

I was walking downtown Seoul and the wind was chilly. I pulled my jacket closer to me. It was an awful idea wearing a dress. I stupidly believed i could pull off being sexy.

I do not have any sort of fashion sense whatsoever…. My outfits was still damp, and I look ridiculous in this stupid red lipstick. My hair was black with fiery red highlights, now frizzy from the shower.

And not to mention I am chubby as frick. So yeah…. not a show stopper. Guess that's why he cheated, I bitterly thought.

And here I am now. Walking alone. At night. Down a cold dark street.

I should have just gone and left with everyone else from the party, but my social anxiety wouldn't allow me the pleasure of blending in with random people. Instead, I suddenly felt eyes watching me from afar. Or nearby. Or right behind me.

I heard footsteps behind me. It sounded like a group of people. And I smelled liquor. I thought it was a bunch of strays from the party and stepped to the side to let them by. Instead of passing me, the footsteps stopped with me. I started to turn and look at them, but something stopped me. I froze.

I heard two guys whispering to one another, a third guy laughing. It didn't feel like a good situation so I started walking again. The footsteps followed me.

Shit. This wasn't the kind of attention I was seeking.

Suddenly I felt a pull at my dress and I yelped. The group of men giggled like a kindergarten class.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I started walking faster, and broke out into a sprint. They followed me easily and I soon found myself cornered.

I looked at my stalkers and they started speaking to me in Korean.

I couldn't see them because my vision went blurry and I started hyperventilating. One of the men walked up to me and I screamed as loud as I could. They all scrambled towards me and grabbed for my hair, mouth and waist.

I struggled, kicking and headbutting. I got in a couple good hits and managed to break away. I kicked off my shoes and ran for my life, back towards the party, hoping Baek was still there.

I bumped into a man walking out the corner store and we fell to the ground. I popped up to apologize and ask for help, but instead I stared at how beautiful he was.

He didn't have a typical bad boy look, but he seemed kind of dangerous. His skin was pale, and his hair was blonde. His eyes were a light blue with pink circles around them. Like he hadn't slept for days and survived on nothing but drugs. And he looked strong though he was sort of thin. His lips…. If it hadn't been for the situation, I would have stared at those lips all night. But I quickly snapped out of the trance and focused back on asking for his help.

That's when I happened to notice him staring at my breasts. My non existent breasts. Suddenly self-conscious I whacked him with my handbag.

He had the mouth of a sailor. It was shocking and intimidating. That moment of intensity only worsened when the men came back around to meet us. They yelled at the guy from the store. He looked at me and pushed me off him. He spoke to them and I suddenly got scared.

The men started laughing and slowly coming closer to me, the looks in their eyes stripping me down to my naked body. But, then something strange happened that I couldn't really explain.

The man from the store stood before them and said something I didn't understand. And then he punched the middle guy in the jaw....

That man got knocked the fuck out! I was relieved, but only for a short moment. I screamed, I wanted the guy who saved me to understand... but i couldn't form the words in time. He looked at me strangely and I just looked on, showing him desperately with my eyes, hoping he would see. You have to look, PLEASE! My thoughts screeched and echoed around my brain. Fuck...fuck fuck FUCK!

Then there was a shot. And a bright light. Or did the light come first? I can't even remember. My eyes were shut but I didn't feel them close. Besides, I can still see the light. Flashing. And...there's ringing in my ears. Or am i screaming still? Can they hear me screaming? Is my mind fooling me, because the echoes are still bouncing around.

I want to see. I want to see if he is okay. But I am scared.

It's really quiet now. Deathly quiet. Even the wind is still. The rain has stopped. It's black? Where's the flashing light? Where...