
Chapter 4

For the fifth time today, we are standing in the middle of the road. We are stopped due to the three merchants we met. Apparently, a huge group of demi freedom fighters have blocked the road between us and the capitol. The army was located far to the east, when the companions came through, a couple days ago. Since the merchants had little information, we are witnessing a debate on where they will go, and how we should proceed. Alex wants to take a western road. Darcelia wants to go through the demis. Todd leans to me, "What is a demi?"

"I am a demi." Malfor offers. Todd and I jump, we did not see him behind us. "Any humanoid race with beast features is referred to as "demi". The faction that has claimed the road ahead of us, are led by escaped slaves. Demis have few rights. Any slight infraction, or perceived infraction, can be used to enslave a demi. I once was part of that faction, but I refuse to acknowledge them now. That faction has turned into a bloodthirsty band of beasts. Once the Dark King has been dealt with, that faction will fall apart." With that said, Malfor walks off. We are not given an opportunity to respond.

"He had a terrible time when he was enslaved. After proving himself in rescuing a kidnapped noble, he was given his freedom. Even with that, work is hard for demis. Mercenary work is about the best option. We have worked together many times over the past three years. Even though he has proven that he is equal to any man, he still fights to prove himself. The faction ahead threatens that." Dolan looks uncomfortable, as if he feels out of place telling Malfor's story.

Darcelia has given up the debate. She notices our conversation, "When we defeat the Dark king, Malfor will return to calm the demis. He will be proof that humans and demis can live together."

"I have a question. You keep referring to humans, do the demis not have a problem with elves or dwarves?" Todd asks.

"We dwarves, and the elves, are referred to as humans, Demis are demis. Humans, elves, and dwarfs are human. The nameless gods started this." Dolan shrugs. "It is easier to lump us all together, since we will all die if the Dark king is allowed to return."

Soon after, supplies that we purchased from a local farm arrive. We will need to last about 15 days. Two days were added due to the demi revolutionaries.

Since I leveled up, my storage has gotten bigger. I can now carry 250 pounds. I load up the supplies, while giving the remaining carcasses to the delivery boy. The wolf pelts should get him some money. I do save room for my rapier. Removing items from my storage is faster than drawing a weapon.

"The delivery boy pulled his own wagon. Why didn't he use a horse?" Todd asks the question we are both thinking.

"After the last war, horses are very rare. You would have an easier time taming that chimera, then buying a horse."

"My family is working on breeding horses. It is taking a long time to build the stock to the point we can begin selling. Friedman Farms is growing quickly. I was expected to marry into a richer family, to enable us to grow faster.

"If I can increase my summoning magic I will be able to summon a spectral steed. Mages who get this are prized comrades. Some parties pay more shares to a summoning mage."

"The short-lived races are always in such a hurry. Dwarves are more patient. We do not need horses. Our legs carry us where ever we need to go." I have a feeling that Dolan is covering for the fact that he fears horses. What a cliche.

Setting out for the capitol, we are in high spirits. Todd is being his usual self, doing his best to make everyone laugh. For the most part, he is succeeding. Since we are close to town, the first several hours pass with no interruptions. We get to wave at farmer children and buy fresh milk. Of course Todd flirts with a few of the maids.

One young lady approaches me. She asks if we want to buy any fresh goat meat. They are having a harder time feeding them since the armies have requested help feeding the troops. She is very cute, and is using her charms to try to increase the price. During the negotiation, I catch the eyes of Alex. As soon as she notices my gaze she turns and walks to Dolan. I hear a quiet snort from Darcelia. I wonder what that was for?

After we purchase some meat we continue. While we walk, I concentrate on keeping a force ball in my hand. I figure the more I use it, the better at it I will be. Forming the ball takes one mana, but holding it, does not use any extra. Darcelia notices me manipulating the mana and suggests I throw a few force spikes at flying birds. It takes six times before I finally hit one. Four shots later I nail another one. After the second strike, I get to about fifty percent hits. My range is also growing. Darcelia seems impressed. Alex doesn't remark.

After an hour, Todd starts tossing rocks for me to shoot. He feels sorry for the birds. He has always been soft hearted.

