
Chapter 5

Scenic farms and small villages fill the landscape. We have been traveling for three days. I have been training every evening with Todd and Malfor. During the day Darcelia instructs me on ways to practice magic while walking. I lob low powered force balls at Alex's back. She glowers at me for a second, then shakes her head, and continues to walk. Dolan chuckles at the weak attempt to flirt.

The mana in my body seems to be able to be moved anywhere and how ever I will it. Today, I am moving the energy to the soles of my feet. I am trying to get the mana to form into a flat sheet on the bottom of my foot. My goal is to be able to anchor the force sheet and use it to step up. If I can make them stay in one spot, I can build stairs, or even make moving platforms, made of force magic.

Darcelia has also been working with me to manifest other forms other than force. I have been able to make a marble sized ball of flame, but it would barely catch a leaf on fire. The flame came during a break. I was meditating on the multicolored sphere, when the red swirls became more prominent. As the fire built in my hand, the rest of the colors faded from view.

I released the fire, but the flame would not return. I tried to get the sphere back, but my mind could not recall it.

Todd is getting comfortable swinging the sword. He talks often about opening a dojo when we get home. I am not sure he really understands what a dojo really is, but I'm not going to ruin his hopes. Dolan is convinced that Todd will soon be able to match the demon lord in swordplay, soon.

Alex watches the training with sad eyes. I wonder what is behind the pain, but I don't feel I deserve to ask. She and Dolan work together to find ways to keep Todd advancing. Only Malfor hesitates to interfere. He spends most of his time teaching me, and telling stories of the dark times, when the Dark king walked the world. Times when blood soaked the ground.

I yelp as I fall to the ground. I thought I had the force steps figured out. Turns out I didn't. I have learned to add the force to a kick, and punch. If I can get into the air, I can do a falling kick, the force should increase, hugely.

Todd laughs as he helps me up. "Keep working on it. I always knew you were a bird brain. Now you gotta prove it."

Alex smiles as she looks me over, to be sure I am not seriously hurt.

"I have to find ways to get strong. I didn't just become a beast by showing up, like you." Todd poses like usual. We all chuckle.

As we continue down the road, we meet a group of people headed the opposite way. We share stories. We are informed that the group of demis have moved north of the capitol. The group we are talking to pay a hundred gold to pass. The group looks very ragged, so we trade food for the information.

After we move on, Alex breaks the silence. "So, do we pay or fight? There is not another route. We will have to pass through the demis. "Since I have history with them, I will try to convince them to let us pass." Malfor volunteers. No one says anything, since he looks uncomfortable.

Blood splatters across my face, I hate the smell of goblinoid blood. Todd's swing completely cuts the hobgoblin in two. I need to stand farther away from him.

Quickly swiping the blood from my eyes, I launch a force spike into the face of the goblin shaman. He was trying to hide behind a tree, I got him when he peaked out to cast a spell. Darcelia finished him off with a bolt of lightning, as he fell.

Dolan has lost his hammer and has begun to use a goblin as weapon. Dolan grabbed a fallen goblin by the ankle and began to swing it at its comrades.

Malfor, disappears into the brush, after two hobgoblins.

Alex smites three owlbears in secession. Holy wrapped sword slices easily through the bodies. Turning, she sees a patch of blood on Dolan, and throws a quick ranged heal.

With Todd plowing directly into the middle of the group, the rest of us finish the goblinoids off quickly.

We sit and catch our breaths. Malfor joins us, after taking a drink of water, "Those hobgoblins were obviously trying to get away, to report to someone. I communication crystal was smashed, just before I caught them. If I understood goblin, I might have gotten an idea who they were talking to."

"You tried. At least we now know, that we are being targeted. Someone knows where we are going. We will need to be on the lookout, even more carefully." Alex stands. "Maybe when we check the bodies, we will find a clue about who is sending the assassins."

I store weapons and mana stones, while the rest search for clues. There are three mana stones. One fire, and two general. A special looking necklace is on the shaman. I hand it to Darcelia. Her eyes sparkle. "This is a short chant choker made by elves. It makes the charge time for spells shorten by 15%. You found a real treasure. Congratulations." She holds out the necklace.

