she took several deep breaths, exhaling the air slowly.

Even though those scenes insisted on appearing before her eyes, she pushed them to the back of her mind. She couldn't let herself be shaken anymore, she had to be strong. Just like when my mother was sick, more than on the day I had an accident and was almost run over when I was younger, like when my father ... yes ... would go through it in the same way.

Doctor Francisco, who was a little shocked by Luciene's question before, needed to decide while carefully watching that young woman who seemed so fragile at that moment. Could he talk to her and tell her everything he knew?

"You... are you sure you want to know about it now?" Luciene nodded at him. Despite her hands still shaking, she looked directly into Dr. Francisco's eyes, she was sure of her decision.

“It doesn't matter what happened. Trying to escape will only make the situation worse. If I don’t know now, I don’t think I’ll have the courage to ask later. ” She curled up under the covers with a sad smile.

Even though she is in a state of shock, she still wants to know what happened and try to understand. From the little we talked about yesterday when she came with her mother, I realized that her personality is very strong and will certainly not accept any simple explanation on the assumption of wanting to save her from stress. The doctor thought to himself, running his fingers through his blond hair, before sighing. She would have to speak to some people to understand how the situation unfolded in others’ eyes and try to make it coherent. But for now, I can try to talk a little.

Breaking the silence that had settled in the room, he started telling about last night "It was more than midnight when he got here" Luciene went up to a half-seated position paying attention to each word that the other said.

“I had just returned to the hospital for duty when we heard the sound of tires dragging on the asphalt in front of the emergency entrance. Shortly thereafter, a man came running, carrying a young woman in his arms, shouted about finding her passed out on the street and how she didn't look well brought him to the hospital. When my team approached, I saw that the young woman was you” He lifted his black glasses holding the bridge of his nose, and sighed.

“You had a head injury, a bruise on your arm, a cut and two perforations on your hand, several bruises and scratches all over your body, and the strangest thing, you had a very low volume of blood, but you didn't have a single fracture or internal injuries that could have caused a hemorrhage. ” With eyes wide open, Luciene lowered her head and shivered again when she imagined how she had arrived, all so strange that it seemed to have come out of a Natflix series. “After we had blood transfusions, we focused on external injuries and, well, now you're here. Awake and well, right? ”

Luciene tried to digest everything he had said. I understand that I was treated here, but ... "And before?" She looked again at the doctor “What happened? Who was that person? How did he find me? Why didn't he call the emergency and bring me straight here?

"Maybe he thought he wouldn't have time?"


"Calm!" She spoke in a harsh tone. Luciene was agitated, and that wouldn't do her any good. "I can't answer all your questions, I don't know that much myself." He said, returning to his gentle tone, "Later we'll talk more about it, now you need to rest."

When Luciene seemed to have calmed down again. He said in a calm tone “Let's do it like this, it's 5:20 now” he looked at her wristwatch before looking back at her “I have a break at 7 o'clock. I'll try to talk to someone to see if I can get any more information, and in the meantime, you eat a little and rest. Then, I’ll come and tell you what to find out, okay? ”

"But..." Before she could continue, the doctor interrupted her by waving his index finger in front of her face, speaking in a serious voice, albeit with a kind smile on his face.

“No, no, no. No more buts. Now you need to rest and regain your strength. Medical orders!” He said giving her a wink and getting up from the bench to leave.

"Um, okay..." said Luciene, uneasy, pressing her lips together until it formed a line, watching the doctor speak as he walked on his back towards the door.

"Okay, I'll leave you in the care of nurse Diana." He says and makes a strange face when he stops, leans forward, and raises a hand to his mouth, lowering his voice a little in a confidant tone "She is a little surly little woman who likes to imply, and ..."

"Ahem!" The doctor is interrupted by the sound coming from the door, where a woman in her forties, who appeared to be a little over five feet tall, is standing with a hand on her waist, while holding a tray with her right, looking towards the doctor, with one eyebrow raised and smiling, almost challenging him to continue his words.

Looking quickly at the door and turning back to Luciene, the doctor, who looked a little paler, recovered quickly and opened a frightening smile “And she is a very good-hearted person! An excellent professional here inside the hospital. haha haha “He said in a flattering tone, then turned and faced the nurse.

“Ah Diana, my dear, you are so beautiful today. I leave this young woman to your wonderful care!” Dr. Francisco walk to the door and laughing nervously. His movements were somewhat rigid as he approached the woman in white uniform and black hair tied in a bun, standing beside the passage.

Before he went through the door, she spoke in a full voice, but with an ironic smile on her lips, "Doctor?" He, who shuddered visibly, replied without turning to the woman.

"Y-yes?" Luciene watched the scene without understanding but amused by the frightening way in which the young doctor acted, controlling herself to not laugh out loud when Dr. replied in a high-pitched tone.

"I think you forgot your bag, didn't you?" Nurse Diana looked out of the corner of her eye as she pointed slightly where the bag was leaning against the bench, next to Luciene's bed.

He returned, took the bag, and left quickly, never looking up to face the nurse who was still waiting steadfastly in the same place. When he was about to go through the door he heard something really gloomy “We'll talk later, doctor” The tone was light, but he knew, that was the calm before the storm.

I think I should finish my will ...