
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


In a swift, Aviva ran to the road holding the weak peninah. The car stopped right in front of them the driver wouldn't stop panting hard.

"A...vi...." Pennh mutters before closing her eyelids which had became heavy.

"Penny!! Penny!! Pen!!" Aviva tries to wake her up but it was useless. The driver came out of the car fidgeting and walking slowly to them.

"Is....is she...dead?" He quivers looking at the unconscious Penny Aviva is holding in her arms.

"Ha..." He dropped to the floor covering his mouth.

"Did...did I just..."


Jason paced to and fro. Worries was written all over his face. He continues peeping through the curtain every second picking at his fingers at the same time.

"Just why is she not back yet!" He slumped on the couch exasperatedly.

He checked the time for the umpteenth time and sighs.

"It's damn late...ah whatever! Why do I care...she may go wherever she wants. In fact not coming back would be best hmph!" He huffed laying on the couch.


"argh! It's hurts..." Peninah winced holding her head as she woke up.

"Young man!" She called as she sat up gently on the couch she was laying on.

"You're awake" She heard a rather feminine voice.

"Oh!" She ohhed on seeing Aviva who approaches her.

"You are Aviva" She said making Aviva smiles.

"You didn't forget"

"How could I...you saved my life" she mouthed looking down her fingers.

"How are you feeling now? Do you feel any pain?"

"I'm okay but...my head just hurt a little" she answers while Aviva nodded.

"But what really happened?" Penny asked.

"You were startled so you passed out...I took you here and you've been unconscious for six hours" Aviva explained and she nodded.

"That's not a long time right?"

"It is...it's dark already"

"What?! I...I need to go home...young man would be worried sick!" She stood up immediately while Aviva held her back.

"Relax...you still need to rest more. You're not entirely okay"

"I can just get some rest at home. I really need to go"

"Peninah...You just woke up. You got a shock and has been in a coma for hours. Calm down will you? If you rush out now...you might pass out again. At least stay to replenish your energy first."

"But..." She sighs.

"Okay..." She sat back down reluctantly.

"But...how did you managed to save me again? You seems to be there everytime I'm in trouble"

She quizzed while Aviva smiles.

"It's just a pure coincidence...I was on my way to get some groceries"

"But what is this place?"

"This is where I work...don't worry we're closed today it's just only us here"

"Ohh... But...you...are you not scared of me?"

"Is there a reason for me to?"

"By chance...are you like me also?" She leans closer to her.

"A mermaid?" She whispers to her.

Aviva leans closer also and whispers back to her.

"No. I'm not"


"Im not one of you"

"Then what are you? Human? Siren?"

"Me? I'm neither of those"

"Uh?" Penny uhhed confused.

"I'm...just someone who shouldn't have existed. I have no place in this world neither in any other world. I just...try to force myself where I don't belong to...causing harm to people around me. In a nutshell...I'm a person who shouldn't exist "

"Ohhh...you must have gotten kicked out also. You're just like me." Penny said making Aviva laugh.

"I'm serious"

"I'm serious also...you know at a point everything seems pointless. I didn't know what to do. I was stranded and thought of a lot of things. Should I just end it? I shouldn't have existed in the very begining. then...maybe things would have been better." She said.

"So...in the end your conclusion was to come on land?"

"Uh? There was no safer place. And also...I could start anew...with my young man" She bit her lower lip smiling.

"I've been meaning to ask but who is this young man...you kept calling his name in your sleep too"

"Young man? He's the one who holds the key to my fate. Right now...he's everything I've got"

"Do you...love him?"

"I'm not sure about that but...I'm positive I like him so much that...I don't think I can ever leave him. Even if he gives me the kiss today...I don't think I'll be able to leave."

"You...want to become human"

"Huh? And I have to get a kiss from him to be able to do that"

"No wonder"

"Um? No wonder what?"

Aviva placed her hand on Penny's heart.

"I kept sensing a great energy here"

"Here? Ahh! It's must be the orb...the river goddess inserted a kind of magical orb in my body. It was really painful"

"It's still shining brightly...the energy is still strong also...you are still okay for now. But it's dangerous"

"What do you mean?"