"No, no, it is yours." I have already checked out the stats and decided Darcelia would benefit the most. Darcelia smiles sweetly, I didn't mean it as a gift, but I'll take the good feelings.

I check out my stats. No level. Levels are sparse after level three. At this rate, it will take over a hundred more goblins. I did get a point in sword and magic. The training has been paying off. 16 in force magic, makes my spikes able to kill a hobgoblin in one shot. My rapier is 14, I don't seem to get much experience from killing goblins. Maybe I need to start trying to kill bigger things by myself.

While I am looking myself over, Todd and Malfor follow the eastern path left by the goblins. Dolan has begun fixing the shaft on his hammer. The last owlbear he killed cracked the hammer.

A hand rests on my shoulder. Alex beckons. We walk the opposite direction than Todd and Malfor. The trees on the west side of the road are sparse. We walk until we are out of sight and sound range.

"I think we are being followed. That is the only explanation. We are being attacked way too often." Alex has a gray complexion. "I think I will ask Malfor to hide back and try to catch the culprit."

"Good idea. Even though the more I fight, the stronger I get. Less ambushes are better. You are having to heal us too often."

"I will heal you every time you need it." She stops, and blushes. "Do you have someone, back home?"

How do I answer? Kim is back on Earth. If I ended back there, I would probably look her up. If I never get back, would relying on her be a waste of time? Alex is beautiful. If I let myself, I could even see myself loving her. But, how would I feel if I fell for her than ended back on Earth?

I can tell that I am taking too long to answer, Alex is starting to fidget. Her face is getting redder. "Alex. You are so beautiful, and kind, and smart, and..." Words begin to falter. I reach out and take her hand. "What kind of guy would I be if I were to declare my love, and then get sucked back to Earth? There is a girl there that I spent a lot of time talking to, but I don't think we were ever destined to be together." Our eyes lock.

"Jon, I am not asking for you to declare your everlasting love, I just..." She lowers her gaze. "I just do not want to die, and regret that I did not share my feelings.

We have been traveling together for a few weeks. Todd is the center of attention. He is strong, brave and good looking. Every eye is drawn to him. Yet, I am drawn to the shadow behind him. You never complain that you are not the hero. You support everyone with everything you have. You are practicing every moment you are awake. And, you are kind."

She stops and bites her lower lip. "I have not told you, but I was married. I had a wonderful husband and two children. They were killed by a mid-demon. I was found by a detachment of holy knights. I swore that day to avenge my family and support the nameless gods. It is not fair for me to tell you that I have feelings. It is selfish for me, one who has had a family, to lay this burden on you. But I feel, if I do not, then I am being false."

Lifting her hand, I lightly kiss her palm. (I saw this in a movie.)." I truly do not know how I feel." Alex tries to draw away, I start to talk faster. "I don't know, but I do know how wonderful you are. I would hate to jump into something, only to hurt you. I think too much of you to do that." I close my eyes and think for a second.

"I have an idea. There is a song from home that says. If you wanna know, it's in his kiss. Do you feel like trying a kiss?"

I hold my breath for a few heart beats. I think I have said the wrong thing. I have insulted Alex. As I make the decision to walk back to camp and mope, Alex takes my face in her hands, and pulls it to hers.

The kiss is not hurried. We do not use our tongues. Our lips touch softly, we separate for a few seconds, eyes locking, then we return to the kiss. Alex slides her fingers in my hair. I pull her closer.

We hold each other for a few minutes. Pulling back, Alex pats my cheek. "We had better get back to camp. I have my answer." She turns and heads back to camp. I am frozen to the spot. Alex stops and looks back. "Come on Jon, if we stay here, the others will find us in a compromising situation. I want to save that for a more comfortable place. Preferably some place with a bed." I hurry to her side.

"I will be honest, finding myself in another world, with Todd as a hero, was shocking. None of that holds anything to that kiss." I don't walk to camp, as much as float. When we arrive, the others are polite. Except for Todd. Todd drags me to the side and demands details. I tell the truth, we think that we are being followed. I feel bad, omitting part of the truth, but it is better than Todd having reason to tease us the rest of the way.

Two days pass with no interruptions. We have arrived at the shrine Malfor wished to visit. We make camp in an open field, at the end of the lane leading to the shrine.

