
I Mated With A Wolf? (moved to a new link)

A story about Ryan Parker, the vampire king who doesn't believe in true mates. He is married to a strong female vampire. One night he leaves home and ends up on the other side of the human world, gets himself drunk, and sleeps with someone, worse, a man. Nick Miller is a young werewolf, twenty-two, and the Beta of the Snowfall Pack. Friends with the alpha and stubbornness. He hasn't found his mate yet and doesn't want to. One night, he goes out with the Alpha to the other side and drinks for the first time, forced by the Alpha to get drunk and sleep with a stranger. What happens when you wake up and see a mark on your neck and you don't remember a thing that happened? Worse, you find out that you are pregnant.

Nqobile_Aphile · LGBT+
22 Chs



A lot has been going on lately, Nick my future son-in-law is fighting for his life at the hospital, my grandson is drinking his blood, Ryan is acting strange, he is just strange, and Lisa I never liked that girl, I liked Carla.

"Jason here is your tea", I smile at Hannah and take the cup from her

She leans forward and I place a kiss on her cheek

I know right, I have a mate, but I still love Hannah, she has been there for my Ryan, and she gave me a beautiful son.

"Thank you, my Queen,", I say and smile, she sits on my lap

Okay? Something is up. Why is she sitting on my lap?

"Talk to me"

"I don't know what to do or how to feel. I know everything will go back to normal and then your mate will come and take you away from me", I give a worried look

"Hannah why are we talking about this?"

"I know you love me, my love. I know that but, the time will come when your mate takes you back and I am prepared for that. I knew when you married me that you were not fully mine but now over the years, I have grown to love you"

This is his fault! If he didn't say that I must get married, then maybe this wouldn't have happened. Now I'm stuck between choosing my mate and my wife.

"Hannah, you are my wife, and he is my mate. If he wants me then he can have me, but he has to come to with my condition that you are my wife and that will never change. He wants me he takes us. Are you ready for a threesome?"

I hope she says yes because I am not ready to lose the woman who has groomed my sons into wonderful people

"Jason no. I am not going to be in between you and your mate. I want you to let me go when your mate comes for you. I want you to love and cherish him forever. I don't want him to feel as if you don't love him. I want you to try and respect him"

Respect him? James hasn't respected me ever since he found out that I am his mate. I tried to fight for us, but that got me pregnant and suffering. Now I want him to fight for me.

"I love him, and I love you, I don't want to hurt you, Hannah"

"You won't hurt me because what is meant to be, will be. Jason don't be stubborn about this. You have a mate that will come for you, and I will leave. My mate is waiting for me in heaven"

Peter died the night they found out they were mates and that night I also needed a wife so that I can hide that I was pregnant, and she was the perfect one

"You are the best and I genuinely love you. If he wasn't my mate and the father of my son then I would have been with you as your second mate", she smiles and pecks my lips.

"I love you Jason very much and I know that I will do anything for you and our sons and their mates. Jason, if anything happens then please know that I love you and our sons", I return her peck

"Stop sounding like you are going to die soon. I love you"

"I am not going to die; I have to watch Ryan divorce Lisa and be happy with his true mate Nick"

"Speaking of our son. Don't you think he is acting strange?"

"Yes Jason, he has been acting weirdly for these past weeks. I'll ask him later if he is alright?"

"Yes, I think that would be a good idea because he won't talk to me"

He is still angry that I didn't tell him about his real dad, he is angry for a lot of reasons, but I am also disappointed at him for taking his frustrations out on Hannah and Lisa

"Now let me leave, remember you need to conduct a meeting with our people"

"Yes, I know Edward reminded me about that, I was thinking about the treaty with the Snowfall Pack. It needs to be attended to now since I am the King again"

"Yes, I think we should also provide them with protection. I know they are strong but since everyone knows that Nick is our son's mate they are after his life. They may attack that Pack anytime soon, so they need all the help they can get"

"That's so right I just need to convince him"

"If he doesn't co-operate then give him some", I chuckle, and my cheeks become hot.

"Hannah you shouldn't speak like that, you are my wife"

"And he is your mate"

"I can't, if I give him some then he will score, and I don't want to have his child again if he is going to leave me"

"Trust me this time, he won't leave you. Stop telling yourself that he will leave you. You are going to be together sooner than you think. Now, let me go and have a word with my boys", I nod, and she leaves.

