
Chapter 3

I love this place. I kill people here, but no one has any proof it's me that's killing them. People suspect it but without any proof there is nothing they can do. 

I tie Sabrina to my torturing chair and then wake her up. "P-Please. Please don't hurt me." she begs. I laugh, "I already told you, I'm not just gonna hurt you."

I grabbed my small, sharp knife and started making tiny cuts all over her arms, face, and legs. Her cry of pain she let out was music to my ears. 

When I was done with my knife I poured rubbing alcohol all over her cuts, just because I knew it would hurt. Then I started to beat the hell out of her until she was begging me to stop. 

I took a step back to admire my beautiful work. Then I smiled and grabbed the lighter fluid. "What are you doing?!" she asked frantically. I laughed and started pouring it all over her. 

When she was soaked in lighter fluid, I lit a match and dropped it on her body. Her clothes caught on fire first and then her skin. She was screaming for me to stop, but like always I showed no mercy. 

Her skin went from red to a burnt blackish color. Her screams grew louder and all I could do was laugh and smile. I was burning this bitch alive and I was enjoying it. 

When she was nothing but a pile of ash, I put her ashes with the other hidden ashes and left. 

I murdered Sabrina Brown because she caused me to get a failing grade. Is that a dramatic reaction? Absolutely. Am I ok with that? Absolutely. I'm a murder and I love it.