
I NEED YOU : Reincarnation of the werewolf beast

He entered her room as if It was his own.. it was dark inside , and only the bedside lamp was lighting her beautiful face. Yes, she was beautiful, he admitted, as beautiful as the bright fullmoon ahiming the lonely night outside, but this was no time to stare at her beauty, the last time he approached such beauty he ended up dead... Literally!!!! he won't make that mistake for the third time. He'd stand on his will.... Beside, he only got 99 days to find his Chi, if not, he'll die, permanently this time. The god has blessed him with a second chance to correct his mistakes. And he'd waste no time to correct them. And if this woman, was the map of his chi, then he'd take her, and lead him to find his chi. Even by force, he'd do so... "Awake!!!!!"

Na_Luna · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

The Unwelcome Return

Hazel Young gazed out of the airplane window, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions as the familiar landscape of her home country came into view. Fifteen years had passed since she left, seeking adventure and independence in distant lands. Now, as the plane descended towards the bustling city below, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

The announcement of their arrival jolted her from her reverie, and she straightened in her seat, adjusting her scarf and smoothing down her clothes. As the plane taxied to a stop, Hazel gathered her belongings and stepped out into the warm embrace of her homeland. The air was thick with the scent of tropical flowers, and the distant hum of traffic filled the air.

Hazel's return was not a joyous homecoming, but a reluctant obligation. She had received the news of her father's passing, and the weight of her responsibility as the sole heir to the Young estate pressed heavily upon her. The thought of returning to the grand mansion where she had grown up filled her with a sense of foreboding. She had left behind the trappings of wealth and privilege in search of a life on her own terms, and the prospect of returning to that world left a bitter taste in her mouth.

As the car wound its way through the familiar streets towards the Young estate, Hazel watched the passing scenery with a mix of nostalgia and apprehension. The mansion came into view, its imposing facade casting a long shadow over the manicured gardens and sprawling grounds. It was a sight that had once filled her with pride, but now it only served to remind her of the expectations and obligations that awaited her within its walls.

The car pulled up to the grand entrance, and Hazel stepped out, her eyes taking in the familiar sight of the mansion's towering pillars and ornate carvings. The front doors swung open, and a small retinue of maids and servants emerged to greet her, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Welcome home, Miss Hazel," said Mrs. Patel, the housekeeper, her voice tinged with a note of hesitation. "We are so sorry for your loss."

Hazel nodded in acknowledgment, her gaze flickering over the familiar faces of the staff who had served her family for generations. She felt a pang of guilt at the sight of their worried expressions, knowing that her sudden return had thrown their lives into disarray.

"Thank you, Mrs. Patel," Hazel replied, her voice cool and detached. "I trust that everything has been kept in order during my absence?"

"Of course, Miss Hazel," Mrs. Patel replied, her tone deferential. "We have done our best to maintain the estate in your absence."

Hazel nodded, her expression unreadable as she swept past the staff and into the cavernous foyer of the mansion. The air was heavy with the scent of polished wood and fresh flowers, and the silence of the empty halls echoed with the weight of years gone by. Hazel felt a surge of resentment at the sight of the opulent surroundings that had once been her home. It was a gilded cage that she had fought so hard to escape, and now it seemed that fate had conspired to draw her back into its embrace.

Alone in the vast emptiness of the mansion, Hazel felt an overwhelming sense of alienation. The memories that lingered in every corner of the estate felt like chains binding her to a past that she had longed to leave behind. She wandered through the silent halls, her footsteps echoing in the stillness, until she found herself standing before the ornate double doors of her father's study.

Hazel pushed open the doors and stepped into the dimly lit room, her eyes taking in the familiar sight of her father's desk and the shelves lined with leather-bound tomes. The room was a testament to her father's legacy, a legacy that now weighed heavily upon her shoulders. She sank into the leather chair behind the desk, her gaze drifting over the room with a mixture of sorrow and resentment.

As the hours slipped by, Hazel found herself lost in a whirlwind of memories and emotions. She thought of her father, a stern and imposing figure whose expectations had always loomed large in her life. She thought of the years she had spent abroad, forging her own path in a world far removed from the confines of the Young estate. And now, as the sole heir to the family fortune, she found herself once again ensnared by the trappings of wealth and privilege that she had worked so hard to escape.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke her reverie, and Hazel looked up to see Mrs. Patel standing in the doorway, a tray of tea in her hands.

"I thought you might be in need of some refreshment, Miss Hazel," Mrs. Patel said, her expression gentle and concerned.

Hazel nodded silently, acknowledging Mrs. Patel's gesture. As the housekeeper set down the tray and poured the tea, Hazel couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. These faithful servants, who had served her family for so long, deserved better than her distant and detached demeanor.

"Thank you, Mrs. Patel," Hazel said, her voice softer than before. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness."

Mrs. Patel offered a small, understanding smile before quietly leaving the room, leaving Hazel alone with her thoughts once again. She sipped the tea, the familiar blend bringing a sense of comfort amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling within her.

The weight of her responsibilities as the heiress to the Young estate hung heavily on her shoulders. She had spent years cultivating a life of her own, far removed from the constraints and expectations of her family's wealth. The prospect of stepping back into this world, with its rules and obligations, felt suffocating.

Hazel rose from the desk, her mind in turmoil. She moved through the mansion, accompanied by the hushed echoes of her footsteps, each corner of the estate stirring memories both bitter and sweet. As she passed through the grand halls and ornate rooms, she couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in her own home.

The day waned into evening, and the setting sun cast long shadows across the estate. Hazel found herself standing by the grand windows, gazing out at the sprawling grounds that had once been her playground. The sense of confinement within the mansion felt stifling, and she longed for the freedom she had found in distant lands.

As twilight descended, Hazel made her way to the terrace, seeking solace in the cool evening air. The distant sounds of the city drifted on the breeze, and the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky. She found herself lost in the quiet beauty of the night, a respite from the tumult of emotions that had plagued her since her return.

It was in this moment of solitude that Hazel began to contemplate her future. The weight of her inheritance and the expectations that came with it loomed over her like a dark cloud. But as she gazed out at the world beyond the estate, a glimmer of determination sparked within her.

Hazel knew that she couldn't deny her responsibilities, but she refused to be shackled by them. She would find a way to honor her family's legacy while staying true to the independence and freedom she had fought so hard to attain. The mansion may be her inheritance, but she vowed that it would not define her.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Hazel turned to re-enter the mansion. As she stepped back inside, she was greeted by the warm glow of the lights, a stark contrast to the darkness outside. She made her way through the halls, her steps surer, her mind clearer.

The familiar faces of the servants and staff greeted her as she passed, their expressions now tinged with a hint of hope and reassurance. Hazel knew that she had a long journey ahead, navigating the complexities of her inheritance and her own desires. But for the first time since her return, she felt a glimmer of optimism.

As she retired to her chambers for the night, Hazel resolved to carve out her own path within the walls of the mansion. She would honor her family's legacy, but she would do so on her own terms. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but Hazel was determined to reclaim her place in the estate, not as a reluctant heir, but as a woman who would forge her own destiny.

And with that newfound resolve, Hazel Young drifted into a restless sleep, her dreams filled with visions of a future where the mansion would be a symbol of her strength and independence, rather than a gilded cage.

But what she was unaware of, was her father's sudden death, caused a dispute of wealth in her whole family, and that the following day, would be welcomed by Unwelcome guests....