After setting up camp, Darcelia has me join her to practice magic. Darcelia manifests a barrier. I let loose a barrage of force bullets. I can shoot them two at time now. Darcelia's barrier easily absorbs them. I slip a force spike with double mana in the mix, and the barrier shudders. Darcelia glares for a moment, before a wide grin fills her face. "The fact that you can use force magic is a miracle in itself. The fact that you already know two spells without a proper master is unfair. I worked with fire bolt for almost six months."

"How about three?"

"I forgot about the coating you can add to your feet. Why don't you meditate, then practice force kicking that tree?" She points to a huge oak looking tree at the edge of the field.

"How about taking a break and work on his hands?" Dolan approaches, tossing me a worn sword that we took from a hobgoblin. "Alex, can you put a shield on me, so Jon can cast as he swings. His spells are not too strong but adding them to his swordplay will add a lot of damage."

Alex waves to Todd to take a break from there sparring. She says a short chant; golden light briefly covers Dolan. "Here you go. Jon, knock him down. I believe in you." She winks, then turns back to Todd. Metal begins to ring from them again.

Dolan turns back to me and swings his hammer. I parry the swing, while adding force magic to my feet. Without coming to a begging position, I let loose a force bullet. Dolan easily bats it aside, but I am already kicking. My foot impacts Dolan's trailing elbow, throwing him off balance. My sword bounces off the shield on Dolan's shoulder blade. Dolan falls to one knee.

"Darcelia helped me put that combination together. And, you are right. Once my magic damage increases, I will be able to keep enemies off guard." I help Dolan to his feet. "Round two?"

I didn't knock him down again.

As the sun starts to approach the horizon, Malfor returns. Todd notices first. "Hey man, welcome back. You get everything taken care of?"

"Yes, I have spoken to the spirits, and am ready to continue. We have the blessing of the demi gods, as well as the nameless gods."

"I didn't know they were separate." I try to recall Cardinal Timmerman saying anything about two pantheons.

"We do not talk about them often. There is constant strife. I trust you, so I say it out loud."

"It's not that there are different gods, the last three are followed by demis. The other races try to ignore that fact," Dolan clarifies.

Malfor acts like he hears nothing. He walks to Todd. "I was instructed to give you this." He holds out a pendent. "This will give you protection against the adversary." The pendent is a smell green gem, set in a silver flower.

"Thank you. I can use all the help I can get." Todd slips the pendent over his head.

We rise early the next morning. The camp is quiet. Thoughts of trials to come, hang in the air.

"We should get moving. Every minute we take, is a minute that the Dark King has to strengthen his forces." Alex begins to pack up camp. She seems stiff.

"You ok?" I ask quietly.

"I think so, I just feel off. Like something is watching, and I can't find it." She hesitates, then a smile forms. She lightly brushes my cheek. "It will be alright. We will be vigilant."

Darcelia breaks up the moment. "We are ready. Dolan and Todd ran ahead. The demi army is close. Malfor was given insight last night. He was told that the army was informed of our travels."

"Did he receive anything saying if he would be attacked on site?" I can see the thoughts moving on Alex's face. "If would be helpful if we could just pass through."

"No, but he wants to try."

We hurriedly rush to catch up with Todd and Dolan. We meet Malfor halfway. Pausing at the top of a nearby hill. We see smoke from a war camp about a mile away. Todd and Dolan are on a hill about a third of the way. Todd is motioning for us to hurry.

As we approach, I see a camp of hundreds of demi warriors. Malfor has told us of the strength of the demis. We should be able to fight, if need, but the chance of one of our company being injured makes us want to find a nonviolent approach.

Dolan is talking with a catkin lookout that he surprised. The scout relays that the demis were tipped off about our destination. We are to be captured and delivered to a demon general. Todd, being the hero, could be killed if need. The Dark army knows of the hero's strength, so his capture was not mandated.

Alex chants a short spell and asks a few questions. Her truth spell can really come in handy. Dolan ties the scout up, and we proceed to the demi camp. Dolan didn't tie the scout too tight, in case no one came to his aid.

We are stopped outside the war camp. I have stored everyone's weapons. We are carrying spare weapons that we looted from the goblin attacks. "All weapons must be left here." A gruff lamia orders. We all stack our arms beside a guard and follow into the camp.