"When those people start to sense this or discover you have this in you...they won't let you be. They'll chase you till they make sure to get their hands on it. This shouldn't leave your body...if it does you'll be in trouble. You have to be very careful"

"What are you saying? Those people who?"

"Maybe...they already know. Which explains why...you're being targeted right now. I guess that accident wasn't just a simple one after all" Aviva said to herself.

"What are you saying Avi...you're scaring me"

Aviva smiles then held her hands softly.

"Don't worry...no matter what they do...I'll always be here protecting you. Just like today. I'll be your knight...nothing would happen to you. I'll make sure of that" Aviva assured while Penny only nodded. Though she doesn't know what's going on but with Aviva assuring her like this...she felt at peace.

"I'm happy to meet you Avi" she smiles at her.

"Maybe our meeting shouldn't have happened...maybe we shouldn't be together like this but Penny...I strongly have this urge...to protect you at all costs...I won't be at peace if I don't do that" Aviva thought within.

"But...if I ever come to a junction where I'll have to choose between you and something else precious to me....I hope whatever decision I'll be taking then...would be the right one." She thought again smiling at Penny who just grins at her.

"I'm going to pick this" Aviva said taking her phone which started ringing. Penny nodded while she excused her.

Penny sighs looking around the bar.

"It's nice here...I would like to bring young man here..." She smiles standing.

"My throat is dry" she mumbles massaging her throat.


"No...I'm still looking"

"Still looking? You must be relaxed cause you still have some time left but let me remind you this...I won't be merciful just because I like you...you had better do what's right if you wanna live. Get me that mermaid...and I'll make sure you don't have to go through an excruciating pain...worse than death" A thick feminine voice said at the other end before the call ended.

Aviva sighs and look down on her feet.


"Pen...are you asleep?" Aviva asked pen who placed her head on the table.

"Hey pen...you just woke up how could you sleep again" She tapped her and just then Penny snapped her head up at her. A sly grin display on her lips.


"You devil" She spat suddenly.


"So what if you're a goddess...you're bad! Bad! You're a beautiful goddess of Evil!! Leave! Leave!!" She started pushing Aviva who seems baffled at her sudden actions.

"Hey are you okay?"

"I envy you...young man cares a lot...he doesn't care about me whenever you're there! You're mean! Give me my young man! Give me back my young man!!" She started ranting while Aviva gave her a look.

"What's gotten into you?" She looks around and her eyes caught some broken glasses on the floor. She picked it up and smell it.

"Geez! Hey did you drank this?"

"Young man is for me only...back off!".Penny glared while Aviva only sighs.

"Good for you..."


Jason groaned as he opens his eyes. The door wouldn't stop ringing disrupting his sleep. He stood up grudgingly from the couch and dragged himself to the door. He opens it not to find anyone at the door.

"What the heck!" He rubs his eyes and was about going back inside when a hand suddenly tugged on his trousers.

"Uh?" He looked down just to see someone holding onto him. The person lift up her head with her hair all over her face. On seeing her Jason went berserk as he started screaming. He tries running inside but the person won't leave him.

"Ghost! Ghost! Disappear!!" He tries kicking her away.

"Sh*t I really hate ghosts...please leave me alone" he successfully kicked her away.

Peninah winced while he stopped in his motion and take a proper look at her.

"Weirdo?" He called and peninah groaned.

"What the! Hey! What happened with you!!" He quickly squatted before her.

"Oh...it's young man" She grins.

"So you're the one..." Aviva mutters looking at them from a corner.


Peninah keep giggling in a silly manner as Jason literally dragged her inside the house.

"My gosh you're damn wasted! Where have you been?"

"Why? Were you worried uh? Uh?"

"Worried my foot! I was happy thinking you're finally gone" Jason snapped while she pouted.

"You want me gone young man? You don't want me anymore? Why? Cause I am not as pretty as the goddess?"