Between rocks, Todd has been talking battle strategies with the rest as we walk. Alex especially tries to keep the conversation going. Dolan and Malfor join in on past battles with the Dark king. Malfor is unusually animated as he explains the movements used in the final battle of the last war. The Dark king had the human forces surrounded, when the hero broke the lines. It is believed that if the hero was not there, the Dark king would have won. Alex counters with the story of how a lost battalion arrived soon after the end of the battle. She says that they would have arrived in time. The two trade barbs while the rest of us laugh.

"Alex lost her family, you know." Darcelia whispers in my ear. "I see you getting close, so I thought I would warn you."

I jump. Thinking back, "I guess that's why her stat sheet said no spouse. But it did say that she has two kids."

"Are you sure? She believes that they died in a Dark attack."

"The stat pages that I can see don't seem wrong, maybe they didn't die and are waiting somewhere?"

"Let's not say anything, unless you can see where they are."

I focus on Alex's stats. "No luck, maybe if I gain more levels. Here's hoping."

"What does mine say about me?" Darcelia looks like she really does not want to know.

"I do see your husband, Twaller. Other than that, just your physical and magical levels and skills." I hope I didn't say too much.

Darcelia thinks for a moment before speaking. "We wed due to political needs. We never met until the wedding. We bed once, then I left to seek another life. I have not been back in over twenty years."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I promise, I don't look often. I feel like a stalker when I do."

"It is no issue. If looking at my stats helps, then feel free."

While we were discussing this, Todd has plucked Alex's shield from her back. Alex is chasing Todd around the road. We all get a good laugh.

Near sun down, we hear a commotion from a nearby field. Hurrying, we see a farmer and his wife, fending off a pack of eight dire wolves. Todd doesn't hesitate. With a roar, he launches at the pack. Darcelia nods to me. I pour all the mana I have into a force spike and send it at the alpha.

The spike strikes the alpha in the side, knocking it to the ground. I materialize my blade and follow Todd. The alpha is struggling to get to its feet, a fist sized hole opens into its lung. Todd races past the wounded wolf. Entering the middle of the pack, he starts cleaving the beasts with his large sword.

The alpha tries to grab Todd on the calf, but my thin blade enters the hole I made and slides further in. The wolf flinches and begins to convulse. I must have pierced something vital. Pulling the blade, I advance to the next beast. As I near, it turns, I aim for its eye. The blade rips through the ear, as the wolf turns. Before I can draw back, the wolf clamps down on my bicep. As pain shoots up my arm, I somehow hold my blade, while materializing a dagger from my storage. I stab under my arm, into the throat of the wolf. The beast lets go and tries to pull away. I swing my injured arm backwards, the sharp blade cuts deep through the throat, next to my dagger. The wolf flings back and lies thrashing on the ground.

I turn to find another target. Todd stands, surrounded by dead animals. He has killed six to my two. I feel his judgmental eyes. I see a few shallow bites and scratches on Todd. Compared to my freely bleeding arm, Todd is unscathed.

"Well done!" Dolan is the first to reach us. He seems really pleased. He claps my back as he walks to the farmers. "Any injuries?"

Alex lays her hand on Todd. A faint light emerges, and Todd's wounds close. "You did well, hero. I was worried when you ran into the pack. Even a hero can die." Darcelia joins her.

I must chuckle quietly, Todd could have run into a pack of chimeras and been alright. Me, I am worrying that I might lose my arm. Blood is running freely, dripping on the ground. I rip the bottom of my shirt and wrap it around the wound.

A hand rests on my shoulder, Malfor extends a wad of herbs. "This will stop the blood and dull the pain. Alex can easily heal you, but she is too concerned about the hero and farmers." Malfor seems very down.

"It's alright, Todd is the important one. And I did mess up. That damn beast shouldn't have had a chance to get me. I missed with my stab. I need to practice more."

"I will train with you, every chance we get. Ah, Dolan has remembered and is reminding the paladin." He steps away, as Alex approaches.

