
I Love You So Desperately

"I would rather never get forgiven by you, if it means I won't get forgotten by you" He said holding Kashish tightly in his arms. He felt like if he loosens his arms now he will lose her forever. When Kashish faces rejection her whole life she loses her faith in love; her anger and pain do not let her live her life fully. Her past always haunts her and her hatred for her past never lets her forget it. So when life plays with her again and brings her back to face her past; what will she do? Its a story about love and healing. And about how time sets everything right.

fAITHinmeQueenB · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Chapter 5

Kashish's POV

"Hello Ma'am. I am Kashish Desai" I introduce myself nervously. "I don't want to know your name. Come show me the new collection" I get surprise as she chose me when Emma was around. I timidly begin "This way Ma'am" although she looks like Emma's regular client, at this point she is a customer and she chose me so I have to follow the orders.

I started introducing new collections new dresses I describe its fabric, texture, brand, colors etc. just like I was trained, but Cherry was utterly unimpressed her expression didn't change from frown. And while all this was going on I could feel Emma shooting daggers at me and I caught her doing that once or twice. I really wasn't having a good feeling about it. "None of them are good. I am tired of all your babbling. Bring me something to drink" Cherry orders me. I look at her startled by her sudden request "Pardon, Ma'am". "I said bring me a drink. I am thirsty you dumb girl" Cherry repeats angrily. I leave in hurry towards the canteen ignoring dirty looks from Emma, it is not good to displease an important customer who definitely looks rich. She gave me a very rude, arrogant and spoiled vibe although it is not good to judge from first impression but her behavior doubtful.

I hurry back bringing a cold mango juice in a costly looking glass with a straw, as soon as I told the waiter it is for Cherry they change the bottle to glass saying it is regular demand of hers. And she likes the drink in glass with a straw.

As soon as I enter our section I see Cherry speaking in her phone uninterested, I walk hurriedly to not make her wait anymore. Suddenly I trip I lose all control over my body and I tumble forward, the glass in my hand goes flying and I finally drop flat down on floor on my front side. "What the Hell!" I hear Cherry's loud yell. I look up from floor to see Cherry's dress soaked with juice. I could feel sweat dripping my forehead seeing the scene unveiled. Cherry was fuming with anger "You ugly moron, you ruined my dress. I am going to kill you". I gulp in horror still lying on the floor too shocked to move, someone picks me up from floor holding my hand, I look up to see it is Suman. She had a equally horrified expression "Oh my god, Kashish. Someone save you from her wrath". "I am very sorry, Ma'am. It was a mistake, please forgive me" I ask for forgiveness feeling miserable for making such mistake. "You poor dirt. What do you think your sorry will do? Can your sorry bring back my dress" Cherry yells approaching me. I back up mortified, Suman also looks uncomfortable with the scene. "I will pay you back Ma'am" I try to request although I am not sure. Cherry scoffs at my reply "Do you think you can pay me, okay give me five lakh" she mockingly grins and extends her hands. "Ma'am I don't have that much of money" I look down humiliated. She laughs sarcastically "I know how could a poor dirt like you afford it. I am damn sure you ruined my dress internationally too".

I remain silent too ashamed to say anything, she is mocking my status bringing back my unpleasant memories I cant even form words to prove my innocence. "So cat got your tongue. Aren't you gonna justify yourself" Cherry continues to insult me. At that moment manager walks in "What is this commotion about?" he questions and sees Cherry, me and Suman standing in that uncomfortable situation. "Is there any problem Ma'am?" he asks to Cherry sugaring his voice. "I want her fired!" Cherry states. My eyes widen in surprise "Sir, it was a mistake" I try to reason before Cherry could say anything more. Manager looks at me confused "What did you do?" he questions. "She spilled juice on my dress" Cherry cuts in "I want her fired". "I am sorry for the inconvenience Ma'am. I will apologize on my workers behalf" Manager tries to ease the tension. "If you don't fire her now, I will make sure your shop will close down permanently. I will make sure each of every people working here will be fired" Cherry declares flaring with anger adamant in firing me. Manager sighs and hesitantly walk up to me "I am sorry Kashish, but you have to leave" he guiltily orders. I look up apologetically but he averts his eyes, I nod agreeing. "Tell her to leave this shopping premises now" Cherry again commands the manager. "I will leave" I announce not wanting to get insulted anymore by further delaying my leave.