Tents and cooking fires are ordered in straight lines. Armed patrols pace the lines, keeping the demi army in control. Malfor points out the details of the army. "Since the bearkin are the strongest, they are usually enforcers. Lizardkin and dogkin make up most of the foot soldiers. The scouts are catkin and birdkin." I quickly count the lines and columns of tents. If every tent holds four soldiers, then there are over five hundred demis. "Strict order is enforced. If not, the army will easily breakout in a free for all between the different races. Leading this army is an Arachnid, her name is Lystrix. She also is an escaped slave. She has a very intense dislike for the human races. I should do most of the talking."

We are led into a tent and given water to drink. A foxkin enters and offers us roasted meat. "We wish for you to be comfortable while you wait. Our leader is not available now. Malfor, it is good to see you again. I do wish it was under better circumstances though."

"I too, Milla. Is your sister still with the liberation army?"

"She left to be with our parents. She became pregnant and was deemed not battle ready. I will convey your inquiry when I next see her. Now excuse me, I must see to my other duties." Milla bows and leaves.

"So, did you have a fling last time you were here?" Todd lightly punches Malfor in the arm.

"No, we fought many times together. She was a very reliable ally. I was hoping she could speak for us. We will have a much tougher time, but I will find a way for us to pass.

"I was told that the demi army is secretly being funded by a noble house. Is it true?" Darcelia inquires.

"I never got high enough in the organization to find that out. I would avoid that question in Lystrix's presence."

We stay in the tent for a couple hours. Sounds of the camp drift in. We do not talk as the tension builds.

The tent flap opens, and Milla beckons. "It is time. Follow me." She leads us to the edge of the field. A break in the trees leads to an opening. The clearing is filled with heavily armed demis. I estimate fifty demis watch us enter.

A huge arachnid waits in the rear of the clearing. Her human looking torso, six feet in the air, is bare. White hair hangs almost to her belly, covering her smooth, flat chest. Six red eyes glare at us, over her crossed arms. Claws fidget. A pressure flows from her. It makes it hard to breath.

She ponders her words. Silence hangs in the air. Malfor steps forward, but before he can speak, Todd opens. "My lady, it is a pleasure to meet you." He bows deeply. "We do not wish to interfere with you crusade. We need to pass and wish to peacefully."

Shock radiates to all who hear. Malfor hisses at Todd. Todd wrinkles his bow at Malfor, not understanding.

"You truly are brave, hero. I am sure that you were warned to not speak. We have been asked to bring you to a representative of the dark army. Why should we not?"

"If the Dark king is summoned, do you think he will suffer any race to live? He only desires death. Only demons and undead will be left." Alex pleads.

"You misunderstand. Demis are loved by the Dark king. We will be welcomed with open arms. Now, only the hero is needed alive. And if we do not think that we can take him alive, we can kill him also." The arachnid signals to her guards.

Dolan interrupts, "How did you get this force here? we were moving faster than you. Last I knew, you were south of the capitol."

"We split our forces. We needed time to get ready, so we sent a diversionary force to stall you." The demis that you were afraid of were all farmers and miners. The hero could have defeated them with a glance." Evil laughter fills the clearing. "We are not so weak. The Dark king has given use the means to defeat the hero." A quiet chant is heard.

Darcelia is the first to react. "SPELL!"

Everything happens at once. Alex chants a quick spell, erecting a barrier. Darcelia unleashes a rain of lightning bolts. Dolan steps in front of me and braces for attack. Todd reaches to me for his sword. I retrieve everyone's weapons. Now we fight.

Our enemies do not stand still, arrows arc at us, as the guards turn to attack with swords. The arachnid slips away, I try to see where she exited from, but I cannot make it out from where I am.

The barrier keeps most of the demis at bay. Todd and Dolan make quick work of the ones inside the barrier. The barrier itself is flickering as spells bombard us. Darcelia looks back to me, and points to the demi casters. We both focus on sending magic to the casters, I do not do much more than interrupt their spells, but Darcelia burns down many of them.

Todd exits the barrier and begins to kill any demi that comes close. Alex screams at him to stay, but too late. She follows and uses her shield to cover Todd's back. Dolan and Darcelia glance at each other and follow.

