
I obtained the most cheated system in the world

I obtained the most cheated system of the world

Gar_2003 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 12 Rudra vs Catuaras

Looking at the monster that has appear in front of him Rudra is on full alert, he know if he let his guard down during a battle that can be fatal to him. Meanwhile Catuaras eye Rudra and goddess Ganga. Looking at Ganga the creature cannot hide his lust at the moment he said.

Catuaras "You woman I want you to marry me and if you do not agree prepare yourself as I will take you by force."

Hearing this Rudra who has a calm attitude so far turn into complete anger. The few moments that he has pass with Ganga was the most important moments in his entire life, he even unknowingly start to consider her as a mother that he did not have.

So hearing this comment from the unknown creature has trigger something inside him. The blue gem that is in his forehead turn into red as Rudra release a powerful killing intent. Even Ganga is surprise by the reaction of Rudra, what surprise her even more is that Rudra has gem in his forehead.

She did not see it all this time because of the darkness of the night, but now that this gem on his forehead is glowing with brightness she can clearly see it. According to her knowledge when someone has a gem in their forehead, that gem give it's wearer some unknown ability.

Rudra suddenly heard his system.

[Ding mission kill Catuaras and stop him from trying to kidnap Goddess Ganga]

[Mission rowards:]

[5 silver tickets]

[legendary weapons]

[Moon sword style]

[Breathing and consentration technique of bowmanship]

[300 gold[

Catuaras who has not even care about Rudra so far was completely taken off guard by the sudden birst of killing intent. His instinct is telling him to be careful while dealing with this kid.

Rudra "How dare you to say that about my mother" yelling that phrase Rudra teleport himself in front of Catuaras and push him with all his force sending Catuaras flying and crashing on some trees.

Ganga is taken aback by the phrase that Rudra said but she was more amaze by the power of Rudra. She could not even sense his movement when he appear in front of Catuaras moreover his punch was so powerful to send that monster flying back.

Catuaras immediately get back on his feet as he let a powerful roar that can be heard from miles away. He immediately grab two large bolder in his two hand and send them flying taward Rudra with full force.

Looking at the approaching bolder Rudra immediately summon excalibur in his hand. With a horizontal and then vertical slash he cut both of the bolder that was flying taward him in half like cutting butter.

Ganga is first startle by the apparition of a sword in Rudra hand, but his next action make her gasp as he was able to cut those bolder with such easiness. She directly think that must be some unknown devine weapon.

Gazing at the sword in Rudra hand Catuaras become more angrier, he yell at Rudra with all of his force.

Catuaras "Do not think too highly of yourself just because you have a divine sword. After I kill you I will make your sword mine and rape that mother of yours."

Hearing this Rudra anger reach new high as he dash taward Catuaras with his sword on his hand ready to strike down Catuaras.

Catuaras was waiting for this moment as Rudra appear once again this time he was ready, using his long hand Catuaras is able to hold Rudra grip which was holding his blade.

Using this momentum he use his other hand to try to crush Rudra body with his force. Just when he is about to succeed another force hit him sending him flying for the second time. It was Snow who has join the fight.

Rudra "Thank Snow I own you one" he said to Snow while readying his position. Snow just nod his head while staring at the position that Catuaras went crashing. He get back on his feat for the second time.

Catuaras "I am going to kill you all" he roar with madness in his eyes. He materialize four swords in each hand and dash in Rudra direction at full speed. I jump on the back of Snow as he also run full speed to face Catuaras.

When the two of them crash together it generates a shockwave that hit the surrounding. Thier sword clash destroy the trees and everything that was around them. Seeing and opportunity Snow is able jump on Catuaras making him fall back using this opportunity Rudra use his ultimate sword move full blooming lotus while combining it with spiritual power.

Rudra sword cut the surrounding just like when a lotus bloom its petals goes everywhere. The blade of excalibur do the same thing, Catuaras both left arms was cut off while his body suffer multiple industry. Seeing his end approaching he decide to run away. As he start running, Rudra who has already understand his intentions summon his bow of apollo. Without losing a second Rudra use this opportunity to fire multiple of his golden arrows at him killing it instantly.

Seeing Catuaras death he turn back his attention taward Ganga who has been like a statue all this time. Her eye and mouth is open wide looking at Rudra. After a few minutes she come back to her senses as she dash taward Rudra he immediately start touching his body everywhere searching for wounds. Seeing her like this Rudra can only felt a sense of thankfulness. After finding he has no injury, her expression become angry as she start to lecture Rudra for his reckless behavior.

Ganga "How can you dash taward such creature to fight it like this? And do you know that you could have been injure seriously or even worth die. At your age you should let the grown up dealing with this sort of threat.

Rudra" but miss that monster could have harm you if I did not fight it" Rudra reply trying to justify himself. But that seem to trigger the anger of Ganga even more.

Ganga "what did you just call me?" she ask with a terrifying smile.

Rudra "mmmiss" he reply in a terrify voice.

Ganga "Did you not use another word to

call me when you were dashing taward that monster she ask" still with that terrifying smile.

Gulping Rudra reply "I I I call you mother" he said sheepishly.

Ganga "So now why are you still calling me like a stranger". Hearing this Rudra is taken aback by her words. He unconsciously bow his head while tear is coming out of his eyes. He has never taught that he will ever has a chance to call someone mother in his life so right now he could not control his emotions. Seeing him crying Ganga start to panic thinking he might be injure somewhere. Rudra wipe his tear and a smile bloom oh his face as he said "thank you mother."

______________________________________Yo guys hope you appreciate the story so far, I am trying my hardest to create fight that everyone can appreciate. Hope everyone is well piece out.