"Jon, I'm sorry, I didn't see you get injured. Let me fix that." Alex chants, and the blood stops flowing. Good timing, as I am starting to get a little dizzy. I will have to be more careful. After all, I am the expendable one.

"Thanks, it wasn't that bad." Darcelia takes my other arm as I sway. "I may need to sit down for a few minutes."

Before I can sit, the farmer approaches, "Come this way, the least we can do is feed you and let you rest. If you had not come along, those beasts would have killed us and ran off with our livestock." The farmer leads us to his house.

A simple stew is hanging over the fire. The wife brings us some bread and a bowl of stew. Two young boys set to the side and listen. We talk about the fact that stronger animals and monsters are increasing. Even this close to a village, the beasts are getting more courageous. The boys hang on our every word. Entertainment in this world is in short supply. Travelers stories are a rare treat. Todd even shows off his strength.

We talk until after night has fallen. The children are told to sleep in the barn with Todd, Dolan, Malfor and I. Alex and Darcelia are shown to the boys' room.

Since I was injured, I do not stand watch. Todd takes the first watch. We hash out the first few days in this world.

Then Todd gets a little serious. "Sorry that everyone focused on me, you got hurt way more than I did." Todd looks like a little kid.

"No biggie. After all, I am just your porter. But seriously, that beast was big enough, no one could see me. You kind of stand out. Of course, everyone saw your boo boos."

"I been thinking. When we get to the capitol, maybe you should find a place to stay. It might be too dangerous fighting the Dark armies. Maybe you can work at the church that we are heading to. You never know, you might decide to become a pope. Pope Jon of the.....what are the gods called here?"

"The nameless gods. It's kind of weird that people don't know the names of the gods they follow. And anyway, I am growing. That last battle gave me a fifth of a level. I did kill the alpha by myself. Even if it was focused on you."

"I just hope that we can defeat this enemy and be sent home. I know mom needs us."

Malfor walks up. "Since you are not ready to sleep, come, we will train."

"Good idea. Todd, If you wanna catch some sleep, I'll wake you when we are finished" Todd has always been able to sleep easy.

Malfor beats on me for an hour. We practice on using my blade and magic together. My force shots are very weak, unless I use all my mana. If I just use the force bullet, (What I have started calling the formless ball) I can hit Malfor without doing much damage. I am trying to mainly swing and form the bullet at the same time, so I can alternate the two attacks. My foot work is terrible, but I think if I keep copying Malfor, I should improve. Maybe if I think of it as a dancing game, while playing a fighting game, I will be able to use my gamer instincts to learn faster.

While we train, Malfor talks about the past wars that have occurred. The Dark King escapes before the hero can finish him off. After a few years, he returns, and a new hero must defeat him again. The tales from the past help the training seem to fly by.

Near midnight, I finally get a good hit in on Malfor. The force bullet I shoot hits Malfor in the face. My foot catches his knee, as he falls, I slap my blade on his neck. "Finally, I got in a hit."

"Very good. You are learning to use all of your weapons. If you keep training, you will become a great warrior very quickly. Now is the time for sleep."

We wake Todd and go to sleep. Last time I see is the silhouette of Alex in the window. This is a good sight to fall asleep to.

We leave early in the morning. Darcelia instructed me to try to summon otherworldly creatures while we walk. Once mana can be called fourth, I am supposed to be able to mold it into different forms. It is not as easy as changing the shape of the force bullet. I apparently have no aptitude for summoning. No creature appears.

For two days, we continue down the road we chose. Malfor works with me at night, while Darcelia coaches me during the day. I watch my stats, and they are growing slowly. Surprisingly, I even get experience in the spear. I guess it is because Malfor uses the spear against me. Unfortunately, my experience points move slowly, I guess because I am a porter.

Malfor seems distant from the rest. He seems to talk easier to me than anyone. I don't think he has said two words to Todd the whole trip. Darcelia is almost professional with both Todd and me. She instructs me on magic, and chats with Todd, but very little personal stories are shared. Alex and Dolan act like we have part of the company for a long time. Dolan talks nonstop, when no one else is talking. Alex doesn't talk too much, but I think that is just her.

