
I Only Care For Evil Duke's Child

“So what if he is his child, he does not belong to me!” These were the words of Anastasia all her life until she faced her doom. Anastasia, a young and naive woman, thought that duke Garrison was the most handsome and skilled man in the empire and married him. But she had no idea that traps and betrayals were waiting for her in the palace. Soon she was entangled in an embezzlement case and then her step son died saving her whom she had never paid attention to, and the blame comes to her. she cried and lamented for choosing the wrong persons and trusting the one who wanted her dead but her biggest regret was the child, Rowan! “Relationships are not made by blood, but by love and care. I was wrong all my life.. But now it's too late.” the feeble words of her heart died in the noise that was created by the wailing voices of spectators and hooves of the running carriages. “Anastasia Sopheriene killed her stepson, Rowan Sopheriene, for wealth and power. For her sins, she would be given the death penalty and all her wealth would be seized. Not only that, her parents would suffer the same fate. The royal court would personally witness the whole punishment. The court is adjourned for now.” the bang on the table decided her fate. She did not get the chance to speak. No one thought it was needed and so the story of A Villainess ended. But….. sometimes the god gives justice to the villainess too. When she opened her eyes, she was young again. Her eyes stared at the whole scene with relief and determination, “I will change the future of that child with me! This time… I know who is my enemy!” from there started a new story of power, love and the villainess who would never let her enemies rest. contact me on.. I_am_creator#2352 if you like my creation, you can also buy me a coffee https://ko-fi.com/iamcreator01/

I_am_Creator · แฟนตาซี
563 Chs

Naïve And Fool?

Both of the women turned red with embarrassment as they had never been treated like that before.

"That.. we are your teachers. We do not need your permission to sit." said viscountess Feloniata with a bit of confidence when got a nod from both baroness and countess when Ana leaned on the chair further.

She did not say a word but kept staring at the woman making her uneasy. Like a little animal under the lights, she could not help but feel the gaze of a predator and clenched her hands into a fist but did not stand up.

"What do you have to teach me then?" asked Ana letting the matter go, "since you have been appointed as my teacher in etiquettes and manners. Should you not know about peerage at least?" Even if she was not married to the duke, she was still the daughter of the marques and should be treated with respect since both of them were lower nobles. But they were trying to behave high and mighty with her using the fact that they were elders.

They were the members of the oldest vassal families of the duke and have a strong foothold in the palace. They wanted her to realize it was bowing in front of them. But she was a tough nut.

She was staring at them as if they were joking if they were waiting for her to bow in front of them.

She had already done it in her past, thinking these women would help her in getting closer to Canadians but she was a fool to believe in them.

She had already seen their true colors and now was done with it. They want her to respect them, in their dreams.

"That…" the woman wiped the sweat forming on her face.

"Are you still unsure about the ranking system and the behavior of every woman from different ranks in front of higher or lower ranking nobles? Then I am not sure what you can teach me!" she shook her head as if she was disappointed with the woman, "you can leave. I did not need your services anymore."

She dismissed the woman without giving her a second chance, making her face pale.

"And baroness Neverie!" the woman flinched as the name rolled on Ana 's tongue and spat out, "you are here to teach me about the financial matters of the dukedom?" she asked in a soft and sweet voice increasing the confidence of the woman who nodded her head.

She might know about the etiquettes well since she was the daughter of the marquess and had attended social parties all her life. But when it comes to financial matters, she would be naive. Baroness smirked at that thought and her body relaxed again,

"Yes, I am the one handling the financial affairs of the palace with my daughter. We both will try our best to teach you and make you capable of running the duchy but you need not worry, we are not leaving even after your marriage.

We will continue to handle all the financial matters so that you get enough time to connect with your highness and young lord. That should be your priority." a perfect reply that could make any woman feel obliged and grateful.

She had been joyous that she was getting the support easily in her past life but she had already learned from the bitter experiences and wasnt that naive to think that kindness could be shown without a cost.

She smiled but it was full of mockery when she looked at the baroness who was feeling uneasy. But she could not point out what was making her feel like that.

"Since you are that experienced I will leave the menial tasks to you and your daughter of course. But I will handle all the treasury matters and financial decisions myself.

After all, as the duchess, it is my duty to handle all the matters, right? And I am sure that Cassian would not mind if I spend less time with him since he is a busy man too. Right?" she asked with the same smile,

"Since you want to teach me. Why don't you bring the account of last month so that we can study it together and I may learn from it?" that was not a request the way she put it when the baroness hesitated.

She fidgeted with her dress as she had never expected the girl to be such sharp tongue and dominating.

"Good god! Now? It was already late and we were about to leave when they told us that you were coming. Our stay has already extended and I am sure you need to leave before dark too.

How about we check tomorrow instead?" she asked graciously as she looked out of the window with a worried face when the smile on the face of Anastasia widened.

"Ahh! I understand. You have a family too. But you do not need to worry about me. I am going to stay here tonight. So I have plenty of time. You can leave the accounts with me and I will study them by tomorrow. Then I will be able to discuss what I did not understand with you without wasting your time. What do you say, baroness?" she asked again without giving her a chance to refuse Ana this time.

The baroness gritted her teeth hard. This woman! She already disapproved of her becoming the next duchess with her sharp tongue.

"Is there some problem with it, Lady Neveria?" she asked when the baroness could only shake her head and take out the account books and passed it to her.

"Good! Now both of you can leave."