"What are you saying? Let's go I'll take you to your room" He held the staggering peninah trying to take her upstairs but instead peninah held his face abruptly.

"Hey what are you doing?" He asked with his puckering lips.

"Kiss me young man" She said almost in a whispers staring at him directly. Jason seems shocked for a while like that's the first time he'd hear such from her. Peninah pucker her lips towards with her eyes closed also. Jason stood still for a while his eyes glued to her tiny pink lips.

"Get off me leech!" He pushed her away suddenly and she landed on the floor.

"Ouch!"She winced rubbing her butt.

"This woman seriously! What a temptation you are!" He pants looking at her on the floor.

"Ouui....that almost got me" He shakes his head before going to his room.

"It hurts..." Peninah winced on the floor.

Jason ascends the stairs but then stopped midway.

"She really gets on my nerves" He turned and went back to her.

"Oh! Young man is back! Just like that night" She beams.

"You really drive one crazy" He bent and carries her in bridal style. She wouldn't stop giggling.

On laying her gently on the bed, peninah suddenly threw her arms around his neck bringing him down to the bed with him. In a swift, she rolled over now sitting on top of him.

Jason gasps with wide eyes.

"Hey!" He frowns while she grins.

"I got you" She chuckles while Jason sighs.

"Hey get off" He tries to get her off him but she instead pinned him down the bed. He frowns at her.

"Why don't you wanna kiss me young man" She asked almost in a whisper while Jason's frown dissolves.


"You won't kiss me...no matter what I do. Why?" She asked again.

"Because...I think...it isn't right" He replied slowly.

"Why? I...really have to kiss you...even if it's just once...I have to. So please...let me young man..." She said loftly while Jason stared back not finding the appropriate answer for her.

She started leaning closer and he made no effort to withdraw. Rather he became nervous. Their faces was almost meeting however peninah suddenly belched to his face.

The alcoholic stench filled his nose and immediately he scrunch his face.

"Aish! Seriously!" He pushes her away and got away from the bed instantly.

Peninah chew on nothing smiling endlessly. She lay comfortably on the bed and before he knew it. She hit the hay.

Jason stood in akimbo as he watched her sleeps.

"Wow...seriously" He scoffs.

"What a scammer she is uh?" He made to leave then stopped. He covers her well with the duvet before going out finally.


Peninah sat atop the bed as she woke up. She's having an extreme hangover as her head hurts like mad.

She continues itching her disheveled hair while she took in the environment she is.

"Uh? How did I get here? Argh! My head hurts" she got from the bed walking out of the room.

Jason just finished making some tea by the time she came downstairs.

"You're awake?" He said as he saw her.

"Young man my head hurts a lot"

"Of course it would. I wonder how much alcohol you imbibed. You were totally out of it yesterday"

"Did you came to get me?"

"As if...I saw you outside the door and almost mistook you for a ghost"


"Forget it. Take this it'll clear the hangover" He gave her the tea which she collected.

"Becareful it's ho_"

"Oh my!" She shrieked as the tea burns her throat and some spills on her clothes.

"Do you hate me young man?" She questioned while he scoffs.

"Oh no...this is the only cloth I have...now it's ruin" She pouts cleaning herself. Jason watch her and release a sigh.


"Young man what are we doing here?" Peninah asked as they entered the store.

"To prevent history from repeating itself" He replied simply.


"Hello" He flashed the receptionist a smile.

"Hello customer what would you like?"

"A simple cellphone...one that would be easy to operate. The owner is quite a dummy" Jason whispers to the receptionist while she chuckles.

"On the way sir. Wait a moment" The receptionist said excusing herself.

Peninah looks around the store and wowed. She started walking around till she heard a tiny voice calling her.

"Princess! Princess over here" The voice called and she looks around looking for the owner of the voice.

"What was that?" She thought itching her ear.

"Princess...in front of you" She heard again and looks forward to see a glass jar with a fish in it.

"Oh!" She ohhed grinning at the fish.

"Hi" She waves at it.

"Princess it's me...Tiani" the little fish said.


