
I miss you my love

 Emma,  I want to invite you to my birthday on August 8th. You've been my girlfriend since you sat next to me in macranelle and lent me your taste. If you come, we'll play hide and seek and you'll have the right to count.  Milano  Milan,  Stop sulking. It's not my fault you sat on some chewing gum and Victor laughed at you. I just laughed. You said I wasn't your girlfriend anymore but you're still my boyfriend. I want to keep going to college every morning with you.  Emma  Emma,  I've been standing in front of this sheet for a while, trying to find the courage to write to you. You disappeared overnight. Your parents won't tell me why you left and you don't answer my calls anymore. I'm scared for you Emma. Where are you ? Come back please. I miss my best friend. We can't leave each other on this ridiculous dispute. Answer me. Even if it's to insult me. But please answer me.  Milano  Return to sender. Recipient unknown at this address.  Report of Mrs. Ema Pazzi's medical file / June 12, 2017  - Patient arrived in emergency during the night of June 2 to 3, presenting a serious condition whose vital prognosis was engaged after a traffic accident.  - Serious bodily damage (broken limbs, lung perforation, concussion, bruises on the chest, deep scars on the back etc.)  - Brain damage whose consequences remain to be determined after eight days in a coma.  - Partial amnesia observed when the patient wakes up. Last memories dated around 2010.  - No visit since his hospitalization.

feather190 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


And with these terrifying words, he leaves my room. All his words collide one by one in my mind and I feel lost in a dimension that is not mine. I start to panic, to suffocate and I try to close my eyes to remember the color of the pupils of Milan but all I see is a black wall against which I crash miserably. A torrent of tears assails me. I have absolutely no control over anything. Neither my body which seems to be in full passive rebellion, nor my mind which understands a little too well that the situation is serious. Very serious.

My heart-rending sobs resonate in this small room and grip me even more in their terrifying yoke. I can't calm down, on the contrary my tears and my fears have become the masters of my soul. My moans are so loud that I can't even hear the nurse approaching me. It's only when she gently puts her hand on my arm that I realize she's there. I cling desperately to her and beg her to help me, my eyes totally bulging.

-I...I...please...do something...

- Calm down Ema, calm down...

-I want to see my parents...I want my brother and Milan...I don't want to be alone...please...

The young woman offers me a soft smile and I then linger on her fine and compassionate features and then on her benevolent gaze. For the first time since I woke up, the weight that compresses my chest seems to lighten imperceptibly.

-I'll see what I can do to warn your family. I'll stay with you for a while first and then I'll contact them, okay?

I nod softly as she fiddles with who knows what on the pipes that are connected to my arm. Little by little, I feel a little more relaxed. The more the minutes pass, the more my mind becomes numb. When she gets up and heads for the exit, I murmur, my mouth pasty:

-What is your name ?

I hear "Sophia" in a fog then I sink. My dreams are no longer dark and dizzying. No today, I am treated to delusions straight out of a bad American comedy. I am on a desert island lounging on the hot sand when a group of young people approach to ask me to carve a mammoth for them. And guess what I do? I'm carving them a fucking mammoth! Then I go deep into the forest to climb trees and join my friends the macaques. When I'm tired of eating bananas and peanuts, I jump in the air and land in a carnival. It's when I swallow my fifth cotton candy that I wake up with a start.

I hear a voice I know all too well and my heart races. Snippets of conversation come to me.

"Not possible now"

"Let me through..."

"Visiting hours"

I take a deep breath that burns my lungs and releases a long scream. My shrill cry echoes in the hallway and I immediately hear panicked footsteps approaching my room. A new nurse joins me and immediately checks all the machines around me. She makes precise gestures at an amazing speed but I don't see them. My gaze remains fixed on my friend who is standing outside my room.

I stared at him for a long moment, unable to say a word. The very moment I saw him, an insurmountable wall was erected between us. Milan doesn't come into my room, he stays in the hallway, completely still and with a closed face. From my bed, I would like to dive into his blue lagoon gaze but I only succeed in crashing into his glacier.