I walk out going to locker room to change and collect my bag, on my way I look up to see Cherry smirking triumphantly. I change from salesgirl uniform to my regular salwar kameez and look at my reflection in the lockers mirror I look tired and distant. Suman enters hurriedly "I know it is not your fault, Emma had tripped you I saw it with my own eyes. She wanted to trouble you" she grips my wrist and continues "Let's go and tell manager the truth". I pull back my hand from her wrist "There is no use. No one would believe us, and if they do believe us the outcome will be same. But instead of only me being fired Emma will also be fired". "But.." Suman tries to reason. "It is okay Suman there is no use in broadening this issue. It is better for me to leave if I don't I might again come across a person like Cherry who disregard the people poorer than her. And I don't wanna go through this situation again" I state thinking about today's incident "Take care, and don't slack off. I am not gonna be there to cover up for you". She nods reluctantly, just then Emma enters carrying a white envelope and hands it to me. "This is your salary for the days you worked. Manager told me to hand it over to you" Emma simply states and leaves the room. "She is such a shameless human being. She is not feeling slightly remorseful" Suman comments angrily. "Let it be, it is better to ignore her. So after today's incident be careful" I suggest. Suman nods. I bid my farewell and start walking it was raining lightly so I take out umbrella,there is still lot of time left for sunset so I decide to walk back home and avoid taking auto. While walking I contemplate on finding new job, I just got comfortable and this incident occurred. Now again the stress to find new job which has good pay to make ends meet. I was in deep thoughts when a car zoom through road spattering water collected in the pit to the footpath and passerby, I look at my salwar which was now soaked with muddy water I whine irritated "Today is horrible day. First this Cherry and now this" I turn back to see the perpetrator's car "This lousy rich people" I huff angrily.

"Why don't they repair this pit as soon as they can?" a conversation gains my attention, an old man in his sixties states to his friend. Another old man replies "Leave the talk of this pit or road reconstruction it is a slow process of government. The issue is this rich people who thinks that the whole road is theirs. Whenever they like they zoom off not caring about the passerby. The speed limit is only for us poor people" his friend nods agreeing. Another lady passerby ahead of me, at the same time walking with his husband questions "Wasn't that Ashvik Singhania's car?", the name suddenly hits a nail in me and I stop in my track. The husband questions raising his brows "How can you be sure?", the wife scoffs "Only unaware and irresponsible people like you will have this question. In whole Delhi he is the only one who owns that car", husband makes an "o" gesture with his mouth understandingly.

I turn my back to catch a glimpse of the car but it was already out of the sight, I return my gaze ahead and start trudging. I think about the name Ashvik this name is very familiar to me, long time back I knew a person with the same name. The Ashvik I knew was in teens a spoiled fellow who almost had everything; he was rude, unapologetic and ungrateful. And a person who had a fair share in torturing me during my early days. I exhale and murmur to myself "Why do you always bring back your past Kashish, you have left them you have threw them out from your life. So stop tormenting yourself". After a pause I look at the dripping rain "There is thousands of Ashvik in this world. So stop thinking too much. Now is the time to think about how to inform to Mother regarding my job" I remind myself. "Aissh I had joined just a week ago" I exhale again.

After about an hour of walking and strolling I finally decide to go home. By the time I make home the rain stops, I straighten my back and checks my appearance before entering the house. "I am back Ma" I call sounding as energetic as I can be. She comes out wearing new set of saree that I had bought which she has never worn before, "What's the occasion? You are wearing this saree?" I ask baffled as she never wore even when I insisted. She rumbles "Mr. and Mrs. Awasthi is having a guest and they wanted us to attend too. But all my other wearable saree's I have kept it for washing so this is my only option". I smile smugly and comments "You look awesome in that just like Hema Malini". "Yah stop pulling my leg" my mother directs. I chuckle at that moment Babli enters "Aunty, is Kashish home yet?" she stops "Oh you are here" then her gaze falls to my mother "Wow aunty you are looking hot" she mumbles. I laugh at her comment while my mother becomes red in embarrassment. "Stop you two" my mother announce. Babli and I laugh together high fiving. "Oh Ma is out to buy ladoos, you guys can come now" Babli informs and takes in my appearance "Woah! What happened to you? Why are you covered in mud?" she inquires. Suddenly my mother also gives a concerned expression "What happened? I didn't even realize it, You look like a mess". "I am fine, just some rich fellow spattered dirty road water with his car" I assure my worried looking mother. Babli grunts "This rich people what do they think of themselves. I have always seen them driving the car beyond the speed limit. Don't they arrested for it". "I am fine Babli and he wasn't driving that fast" I lie wanting to stop this conversation. "Okay fine now hurry up and go change. You cant go to my house looking like mud fish" Babli playfully laughs. "Very funny" I respond sarcastically

I change into a simple pink anarkali salwar set and follow Babli. Babli's house is bigger and more spacious than ours, it has more rooms, large kitchen and large hall, it has two floors with elegant accommodation. The interior is colored in light blue while the exterior is yellow all the furniture looks well maintained and the house is tidy, perfect for a family. I have been here few times due to Babli's continuous invitations. We enter to find Parvaan and uncle Prakash looking concern. "What happened? What is this tense atmosphere for?" Babli inquires perplexed with their behaviour. "Kenny has ruined all the food prepared by Mother. And Mother is out in sweet shop, and she will also visit mandir on her way back home; we don't have much time left. By the time she comes, guest will arrive and I have to go to the office to bring the files as I have left it there and father have to go to bring the guest " Parvaan informs anxiously, Kenny is Babli's pet dog. "Today is very important, they are very important people we really need to sign this deal. We cant disappoint them" Prakash uncle says with troubled expression. "I am gonna prepare it then" Babli states. "You cant even cook rice. How will a whole dinner course?" Parvaan immediately brushes off Babli's idea.