Waves of demis crash into Todd. I stand in the barrier stunned as my comrades fall upwards of a hundred enemies. Todd is a force, but even being the hero, he is being cut over and over. The wounds are small, but they are adding up. Alex begins casting healing spells, as Darcelia moves to protect her. Dolan moves to Todd's right flank and tries to keep enemies back.

With a start, I realize that I haven't done much, I hurry to cover Todd's left flank. My sword and spells begin to clear a space beside Todd. Todd's heroic presence inspires us to keep fighting. Even with the training I have been doing, I can't believe the number of enemies I have cut down. As a wedge, we advance through the demi lines. Todd points the way. Dolan's hammer clears anything on Todd's right. I keep the left free with support from Darcelia and Alex.

Blood makes the ground turn to mud. We are fighting to stay standing, as well as kill the enemy. I lose count of the number of times my swing has missed a demi as it slips to the ground.

Infusing my blade with mana, I hack and slice. When my swing is blocked, I launch a force bullet into the demis face. Blades and claws tear at me. I feel heals flowing from Alex. I know she could kill more, but she is needed to keep us alive.

When my mana begins to run out, I use a mana crystal. I see Darcelia doing the same. The night is illuminated with the power that we are pouring out. Bodies explode as lightning rips through the ever advancing hoard.

I see Malfor lying at the feet of a pair of foxkin demis. They do not threaten him any more.

Todd also sees the prone form of Malfor. With a roar, he increases his assault. Dolan and I begin having a difficult time keeping up. Todd strides across the battlefield, sword tearing huge swaths from the enemies.

After what seems like hours, the number of enemies begins to slow. My sword has shattered, and I have began to use a trash sword from my storage. Dolan is using a long sword that a demi has dropped. Alex absorbs another mana orb, to replenish her mana, then she stops. Across the battlefield enemy figures are kneeling. The last few fighting figures drop their weapons and collapse. The battle is over.

A severely wounded bearkin approaches Todd. "We are finished. We have fulfilled our role. We were given the task of trying to defeat the hero. If that was not possible, we were to kill as many of the hero's attendants as possible. We submit to you." Todd stands, stunned. The blood lust slowly draining. The realization that he has defeated an army muddles his thoughts.

Dolan drops to one knee. Blood dripping to the ground from many wounds. His chest is bare from his armor being ripped off. A heavy sigh escapes. "We are alive. The nameless gods have blessed us with the strength to prevail."

Alex steps up and delivers a heal. Her battered armor will need to be discarded. The once shiny armor is now a landscape of holes and dents. Blood mats her long brown hair. During the battle, the braids have come loose. I jagged cut starts at her temple and draws down to her jaw. She winces as I gently touch her with a mana crystal. I concentrate with all of my might, forcing the energy into the wound. The cut begins to close. She will have a faint scar, but she will not lose the use of that side of her face. Tears begin to from in her eyes. She leans into me, burying her face in my chest.

Todd turns to me. "What do we do now? I..." His jaw falls. His eyes widen. A silent scream forms. I follow his gaze. Darcelia is lying face first on the ground. A knife sticks from her back.

I shake Alex. "Alex, Darcelia..." The words hang in the air. My hand reaches for the fallen figure.

Alex follows my hand. Terror flares on her face. The fear of battle is being played out in front of her. She sprints to Darcelia and rips the knife from her. A golden glow begins to emanate from Alex's hands. A chant flows from her lips. Tears flow freely as the healing magic pours into the fallen mage.

As I watch, I begin to search deep inside myself. Do I contain the seeds of healing magic? I have to try. I approach the two figures and drop to my knees. I pull on the golden ribbons of the mana ball inside of me. I add every bit of mana that I can into my hands and place them on Alex's. The glow begins to grow. Within moments the light is too bright to look at.

The golden light begins to fade. A groan escapes Darcelias lips. Todd picks her up and walks to a nearby tent. Inside he places Darcelia on the bed roll. Returning, he faces the bearkin. "I don't care what you do. Leave. If I ever see any of you again. I will kill you. We have not done anything to deserve this. We are trying to save this world." He turns and steps to the tent, then stops. He turns his head back to the demi. "Why would you ever help an evil thing like the Dark king? All he wants is death. I'd rather be with a hot chick than all this crap."

