
I met the CEO

Whether it’s love or hate,pain or joy,life or death we only want to succumb to the positive ones,but then again what if it is destined to be the latter and we can’t help it. Dale,our rider takes us on an ecstatic journey to discovering ourselves in the character’s mind,emotions dangling in front of our very own eyes. A thrilling story piece showing the strength of our alpha male,he won’t stop at nothing and she won’t budge out of stubbornness. The denial of self worth has never been so tormenting,she just couldn’t forget. Anyways you don’t want to miss out right then let’s travel on down to the story line unraveling the curiosity

Faithysia · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Chapter Two: Caught up

The dinner party was just like he anticipated,dim lighted chandelier the wooden smell of new furnitures,crowd of sophisticated business tycoons of both genders pacing the hallway of the building.The surreal array of their colorful attires adding up to form multitude dazzling lights through a blurred vision.Walking down to the table he presumed his grandfather was seated with his business partners and co,he was glad his evening suit didn't appear flashy than he had wanted it to be.He has always been a lover of black outfits as he avoided tacky clothes,his hairdo was wavy in style not like he's one to be picky with hairstyles judging from popular opinion he looked good in every one of them.

As his eyes darted across the hall,he could see almost half of the ladies,if he were to be unnecessarily modest staring at him ravishingly unable to take their eyes off him,he'd never been one to complain.

Women! He smiled they had one thing in common they just needed the other gender to be affirmative but he'd never been one to give such satisfaction though they came anyways.

"Hello my dear Dale don't tell me you're ignoring your favorite aunty and just passing by without greeting her very rude sweetheart." Said a slender model-like woman,her high pitch voice shaking slightly she seemed middle aged probably in her late thirties wearing a flowing dinner gown while raising the hem of her dress slightly with a wine glass in her free hand she gracefully moved across the hall,blocking him gingerly she smiled mischievously.She licked her red lipstick slyly gazing at him eyeball to eyeball,she looked rather too elegant for her age.

"Silvia I don't have time for this if you'd excuse me." He retorted harshly showing no obvious countenance whatsoever,this woman he cursed silently she just wouldn't get enough of him.His uncle must have offended someone in his past life to have ended up with this woman,she's been out of the poor man's control ever since she paid her way into his company by becoming a shareholder,of a lower ranking though,hitting the jackpot she claimed.Straightening his face,he eyed her irritably daring her not to move out of his way.

"Hughhhh so annoying what's the use of that handsome face if you wouldn't even smile to save your life.Glaring at me like doesn't make you a bigger person you know honey bunny." She replied rolling her eyes as she sucked in her lips to absorb the after taste of the wine she had been sipping,tapping the glass cup with her long lean fingers she moved out of his way slowly.

"Just the way your presence in this party doesn't make your existence worth it."He fired back at her,walking out on her nonchalantly.

"So he's really going to be so mean and now he's getting away with it as usual." She laughed bitterly,putting one of her fingers into her eyelid,withdrawing it she felt a drop of liquid.Hmmmmm tears? She grabbed a drink swiftly from a parading waiter "Dale is being so full of himself" she thought angrily

He couldn't bring himself not to utter negative words anytime she comes to his face,his thoughts seeped through his consciousness as he approached the table his grandfather sat in.The old man's expression didn't quite match the atmosphere of the events.

"Your company is celebrating it's 45th anniversary for an all rounder year of magnanimous achievements but you show up almost at the end.Well done Mr CEO." Mr Parker praised sarcastically eyeing his grandson,he must have owed a lot of debt in his previous life to have been blessed with a grandson that didn't even care about the human existence any longer for the sake of the company.He was a crazy workaholic,smart beyond measures,business minded and a perfectionist.At this rate he was going to die alone,no wife,no kids just his poor grandson all by himself.

"Good evening Director I had a lot to finish up at the office I thought Wayne informed you already." Dale greeted his grandfather formally like he used to,the old man was his only family but they'd been apart for too long that he didn't feel close to the him in any way,not like he felt it with anyone else.

"Chaaaaaa look at the way he greets his grandfather like a total stranger." Mr Parker emphasized nudging another elderly man seated besides him,as a frown settled on his wrinkled face he knew he was ranging between sixty five to seventy years of age,he still felt much more vibrant than his grandson ever would let himself be.

"You should speak to your grandfather more informally son in law." A tenor voice rang out revealing a not so elderly man,he had thin layers of grey hair strides in the middle of his brownish hair.Khloe's father,Mr Rodney had always been a dashing elderly man for his age too trendy he guessed.

That immature daughter of his had probably chickened out and didn't tell her father about the breakup he thought amused no wonder the ignorant man still kept on ranting "son-in-law".

"I need you to tell me what wrong I did for you to always disobey me he never takes what I decide seriously how can you break off your engagement with Khloe like it was a piece of cake?" He lamented looking at his friend apologetically his grandson was making him do it over again.Maybe he shouldn't have blackmailed him into dating the girl,nothing had ever gone well with Dale Parker when he's been compelled to do anything he thought regrettably.

"What has our Khloe done to offend you son that you've decided to break things up?it's normal for couples to have disagreements should they all end their relationship each time they argued?" He asked rhetorically exchanging meaningful glances with his friend and business partner.He knew this man thoroughly,down to business kind of person wasn't a fan of mixing business with pleasure but he thought for once he could bend the rules for being an exception since his grandfather was an old friend of his.He realized how mistaken he was the moment his feeble daughter narrated her ordeal with him amidst tears.

"Mr Rodney I told Khloe what I had to and that's it I hope you understand and take things how they are." He answered his tone wreaking of finality as he stared on not directly making eye contacts with anyone.He anticipated his grandfather usual outburst of displeasure.

"Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." His grandfather grumbled eyeing him displeased beyond doubts.He didn't know why the old man always got worked up unnecessarily over petty issues especially when he was involved.

"Then you leave me with no other choice" He ascertained clearing his throat noisily he hoped his grandson got the hint.

"Grandfather!!!!" Dale snapped looking at him suspiciously he could see the clear picture now how could his grandfather resort to this.He was stooping too low........