On the third day Todd defeats a black spider looking demon. The evil looking creature surprised us from behind a crumbling wall. The fight lasted for a few minutes. Darcelia expresses her surprise that it took Todd that long. She doesn't know that Tod is terrified of spiders. The demon dropped a dark globe the size of my fist. Darcelia said that it is a condensed ball of dark mana. Dark mages can use it to overpower a spell. Other casters can draw the mana out during battle, kind of like a potion in a game. The mana loses the dark attribute when used this way. I begin to make plans to gather as many as I can.

A group of goblinoids attack on day five. I get in on this battle. Todd kills fifteen to my four. The rest of the company kill twenty eight. Watching Alex, Darcelia and Dolan work together was art. Alex used her shield to tank the enemies, while Dolan killed anything that made it past. Darcelia blasted them from behind.

Meanwhile, Malfor chased a group of five into the brush and returned covered in their blood. He seemed really upset. He said one might have escaped.

The weapons that the group carried were really poor quality, but I stored as many as I could. Alex and Dolan say that we can sell them to a blacksmith. Blacksmiths are constantly looking for materials to melt down. There was one staff carried by a goblin shaman. Darcelia told me to carry it while practicing. The staff reduced the mana used. Two mana spheres were also found. Darcelia took one, and I gave one to Alex.

Best of all, I only took a shallow cut on my arm. I didn't have Alex heal it. I wanted to have a battle scar. I feel like more of a man now. Todd had a small stab wound to the calf, Alex did heal it so it wouldn't slow Todd down.

Day seven.Nine warg riding hobgoblins attack. Todd is knocked down by the initial attack, but Darcelia and I pour magic attacks into them. The hobgoblins are weak against magic, so I keep hitting them with force bullets as I stab them with my rapier. Dolan kills three of the wargs and chases off two others. Alex defeats four hobs, after verifying Todd is not badly hurt. I kill two hobs and one warg. Todd and Darcelia clean up the rest.

I get enough experience to get to level three. Since I seem to have a magnet for damage, I put my point into vitality. I also notice that my force magic and sword skill both gained a point.

The weapons dropped are better this time, and since my carrying capacity has increased, I store everything useful. Only one mana ball drops this time. Darcelia says that it has the electricity element, so she slips it into her belt pouch.

The days fly by. We are ambushed three more times before we reach the capitol. My level needs a huge amount of experience to level up, so I am still level three. Todd has begun to react quicker. He hasn't taken a hit since the wargs.

Malfor is pleased with my sword ability, we have trained hard every night. I feel that I can finally hold my own if faced with a hobgoblin, or two. He has also been including spear training. It never hurts to know more than one way to fight.

Darcelia was surprised when I kicked a goblin and killed it. I showed her how I projected force magic from my foot. We practiced while traveling, and I can take a few steps in the air, by projecting force magic from the soles of my feet. Todd suggested that I practice falling on my enemies and using the force step as strike to squash them. I haven't tried yet. I can see me missing and shooting sideways into danger.

The next magic skill I am to work on, is adding magic damage to my weapon. It would be like enchanting my sword, with the benefit of switching damage types. The more magic types I learn, the more attacks I will have. By the time we get to the city gates, I have yet to achieve any mana coating.

We approach the city from the south. The city walls are twenty feet high and made from a dark stone. With Darcelia's instruction, I look at the mana pulsing through the walls. She tells me that a team of mages renew the enchantments, daily.

There are two gates in view, one is large enough for wagons to enter. We enter through one that is five feet wide, and ten feet tall. Tough looking guards wave us through as they recognize Alex. We exit the gate to a brick paved street lined with small wooden shops. Every conceivable shop offers goods. We enter a smithy located down an alleyway. A smiling dragon decorates the sign over the door.

Dust covers every inch of the shop. Smoke from coal hangs in the air. Weapons of every sort line the walls and shelves. Metal being struck can be heard from the back. Alex waves for us to remain and walks out back.

Alex returns, leading a middle-aged man. He is covered in scars, including half of his scalp. In his giant fist, he holds a hammer. A knowing smile shows as he approaches Todd. The man's eyes look every inch of Todd over. Holding out his open hand, "A new hero, it is my pleasure. Ditman Blackman at your service."