I am blessed to have her as my wife, she is the best.


After leaving my husband I went straight to my sons, and I find them both drinking together.

"Hey Brian pour me a drink", I say to my youngest, they both look at me strangely and he pours me a drink

"If papa sees you drinking don't involve us", I take the glass from him and gulp it down.

"Wanna talk about it, mama?" I smile at my oldest, I love Ryan with all my heart, even though he is not my biological son, but I love him a lot.

"Wanna talk about it son?" I ask him the same question he did, Brian smiles and refills my glass

"Mama don't answer a question with a question. I am worried about you", he will always be my son, my Ryan.

"I am also worried about my sons. Now start Ryan", he sighs

"Mama I am not alright; I just feel so angry, and I blame that beautiful pup for everything that has happened. I want to punish him so much and mum, I don't even want that baby. Mum, why do I hate him so much when I am supposed to love him?"

I look at my son sadly, what is happening here? Why is he feeling like this?

"Ryan sometimes relationships go from hate to love or love to hate but in the end, that person will experience love. If it is meant to be then it will be. Nobody can change what is destined. Just like your father is destined with the Alpha, you are also destined to be with Nick. Ryan, Brian, your true mates are precious and important, no matter what happens love and treat your mates right", after Ben died, Jason was there and I am grateful to him for that, even though it happened fast

"But mum, I just hate him"

"Ask yourself this question, what has he done wrong to you? And what wrong have you done to him? Intentionally and unintentionally"

It is all your fault, my son

"Mama is a right brother; I don't see a reason for you to hate Nick. I think it should be the other way around, he is in that state because of you, everything bad that is happening to him, and his family is your fault"

"Guys stop ganging up on me. I just hate the guy and I should be loving him. Did the Moon Goddess make a mistake?"

Moon Goddess, you say.

"Ha! That one doesn't make mistakes. She is a Goddess. Son, now you need to divorce Lisa so that you can try and make it work with Nick and your hybrid", I can't wait for Nick to give birth

"Hybrid? Mum what if the baby becomes a wolf? Or just like us?"

"I have a feeling that it would be both", he will be very beautiful

"Brother you should give this pup a chance for the sake of your child"

"Child, you say? I don't even want that child"

"Ryan, children are blessings. Yours is angel, love him"

"Mum this one is not. Look at how he is causing Nick trouble. Have you seen how thin he is? Have you seen how his face looks dull now, his face screams...sadness? I want to take care of him, but then instantly I feel like killing him, sucking him dry, and then mourning his death. Mum, have you seen his drip, it doesn't have normal glucose but my blood, every single day my blood is being infused into his body because of that child. I hate that child. Mum, am I supposed to feel like this?" Did Lisa do this in fear that she will lose my son?

How can she do this? How selfish is she? I need to deal with her. Soon.

"You are not supposed to feel like that. I will deal with Lisa myself"

"Mum if you dare bring her into this, I will rip your heart out myself", I shiver at the thought of that. I am not even his biological parent

Is my son bewitched?

"Did you just threaten our mama because of your wife? Not even your true mate but just a mere vampire?" I don't like it when my sons fight

Suddenly Ryan grabs his brother and starts beating him, his fangs are out, and he looks dangerous right now.

"Jason help!" I scream at the top of my voice and his graceful self appears, he rips Ryan away from Brian and grabs his neck, while Brian coughs.

"You see, I am sick and tired of this behavior of yours. One instance you are nice the next you are just being ruthless. I never liked that girl from the beginning and now things are getting worse", Jason is angry, his fangs are out, and his eyes are red meaning he is fed up.

"You beating up your brother is not nice. She is the cause of this, she wants to tear us apart. I will kill that bitch!"

"No papa, don't. I love her", he even has the gut to say that

"Since when? Now go and be with your mate instead of being here and trying to kill your brother. Brian, are you alright?"

"I know someone who can help", he says coughing

"Ryan is bewitched, so he needs help, and it is very dangerous for him to go and be with Nick", I say

"I am fine woman! I dare you guys, if you ever dare speak ill of my wife, I won't be nice. That was a warning, Brian. I'm out of here", he walks out leaving us shocked at what just happened