"Shh! It's me"

"Wow I'm so happy to see you. I was thinking of how to meet you but you showed up. How fascinating"

"Princess how is it going?" Tiani asked while she sighs.

"Not good....it's so hard to kiss him. I don't know why he's so rigid. He won't let me come close to him. Tiani is this why you gave me 100 days?"

"He's not an easy one I see"

"What should I do? I don't think he will anytime soon"

"You have to keep trying...princess there are only two months left for you. You must get the kiss...you must"

"It's hard but I'll make sure I do."

"Good when you get it we'll talk more...I have something to give you then. You still have a mission ahead of you to accomplish"

"What's that Tiani?"

"When the time comes...I'll let you know"


"Okay thank you..." Jason paid for the phone and made to leave but then couldn't find peninah.

"Where is she now?" He thought looking for her then he saw her whispering to a fish in a glass jar. People passing by were laughing at her while some took videos of her. That's how serious she is talking to the fish. Jason face palmed and went to her dragging her away from there.

"Oh! Wait I still have to...young man! Oh my! Water goddess Tiani...visit me again! I have many things to tell you!!" She yelled as Jason literally dragged her out of the store.

"Seriously! You cannot be left alone just for a second" Jason grutch as he fasten her seatbelt.

"Young man" She pout.

He sighs.

"Here. For you"

"What's this?" She asked collecting the phone from him.

"Oh! I've seen this with you. You talk to it and it also sings" She exclaimed.

"Sure...whatever you call it. Listen henceforth whenever you wanna go out or talk to me when I'm not with you just call me with this"

"Will this bring you to me or take me out?"

"Shut it! Look here" He showed her the dial pad.

"Press this and my number will come out" He showed her pressing number 1 on the dial pad. His phone started ringing immediately.

"Oh! It's singing again" She exclaimed.

"Now you place it on your ear like this" He placed it on her ear and picked up his phone.

"And talk" He added.

"Oh young man I can hear your voice on this!"

"We can communicate with this...so I won't be worried if you disappear without a word again."

"Facinating! Young man! Young man can you hear me" She kept saying to the phone.

"Yes I can hear you so cut it out" He ended the call while she wouldn't stop beaming.

"When we get home I'll teach you other things you can do with it"

"Um...thank you young man. You're being psycho to me again"

"Will you stop saying that?"

"What? That you are a psycho?"

"I'm not a psycho so stop saying it. And don't you dare tell anyone that alright"

"Alright..."She pouted.

"But you are indeed a psycho...you even gave me this"

"Thank you young man you're the best psycho I've met so far!" She beamed resting her head on his shoulder. He just sighs.

"I placed this on myself...who am I to judge her..." He mutters.

His phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hello...really...okay will be there soon. See you later" He ends the call and face peninah.

"I've to go meet Mag"

"Goddess? I want to come with you"

"Alright but first...i have to get something at home...let's go" He ignites the engine and drove off.


"Wow...this cave is soooo huge!" Peninah wouldn't stop gaping as they entered the lobby.

"It's so beautiful..."

"Hello yeah...I'm here...I have it with me. The dressing room...okay. Will be right there" Jason ended the call leaving but stopped when he noticed peninah isn't following him.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Young man...what do I do? I so much love it here!" She beamed while Jason went to her.

"Stop already...let's go she's waiting" He took her hand pulling her with him.

"2B....2B dressing room...oh here it is" Jason smiles as he opens the door however he was met with a young man who was about coming out. On seeing him Mag sprang up where she was seated with a rather shocked and panic expression. Jason looks at the young man who only offers him a smile.

"Oh! Handsome man!" Peninah exclaims pointing to Rowan who turns to her.

"Hey beautiful lady...we meet again." He smiles at her while she beams.


"You know him?" Jason asked.

"Uh? He's handsome man he took me home the other day young man" She answered excitedly.

"Ohh I see you're the young man she wouldn't stopped talking about" Rowan said.

"She talked about me?" Jason arch his brows.

"Huh...she wouldn't stop telling me...of how much of a psycho you are" Rowan said.

"What?" Jason frowns.