"Todd Jones. I hope that I can live up to the name."

"Let me see if I can find a weapon that suits you. The sword you carry is seriously substandard." Walking to the rear right wall, he takes a bastard sword in a royal blue scabbard. Delicate scroll work decorates the length of the scabbard. Drawing out the blade, Ditman smiles deeper. "This blade was used by a general that supported a hero in the past. It has been gathering dust for many years. Step out front and take a swing at the ironwood post out front."

Todd strides out front. A wooden post three feet thick stands five feet tall, to the side of the door. Todd grips the sword in one hand and swings. The sword sinks in just over a foot deep. The chunk of wood above the blade falls. "This thing, ROCKS!" Todd waves the sword dramatically. "How much for this?"

"You cannot afford that blade. It would take the fortunes of a small country to purchase it. The only way to obtain a blade like that, is a gift. It is yours. I just ask for its return after the Dark army is defeated." Ditman chuckles at his wit. "Now, your turn." His eye lands on me.

"I'm good." I pull my blade. The rapier shines in the sun. Ditman gingerly takes the blade.

"This is a good blade. I can do better, but this should not let you down. Just be sure to not over load it with mana, unless you want to fill a room with shrapnel." Handing the blade back, he enters the store. "Alexus said you have scrap for me. Let me see what you got."

We walk out the rear of the shop. Ditman shows me an empty corner. I pull out the weapons and armor, stacking them.

"That is quite a stack. Having a storage is handy. Since the quality is so poor, I can only use them for scrap. I will pay you five gold for the lot."

Alex speaks first. "That will be fine. We need little money. The church will provide what we need."

With our business completed in the shopping district, we proceed to the center of the town.

A great cathedral stands above the capitol. Alex says that the King's castle is behind the cathedral in the north quarter. Todd whines, he wants to see a castle. We will have to be patient.

The streets are full of people. Humans, dwarves and elves make up most of the residents, but there are demis, also. Todd and I were warned, but it is still a shock to see slaves. Not just demis are slaves, instead of prisons, criminals are sold into slavery. I think I will need to ask Alex about the details.

As we approach the cathedral, it's sheer size looms. From where we stand, I estimate the front to be at least ten city blocks. The rest of the city is wooden tans and red brick. The cathedral is an almost white marble colossus. I see guards paroling all along the perimeter. Flags bearing roman style numerals fly from the walls.

Alex leads our company up a hundred steps, and in through the main doors. Row after row of pews lead down the red carpet to the stage. The whole affair feels very catholic.

A young man looks up from his cleaning and slips out a side door. We wait for a minute, until a fat older man enters. His robes are while with purple lining. Huge precious stones cover every finger. Gold chains with gaudy ornaments hang from his neck. Everything about this man screams abuse of power. "Welcome back. We were expecting you back three or four days ago." He rushes to embrace Alex.

"The demi uprising blocked the main road, we had to go around." Stepping to the side, she waves to Todd. "Meet the hero."

The older man's eyes flick behind me then to Todd. "My boy, it is so nice to finally meet you. Cardinal Timmerman. I have been tasked with the needs of the people in this country. I was asked to task you with the destruction of the Dark army. We have hoped that you can do it before the Dark King can be summoned. If not, I am afraid the whole world will fall to shadow.

Please come, we are preparing a meal and place for you and your attendants to rest."

The young man from before beckons to us from the doorway. The meal prepared is a rich red meat with a thick vegetable soup. Fresh bread and sweet cream are distributed throughout.

During the meal, I notice the numbers on the wall. There are twelve spaced around the room. It's like sitting inside a giant clock. The young man, who is named Wan, explains. "The holy numerals represent the nameless gods. We were not provided their names, so the church assigned a numeral for each. We know that there are twelve. When they are displayed, they are always arranged in a circle. I was the last to communicate with mortal races, he described how the arrangement was sacred and tied to time. Mages that specialize in time magic always have the sacred numerals on their vestments."