"I can prepare it. How much time is left for the guest to arrive?" I offer. "How can we impose on you when we have invited you guys?" Prakash uncle reasons. "I insist uncle, we are neighbors. And neighbors helps each other" I smile trying to convince. "But can you cook?" Parvaan quizzes concerned. "I was a cook in hotel before" I inform "Okay go and start preparing. You have a hour and thirty minutes. We will leave it in your hands" Prakash uncle implies looking impressed.

I start preparing with Babli acting as my assistant, I declined my mothers help by arguing that we cant let her saree get dirty. "So you were a chef, what else you didn't tell me?" Babli questions while washing cut vegetables. "I didn't inform you cause you never asked me" I state while making dough for the aloo paratha. "Yeah that is also true. If I knew you were a chef I definitely would have taken cooking lesson from you" she announces confidently. "That is for the future, now quickly complete the task I have given to you" I order lightly. "Okay Madam" Babli complies. By the time everything is set, Parvaan and Jamuna aunty enters the kitchen with worry visible in their faces. "Is everything alright?" Jamuna aunty asks concerned. "Everything is fine Mother. Kashish has prepared each and every dish with complete perfection. And I helped her in that" Babli replies proudly. Jamuna aunty smiles knowingly looking at me "Thank you Kashish ". "No need to thank me, you all had helped us so much since the first day so it is my duty to repay that kindness" I reply without any hesitance. Jamuna beams at might reply, she gently touches my right cheek "You are very kind Kashish".

Just then my mother arrives in kitchen to inform "The guest has arrived". "Oh we have to prepare tea" Babli mentions "You guys out now and greet them. The kitchen has turned too crowded" she comments ushering her mother and brother out from kitchen along with my startled mother.

I place the tea pot in the stove ready to prepare the tea, "My mother has taken a fancy in you Kashish" Babli chortles after announcing. "What?" I mutter bewildered. "You will know when the time comes. Beware!" she grins ear to ear. It irked me but I opt to ignore it as I know she like to tease and irritate me.

I set the plate of tea with some snacks and head out to hall, there I see Prakash uncle, Jamuna aunty and my mother seated in sofa with the guest, uncle and aunty are in between of deep conversation with a couple of same age, the man is wearing a turban and a sleek suit and the woman with a beautiful embroidered suit. I place the tray in the table handing their respective tea, Prakash uncle introduces us "She is Kashish, Saina's daughter our neighbor and she is our daughter Sunehri". "Namaste" Babli and I greet at the same time. "Your daughters are very beautiful" the woman comments. "Thank you aunty" Babli beams with the compliment. We go in corner listening their conversation all they were discussing was about their old memories, suddenly Babli tilts her head to whisper to me "Kashish we had sweat so much just so we have to listen their boring conversation" I gesture her to be silent but Parvaan beats me at that he smacks lightly at her head "Stop murmuring you Dumbo. You don't know how much of an important person is Mr. Gill. If today the contract is finalize we will become business partners with them. So keep your judgement to yourself". Babli pouts after getting rebuked.

I head to kitchen and bring back Parvaan and Babli's share of tea. "Finally something will go in my stomach. After tormenting myself with such a good smell of Kashish's cooked food, I will be blessed" Babli speaks over dramatically earning a laugh from me and Parvaan. She takes a sip and her eyes broaden "Oh my god! Kashish!" her eyes expands her size which I thought could never be possible, Parvaan also had equally surprised expression. "Why? Does it taste bad" I question worried biting my lips. "Bad? It taste awesome even far better than the ones in our favorite stall" she almost shouts I try to calm her down putting my hand on her shoulder. By hearing her everyone's head turn towards her, Mr. Gill takes a sip from his tea and grins "Waah, your daughter is speaking the truth. The tea tastes very good". "Thank you uncle" I express my gratitude for the compliment. Mrs. Gill also comments the same even Prakash uncle and Jamuna aunty compliments me in agreement while my mother looks on proudly.

Soon Babli and I start setting the table for dinner Jamuna aunty gives a one last check and invites the guest to start the dinner. Babli and I stay to serve and decide to have dinner after the guest and everyone has dinner. At first I serve to Mr. Gill and then to Mrs. Gill. I wait for them to start eating, I start wringing my hands in agitation. Although I managed to prepare all the dishes in time but still doubt was clouding my mind, "What if it is not good enough? What if I ruin the chances of Prakash uncle signing the contract they were so desperate about?". My heart literally stops beating when Mr. Gill takes his first bite, he chews and then smiles broadly "Waah Prakash the food is amazing" he praises, and I finally give a sigh of relief "Who made it?" he inquires. "Kashish made it" Parvaan enlightens him. Mr. Gill face brightens "You're an amazing cook child. If you were the cook in this catering business our food would be super hit with the client" he vocalizes his opinion and Mrs. Gill grins "I would love having daughter like her. So cultured, talented and soft spoken". "You are saying the truth Mr. Gill. Our Kashish is really talented" Jamuna aunty compliments me smiling. I return the smile and thanks Mr. Gill and Mrs. Gill for praising me.