
I Never wanted to be a cyborg


Cion_55 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

chapter 3: am actually a cyborg

Trone got up angry. " whoever you are you are dead" Trone said while running towards the girl as he would punch her. The man who punched Mia throws a jet kick which Trone dodged and then grabbed his leg and then smashed him to the ground at light speed.

Seeing her brother bleeding on the ground she runs towards Trone who runs and her immediately they reach a distance that Trone could touch her he punches her head up ward which launches her off the ground. Trone Jumps up but before he could reach far enough he gets kicked away from the girl.

The man, girl and Trone land on there feet.

The man and woman both run towards Trone and engage in a fight with Trone

Mia gets up not even hurt and starts watching Trone fight. "He is getting used to this world great for us but not for you Clara and Dave " Mia thought to herself with a smile.

Clara moves back leaving her brother to fight. she starts casting some sort of spell.

Dave tries to kick Trone but he blocks with his hand and kicks him in his ribs breaking his ribs, after the kick Trone followed up with a huge punch on Dave's head. The punch pushed Dave to the ground breaking Dave's head

Clara seeing his brother die shot her magic blast from her hand which Mia stopped.

When Mia appeared Clara disappeared..

Trone cleaning blood from his hands. "I just killed a person" with a bored expression. "it's not your first time killing someone Trone, let's just go to. oh we might not find lily" Mia said while pulling him.

They walked half way through the city der ground paths. "what's wrong with you Mia I just woke up hours ago and you are making me walk this far" Trone complained. "your hands are cybernetic" she stated. "my legs ain't" he complained. "you are still lazy even in another world" she chuckled. "I have metal hands". he said bored. "Not all metal only 85 percent is metal" she laughed then stopped.

Trone walking lazy bumps into Mia who had stopped. "we are here". she Said. "nhaaa? I don't see anything here Mia, has this world and killing make you dumb. you were a brilliant scientist you know ". Trone said standing straight.

Mia hugged Trone. " ah what's wrong now is hugging the secret code to go or something" he asked confused. " you are still playing dumb. am taking you to another girl you like" she thought to herself.

She then let go of him when. After letting go of him she pressed a something on her hand, then they teleported to a dark room

Trone and Mia started feeling dizzy. Trone starts passing out but he makes a cut on his leg and stops breathing in. Someone should herself from the darkness ready to attack but Trone grubs her neck. "who ever you are move and... wait that smell lily is that you". Trone said with a Sense of familiarity. "Tr.... Trone" she said as tears fell from her eyes. Trone let go of her neck and then hugged Lily. she turned on the lights and stopped the gas. Lily hugged Trone while crying. " when did you come back" she asked. "I don't know the time so le'me say some hours ago. wait I haven't seen how much you've grown". he said looking at her ass. "you are still perverted". she asked wiping her tiers while hugging him. Mia got up and went to break them up. "what's with you Mia". Lily asked angry. "Can't you see am in the room stop acting like his your boyfriend". Mia said with jealousy. "He isn't your boyfriend either". lily said. "don't fight girls it's borin'. tell me something about how this world is ruled or who rules it" Trone asked curiously.

Mia and Lily stopped arguing. Lily offered them sits and some drinks. Then the girls started explaining about . " This world is ruled by 6 people one of the is the demon lord his the one with the ultimate power. Emma tried to take him down but ended up being mind controlled" Lily said. After hearing Emma was being mind controlled Trone got up angry..

support me ur true rating are enough and say what's in your mind I'll improve where u hit me with pointers

Am waiting (/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻ thanks

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