"It is like a clock. I always wondered why Roman numbers were always used on clocks." Todd says what we are both thinking.

"What is a clock?" Wan asks what everyone else is thinking.

Todd looks stumped, so I step I. "A clock is a mechanical device that tells what time it is. The day is broken into twenty-four hours. Most clocks are made to show twelve hours, using noon and midnight as the starting point. A lot of them use the same numerals that the church uses for the nameless gods. If I had on the watch that dad gave me for graduation, I could show you."

"Do they have magical uses in your world as well?"

"No, there is no magic in our world. We had not seen anything like that until we arrived here. I was going to be an accountant, now I am a hero. It's kind of weird."

"What does an accountant do?"

"We deal with money. Where we come from, the government has a lot of laws about taxes. Accountants help companies pay the taxes correctly. Also, we help make sure employees are paid their wages right."

"That sounds like a lot of work. Attendant Jon, what about you? Did you work with taxes?"

"No, I studied to be an electrical engineer. I trained on how to provide electrical power for large factories." I tried to make it sound as simple as possible.

"But if there is no magic, how do you get the electricity?"

"We have machines that generate it."

Before I can explain further, another young man fetches us. We are escorted to the cardinal, in a side room. As we pass through the main courtyard, I catch a shadowy figure spying from a corner. A red eye peeks. When I turn to get a better look, the figure disappears. My gamer sense is screaming. I am now on high alert.

"While rooms are being prepared, I want to talk with you about what we know. The Dark army has gathered just outside the main pass through the western barrier mountains. A magical barrier has been erected by the Dark army. Our western armies have not been able to penetrate the barrier. The scouts that have taken alternate routes through the mountains have reported a fair-sized force. The army seems to be led by a demon that has been hidden. We have not been able to find it. A message arrived this morning from a mystic. He claims that if you travel to him, he will be able to show you where to go. He has also offered to help show the hero his best fighting style."

"Is this the hermit that lives north of the capitol? He is always claiming to know what the Dark King is up to. I know dwarves throwing bones that know more." Dolan speaks with disgust.

"Now Dolan, he did predict the famine three years ago. We should hear him out." Darcelia seems excited at the prospect.

Malfor speaks up for the first time in a while. "I also think we should go. My former master always believed in the prophecies from the hermit, Desmond the mad. Even if he does not know about the Dark army, he is the best sword and spear master in the world."

Alex ponders, "Dolan, I too wish to hear what he says. Are you too against the idea?"

"No. if he can help Todd improve his skill, then it will be worth the trip. The Dark army should not grow much in that time. At worst, I can ridicule him. I withdraw my objection."

With our next destination decided, we are shown to our rooms. Bathing areas are nearby and are a welcome diversion. As Todd and I enter a bath that could easily be a swimming pool, Todd notices the collection of scars that I am gathering. "Dude, we have got to get you training. You are being tore up."

"I'm ok. Just think, when we get back, I will be able to show off how much of a badass I am. Kim might even want to hang in real life."

"I knew you were hurting for face time. I still call best man at your wedding."

We do not see our companions the rest of the night.

After cleaning up, we go to our rooms. Todd is given a large room with a huge feather bed. I am led to a small room that is shared with a young man. After the last few weeks, I am too tired to visit. I slip into slumber almost as soon as my head hits the pillow. The last thing through my mind is the red eye.

Father Timmerman meets our company while we are eating breakfast. While he and Alex make the final preparations for the quest, I can't shake the feeling that the father keeps looking to a far corner. A tapestry hangs, depicting the nameless numerals. Once I see the tapestry move slightly. I don't get a peek at what moved, but I am now on high alert.

The meal finishes, and we pick up our belongings. Father Timmerman gives each of us a handful of gold for road expenses. We are in the courtyard, saying our goodbyes, when Father Timmerman stops. "It looks like he has arrived." I see a shape slide into another hidden doorway.

"Todd." I whisper, "We are being watched. Be ready, there is no telling who just showed up."

Todd nods. Silently he turns to the front of the yard, I face the rear. We do not pull our weapons, but we are poised.

