
Chapter 1

Life on campus is exciting, even for a video game nerd. I entered college to get a degree. I want to get a good job and make my parents proud. My biggest obstacle is Todd.

Todd is the jock that has been my best friend since almost birth. We grew up two houses from each other. Todd did move when we were 12. It didn't change things much. We just rode our bikes more. Puberty threatened our friendship a little, but a bully cornering me changed that. Todd got suspended for breaking the bully's nose. It was the only time.

Todd is a jock. Unlike most jocks, he is super intelligent. Since I tried so hard to get perfect grades, Todd studied with me. Todd was offered a few scholarships for football, and he chose the one to state, where I was going. Most people did not know that Todd was working on a degree in accounting.

Since I helped Todd study, he made it his mission to get me buff. We spent hours every day in the gym. I did go from 147 pounds to 188. I will never be a bodybuilder. Even though I will never set a record in weight lifting, I can run forever.

Todd has been invited to almost every party since we walked on campus. Early on, people learned that Todd would not show up if I was not invited. Good thing for me, is that girls that gave up on reaching Todd, sometimes settled for me.

One girl, Kim, after spending a party talking to me about video games, became an online game buddy. Kim was not very attractive, but neither am I. I asked her on a date once, but she turned me down. When I got home, there was an invite waiting to join a game tournament. Turns out, Kim preferred online relationships over real life.

Between parties, games and the gym, I found time to get all the credits to earn my degree in electrical engineering. Todd finished his degree and even had to turn down pressure to join the draft to play football. He plans on joining my mom's old firm.

Finals week ends. Books are returned. Plans of the future cloud everyone's head.

My parents call to let me know they will be arriving at any time. They want to be here a few days early, since Todd and I are leaving the day after graduation for a Mediterranean cruise. Mom and dad split the tickets with Todd's aunt.

Mom and dad have considered Todd a member of our family since his folks died in a drunk driving accident. Mom was depressed after finding out that she would not be able to have any more children after me. When the news arrived about the wreck, mom decided that Todd and I were enough.

"You coming to Stephanie's party?" Todd is in the hall bathroom. For the third time this hour, he is checking his hair. Since he and Stephanie have been getting closer, he has started to primp.

Like normal, I am in front of the television in the front room. The latest fantasy game is on the screen "If I have time after dinner. Mom said they will be here any minute. I do want to talk to Kim about a new level I unlocked. She will want to clear it with me. We can make it a date night."

"Oh crap, I almost forgot. Can you call Stephanie and let her know I might be late? I am not going to miss steak. Dad must always go to the steak house down on the county road. And also, eww. You two and your games. You spend too much time looking at your phones or computer screens. You need to look at each other."

I shake my head. "Not everyone feels the need to be seen in public. We enjoy our time together online. She did recently agree to marry me in Mage: Scorched Battlefield. We are planning a wedding during the mid-summer fire bug celebration. You should create an account and join."

Todd laughs, "I'll show up when you decide to marry her in real life. You had better save soon. Dad will give you the evil eye if he has to wait for steak because of a game."

"To true." I watch the cut scene. Beautiful, half-dressed elf women are being chained by the evil demon. As their pitiful cries come from the TV, I imagine Kim in those costumes. I swoop in to save the day, earning a kiss. A smile starts to worm its way across my face.

A knock at the door brings me back to reality. "Todd get that, I am almost done."

Todd opens the door, and hugs mom. "Jon is coming. You know him, he is saving his game. At least in this one, he is not trying to marry anyone."

Mom shakes her head. "Honey, hurry up. Dad is getting a headache. We want to get to the hotel so he can soak in the hot tub."

"You just want some hot time, you can't fool us." Todd is the only person I know that can say anything even remotely dirty and mom just laughs. When he was younger, Todd would tell mom that he was going to marry her when dad ran off with a younger woman. Dad would make it worse by making a show of deciding who to run off with.

My game finally saves, and I shut it off. I slip my shoes on and join everyone in the foyer. I hug mom. "Did you try a new hairstyle just to come here?"

"Dad has been on me to try something new for a while. Do you like it?" She poses, hand patting her hair.

"Sure, I..." My voice trails off, as Todd flies past me. A look of terror on his face.

A thump comes from my right. "Call 9-1-1!" Todd's voice reaches me before I can comprehend what just happened. I turn to see dad on the floor, drool coming from his mouth. His eyes are glazed.

Mom, who has always been good in pressure situations, stands stunned. The sight of her husband on the floor is too much.

We never make the call. Todd carries dad to the car, and I drive like a demon. Todd and I received our CPR certifications our sophomore year. The eighteen mile drive takes fifteen minutes. Todd keeps the rhythm until the nurses take dad from the car,

Paperwork in the hospital takes forever. Between three of us, we complete all the forms. We join the others filling the waiting room. There are only four empty chairs. I overhear two paramedics discussing an alcohol involved accident. It is not a good night for many people. This is an all too familiar scene around campus.

No words are heard from any of the waiting families. The only sound is from a television hanging in the corner, Excited people talking about how the renovations to their house will improve the worth of the house.

Kim calls to find out where me and Todd are. I fill her in on the situation, and she promises to let all our friends know what is happening.

A couple are led back to see their daughter. She is lucky, a broken arm is all she suffered in a car wreck. Hopefully this will teach her not to drink.

An hour passes slowly. Todd is trying to convince mom to return the cruise tickets. He has decided to return home to help take care of dad. Mom looks to me for help, I agree with Todd. Mom and dad are more important than half dressed women.

A nurse finally calls dad's name. Only one person is allowed at a time, so we have mom go. We cheerfully encourage her to go back.

Dad is not expected to last until morning. The heart attack was too strong. The doctor thinks that there might have already been damage from long ago.

"You go check on dad, I am gonna go feed my nasty habit." Todd has been a smoker since he dated one in high school.

Mom wrinkles her nose as she hugs Todd. "I'll be out soon, so you can say goodbye." I hug her and turn to follow Todd.

When we arrived, we saw a smoking area, not too far from the entrance. It has gotten dark while we sat. Todd flops down and pulls a cigarette from the crushed package. Sighing, he lights it and pulls a long drag. The sky is clear. I see the lights from an airplane blink. Even a beautiful night like tonight cannot change the hollow felling in my chest.

Todd breaks the silence. "If anyone could come back from that, it would be dad."

"He is the most stubborn man on the planet. We will probably end up taking him home in the morning. We will want to stop for waffles. Every time we go anywhere, he must get waffles. Even when I got him a waffle maker for Christmas that time, he still only wants them on vacation."

"Jon, you know I have been planning to move to Cincinnati in the fall. I could find a job closer. You and mom will need help." Todd had been offered a real good paying job by mom's former firm. After much discussion, we decided that it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

"No, you need to go. We will be fine. Dad always told us that we should always follow our dreams. Mom and dad would both be upset if you didn't go."

"If worse comes to worse, you and mom can always move in with me." Naturally Todd is willing to inconvenience himself to help. He has always been this way.

"Like just want mom to move in. You have always had a crush." I nudge Todd playfully.

"You know it." He looks down. "Just not this way. Jon, you know that he has always been my hero."

I suddenly become aware that the sounds of the nearby highway have disappeared. I strain to hear anything, not even the night insects are making any noise. Todd meets my eye, "Where did everything go?" There is a hint of panic in my voice.

The distance begins to grow between me and Todd. Todd reaches for my outstretched hand. As he grabs me, I see that the sky has lightened. Is it already morning? Then everything goes black.



But, a warm presence

A gentle smile