The simple rationalization from Todd hits the demis harder than his fist. Shocked soldiers stare at Todd. The realization that they have been used is crippling. I dark aura begins to leak into the night. Darker than the sky, it dissipates into the air. The aura is thick with dark magic. The Dark king had used magic to push the demis into rebellion. I imagine Lystrix was the instrument of delivery. I look forward to finding her and ending her life.

The night ends with most of the remaining demis leaving. A few remain to take care of Malfor. Milla is one of the remaining demis. During the battle, she was the one that smashed Malfor in the head. She then cast a paralyze spell. He is recovering quickly due to Alex's recovery magic. Even with magic heals, it will take a few days before he has strength to return to the journey.

We leave the ruined camp three days later. Milla is the last demi to leave. The sight of her farewell to Malfor was touching. Malfor is quiet for a time, but recovers quickly. He even remarks that a lizardkin and foxkin could be together. The storms off when Todd stars to give cat calls.

Our hearts are light. The injuries we sustained were not life threatening, due to magic. With the ordeal behind us, the miles fly by. My training continues, and I improve steadily. I add one point to strength and three to intelligence as we walk. The battle has raised me four levels. I feel kinda like a cheater since Todd did most of the work. My force magic and rapier skills improved during the fighting with the demis. I am by no means strong, but I am improving.

Darcelia has suggested trying to use other types of magic. If I can harness fire, then I could do more damage over a larger area. Lightning is better at long distance. Earth and air magic are very versatile.

As we walk, I try to focus fire in my hand. The flames appear very small, and do not last long. Before I can add more mana, the flames disappear. My frustration amuses Todd, so I launch a force bullet to his face. This makes him laugh harder. If I can get the fire to work, I am going to light his cloths on fire.

I also try to harness the healing power. The golden power will not grow in my hands. Alex believes that I didn't actually cast a healing spell, instead I added my mana to hers. That does make sense.

At the end of the day, we set up camp. Malfor and I set out to hunt for game. We find a trail left by a deer to follow.

"As a hunter, I have not used the mage meditation, but I think you might benefit." Malfor whispers as we track. "You seem to have hit a wall in magic."

"Ya, I do not understand why I can't get fire to last. Electricity is even worse. Maybe I can only use one?"

"No, I do not think so. Every magic user I have met can use all, but personal preference shapes the application. Darcelia can use fire, it is just slower and weaker, due to her comfort.

I can use swords, but I prefer spears. You just have to grasp the feel of the other magic."

"Maybe I am just a little slow. The magic that can only cast force magic." I strike a pose, then freeze.

Malfor has also stopped moving. He sniffs the air. Crouching, he points to our left. We sneak deeper into the underbrush. After a dozen yards, sounds goblins start to be heard.

Two goblins are cutting up the deer that we have been following. The two chat in a crude dialect as they cut. So wrapped up in their kill, they not notice us.

Malfor motions for me to try fire. He opens his hand, signaling to pour all my mana into the spell. Maybe, if I gather the mana first, I can get the fire to grow. I hold my palm to the goblins and gather all my mana into my palm. Focusing on the ball of mana, I will it to become fire. As I open my eyes, I see not only a fire ball, but the goblins have also seen.

A knife flies at me. I instinctively duck, the fire is launched over the trees, if breaks up in the air. My mana is gone.

I pull my sword and block the goblins swing. He ran at me while I was watching the fire. We trade blows, while Malfor engages the other. Two pair of enemies trying to kill each other, are interrupted by a second pair of goblins. They race at Malfor. Even as good of a fighter he is, three goblins are too much. I must finish my opponent off so I can help.

The goblin facing me is a level 10. he must be the strongest one in his tribe. He is very strong with the sword. With my mana gone, I am not sure I can defeat him. I pull the dagger into my off hand to parry with. This way, I can block and counter attack at the same time.

The goblin swings at my head. I catch the sword with my dagger and stab with my rapier. The tip slips in just below the rib cage. Blood gushes out and coats my arm. A horrified look fills his face. I feel him increase the pressure in his sword arm. The sword begins to approach my face. I tilt my head, and the blade begins to sink into my shoulder. I feel the blade cutting arteries. My head begins to swim as blood pours down my arm.