The front entry door opens, and ten armored knights enter. Forming two lines, there weapons form an entry way. A page enters, "All hail, King Leonard has decided to gift you with his presence. ALL BOW!"

Alex and Dolan immediately fall to a knee, Darcelia, shoots Todd and I a look, and follows. Todd quickly drops to both knees. A red eyed figure peaking from the hidden door catches my eye, and I freeze for a few heartbeats. A shimmer seems to be next to the door. The figure makes eye contact with me, flinches, and disappears. I feel a tingle in my head.

A light cough calls me back, I spin and fall to my knees. That is going to bruise.

A young man, enters. He must be in his early twenties. "Please rise, I hate all the formality." The king has dark hair that hangs to his shoulders. Expensive looking traveling cloths adorn him. He walks down the row of knights with the ease of someone who has done so many times. An aid brings a chair for the monarch. "I had to come by and see the hero for myself,"

Tod stands and approaches with his hand out. "Todd Jones, nice to meet ya."

Knights stiffen, the aid is visibly shaken. Alex reaches for Todd. The king waves them back. "I am not to shake with any person, not the head of state, but since you are the hero, I do not believe that to be an issue." Taking Todd's hand, king Leonard smiles broadly. "I am honored, my father never had a chance to welcome a hero to our land. I pray that the nameless gods bless you on your quest. I do not have any children, but my sister is of age. When you destroy the Dark army, I will present her to you. I promise, she is very beautiful."

"Well, uh, that is really cool...but, I already have someone back home. I hope that when I finish this, I can find a way home." Todd blushes deeply. "NO DISRESPECT TO YOU OR HER! I mean, it is really nice, I just don't want to stay here."

The smile widens, "There is no problem. There are no stories of the hero returning to his home, but if that is your will, I wish you the best.

I was informed of your arrival this morning, so I have not prepared proper gifts to send you off."

"No biggie, I mean, we do not require any gifts. The smith that Alex knew gave me a strong sword. I am ready to go slay a demon." Todd proudly draws his sword and holds it out to the king. The knights stiffen again but make no moves.

"I do believe that is the Royal Avenger. The hero hundreds of years ago smote the Dark King with that. You have a truly wonderful weapon.

At the mention of the name, I stare at the sword.

<Royal Avenger>


<Crimson Rain, Delmattio, Dragon Toothpick, Desmond's Destroyer>

That is quit the list of names. This sword has a long history. Before I can look further, Todd cuts into my analysis. "This is my best friend and brother, Jon. He came with me."

"Is he also a hero?" The king is taken back. Apparently, he was not informed that two people arrived."

I finally speak, "Unfortunately, no, I am his porter. He got strength, I got the ability to carry his gear. I am hoping to learn magic so I can support and hopefully, heal him if need."

The king smiles again, "You will be much help, I am sure.

I could stay here all day, but you must be off. There is not a lot of time before the Dark King is summoned. Good luck hero company. I will be waiting to hear the good news."

The king stands, with much commotion, the chair, the king and the guards exit.

I feel like I was just in the presence of a tornado.

As we are being escorted to the exit, I see a shadow entering an alley. When the cardinal is asked about the red eyed individual, "That is, well, we do not usually talk about him. He is used to quickly pass messages among the staff, He also keeps watch for individuals that are interested in harming the church. Simon is a demi, so he tries to not be seen. I am surprised that you noticed him. He will be very disappointed.

Ah, Malfor my friend, please take very good care of the hero."

We say our good byes, and head for the west gate. The buildings on the west part of town are more residential. I figure they are for the more affluent people. The clothes are even a better quality.

One major difference from the south side, is the lack of free demis. There are plenty of slaves, but I do not see any free demis. I want to ask, but I am afraid that I will start something.

I also see my first horse in this land. An elderly gentleman, that must be a high noble, rides down the center of the street. Alex salutes as he passes but is ignored.

We make good time. As we leave from the west gate, we turn northeast. An unpaved road snakes into the valleys leading to the low mountains that border this kingdom. If we avoid being sidetracked, we should reach the hermit in eighteen days. Malfor wishes to visit a shrine on the way but should only delay us half a day.