
First Crush: Depart To Meet Again

The semester has just ended and Nim didn't have any intention of looking for a job.

"It's gonna be one boring holiday again. When will something interesting ever happen in my life?".

Then Nim remembered when during the school session he visited his Aunt Diza.

As he entered the room he noticed the back of a feminine creature but couldn't make out who she was.

"Good afternoon" Nim greeted.

There was no response which ticked Nim off a little but did his best to sway his mind away from the incident.

Aunt Diza came in and asked this strange girl a question and she answered. There was something about her voice that made Nim remember a birthday party that happened 14 years ago.

*It was a party for kids. Aunt Diza's daughter was turning one. There was nothing spectacular about the party just a bunch of kids hanging out and playing.

There was something that became the highlight of the party that day. One girl erupted the dance floor with her insane dance moves. She was the center of attraction, had a nice figure and a beautiful face.*

That was Nim's first crush.

"Valentine?" Nim called out.

The strange girl looked behind her in response to her name being called and answered:


Yep it's her. The last time Nim saw her was 14 years ago during that birthday party. She had the same beautiful face with slight touches of maturity signifying ascension to adulthood.

"It's me Nim, we met one time at a party".

Nim realized how dumb the statement was after uttering it.

Of course she wouldn't remember what happened 14 years ago, that was a long time ago.

"Yes, I remember" Valentine responded with a smile.

The response threw Nim off guard. He wasn't expecting it. Seeing her beautiful face as she smiled made the feelings resurfaced.

There was a lot to catch up on but not enough time so they both decided to meet at Aunt Diza's place during the holiday.

Nim got back home thinking about what had happened when he realized

"Oh ho, I didn't ask her for number".

The is the second dumb thing he had done today.

Later that night as Nim wondered how on earth he was going to get her number, he was dragged back to reality when his notification tone came on signifying a message.

Nim picked up his phone to see what it was when he saw the message:

"Hi, this is Valentine. I stole your number from Aunt Diza phone".