As I scream, a vision materializes before me. The multicolored ball of energy floats in midair. As I watch, the colors begin to fade. I try to hold onto the ball, but it is fading too fast. I drop to my knees, the goblin weakly leans into me. We struggle to finish the other off.

As darkness begins to close in, I see a smaller ball of mana superimposed on the goblin. I desperately concentrate on it. Focusing my whole being on the mana ball, I pull with my mind. The goblin screeches as the ball of mana rips from its chest, a film like aura stretches from the ball to the center of the goblin. The ball enters my chest and touches the fading mana ball inside of me. I see the film separate from the goblin and snap to me. As it enters me, I feel a surge of energy.

The rush of power throws me back, the sword slips out of my flesh. As I land on my back, I feel my wound close, the weakness I was feeling, leaves. I open my eyes and see clearly. I see the goblin slump to the ground, lifeless. Opening my stats, I see that my mana is almost full. "What just happened?" I mutter.

A scream interrupts my thoughts. Malfor has impaled one of his opponents. He is covered in wounds, and two goblins are circling. To Malfor's right is a goblin missing most of his arm, welds a short sword. To his left a smaller goblin circles with two daggers.

The dagger welder lunges at Malfor. Malfor catches the right wrist and flips the goblin. With Malfor's back facing him, the other goblin raises his sword. Before the sword can be lowered, I fire a force spike into the goblin's face. Blood flies as the goblin falls back. Malfor grabs his goblin by the head and twists sharply. A crack sounds.

Only our breathing can be heard in the clearing. Malfor stares at me. "I saw that goblin sink a sword into your neck. How are you still standing?"

"I pulled the life from him to heal myself. It was a reflex. When I felt his blood mingle with mine, I could feel his mana. I pulled on it, and my wounds closed. I thought it was just his mana. I thought, "If I can use his mana, I can hit him with a force spike.", then I started healing. Next thing I know, he is dead on the ground."

A startled look crosses his face, "I would not let Alex see that. Life force drain is a dark art. She will assume that you are being lured to the Dark king's side."

Panic takes me. "Are you going to kill me?"

Malfor rests his hand on my shoulder, "No, I do not see a clear line between light and dark. I see the soul of the person. Dark can be used for good, if it used with love. The demi resistance used many dark arts. It was not until the focus changed from equality to demi rule, did I see any problem. Magic is magic. The person using it determines if it is good or evil. I see you as a good person. I will protect your new ability."

"Thank you. I don't think I am evil, even with this. I will only use it in emergencies."

We take everything we can and head back to camp. A mana stone was left by the goblin that had its neck broken. The weapons are very poor, but they can still be used as raw material. I again think that I need to learn smithing. I could save level points to learn faster. That is a worry for another day. And, since my storage has increased, I use it to haul the deer.

While we walk, I ponder the last hour. Am I evil for sucking out the soul of another living creature? The goblin is definitely evil, but does that change anything? I glance at my stats and seer that I have gained 2 life and 1 mana from the drain. The "film" attached to the mana ball must have been the goblin's life. I wonder if I can pull just the mana and not the soul? If so, I could refill my mana without killing. I should try when I get a chance. I do wonder if I should at least tell Darcelia. I will wait. Malfor has been on this world a lot long than me.

The deer tastes wonderful. Malfor is still sore from our encounter, so we do not train. I take the opportunity to meditate on my magic. I move away from the camp and close my eyes. As is sink into the realm of my mana, the ball comes into view. Colors swirl faintly. I begin to worry until I notice what seems to be a film covering the whole ball. When I concentrate on the film, I feel my force magic power. I reach out to the red swirls. The ever-moving colors curve around my probe. A darker current can be fills the space. I wonder if this is why I can't control the fire. The red seems to avoid me. Maybe the force magic is to over powering.

I recall the first time I found my mana. Exerting my will, I begin spinning the ball, making the colors coalesce and separate. The colors are very thin, with an oily essence separating and surrounding them. With the elements this way, I can pick out each one. I select the red band and add will. The band begins to glow. I add more mana and try to keep it growing.

There, I see what the problem is, the force magic is not letting the red mana escape from the mana ball. When the red begins to grow, the force magic restrains it. With my inner mind, I break the oily essence that surrounds the ball, and squeeze it between the other colors. Immediately the red band solidifies. I did it.

Now to try a different element. I release the red and ponder which to try next. A sense of uneasiness creeps into my meditation. A sense of excitement pulls me out. Voices yelling my name snaps my head to the camp. A fire is devouring a couple of the blankets. Dolan and Alex are beating them out. Darcelia is moaning to the side, a burn on her back. Malfor and Todd are pouring water over her burns.

"JON, SNAP OUT OF IT!" Todd is bellowing.

Did I cause this? Jumping to my feet, I run to help extinguish the fire. "Did I cause this?"

"Yes, you called a fire ball. We were waiting on it to go out like usual, when it suddenly launched at Darcelia. It is a good thing, that it was not terribly large." Dolan explains as we finish the fire.

"I think we need to surround you with a barrier until you learn to control your magic, when you meditate." Alex suggests, before moving to heal Darcelia.

"Dude, that was intense. We at least know that you can use fire now." Todd tries to insert levity into the situation. "It is good that your aim sucks. The fireball hit about three feet behind us. Dar's burns are minor. She will still kick your ass, but at least she will be able to."

"Ya, even though I figured out what my hangout was, it still doesn't excuse me blowing up the camp. I guess I should have just worked on my sword."

"No, Darcelia will understand. Do you think she learned without ever having any hiccups?" Dolan is as cool as ever. "No one gets it right every time. Even veterans make mistakes. We will just make better preparations in the future."

"On a good note, watch this." I hold up my hand and bring the blue band into focus. I can now see the mana ball without meditating.

A small ball of water begins to gather in my palm. I hold it for a few heart beats, then toss it to the side. "I found out that the force magic was restraining the other elements. The other elements are small, but I can now use them."

"In that case, the burns are worth it." Darcelia gingerly approaches. "Please try not to burn me anymore, but I am pleased that you had a breakthrough.

"Darcelia, I am so sorry. Please forgive me." My shame is compounded by the fact that I am excited for my revelation.

"I said it is okay. Can you explain to me how you did it?"

For the next hour, I go into detail about how I manipulated the ball of mana. Darcelia tries to copy my technique. The first night ends in failure.

That night, for the first time, I dream of home. Todd and I are setting at the dinner table with mom and dad. Pot roast and dinner rolls fill our plates. Mom is telling Todd how he needs to quit being such a playboy and settle down. Kim is playing a portable game in the kitchen, while Stephanie uses a tread machine.

The announcer tells how the traveling duo never returned to Mayberry but were never lost. I feel the road under our car. Pot holes litter the back road leading to grandmas. I spill my diet soft drink as aunt Linda sings about her achy heart.

The next day finds me sleepy. My night has leeched the energy from me. Dolan and Todd continually tease me. I retaliate by tossing small balls of fire at their feet. Alex and Darcelia chide us, lightly. Malfor even lightheartedly makes a few snide remarks.

The fact that we are on our way to learn how to kill a demon seems far away. Laughter accompanies our company. The few people we pass seem to join in our laughter. We trade meat for vegetables and fruits from one group. Another traveler turns out to be a smith, headed to the capitol. He purchases our stack of weapons. When we make camp, he shows me the beginning of how to make a sword. Since Todd and I watched a lot of shows about making weapons, it is easy to learn the basics. The best part is he teaches us the proper way to care for our weapons.

The miles fall behind us. We dispatch a few bandits, and a demonic bear. At night we dispatch the mana shades that are showing more frequently. Bands of goblins become mere warm ups. Todd has become so skilled, that he can defeat four hobgoblins without taking a scratch. Me, Dolan and Malfor begin a pool on how many Todd can defeat without being touched.

The day before we reach the hermits house, Todd kills fourteen with only an arrow bouncing off his bicep. We decide that is close enough, so Malfor gets to skip camp chores for the night. I had only eight, Dolan eighteen. Darcelia chose thirty. Alex just shook her head. We didn't tell Todd because we knew he would try to take on an entire goblin village to prove us all wrong.