
I Love Twin Tails So What?

Takumi Sakurai is a high school student who has a secret obsession with twin tails. He spends his days daydreaming about the perfect twin-tailed girl and watching anime and reading manga that feature girls with twin tails. His childhood friend Ayaka knows about his obsession but often teases him about it. One day, a new transfer student named Yui Yoshida arrives at their school, and Takumi is immediately smitten with her beautiful twin tails. He wants to get to know her, but Ayaka is possessive and doesn't want anyone else to have Takumi's attention. As Takumi tries to navigate his feelings for Yui and deal with Ayaka's jealousy, he discovers that Yui is not as easy to get to know as he thought. She's mysterious and hard to read, and Takumi wonders if he has what it takes to win her heart. With comedy and romance, "I Love Twin Tails So What?" follows Takumi on his journey of self-discovery and love as he tries to pursue the perfect twin-tailed girl.

KingDoDo · สมจริง
4 Chs

"My Childhood Friend Ayaka Has Arrived!"

Ayaka and Takumi had been living next to each other for as long as they could remember. They had always been close friends.

As Takumi was walking back home from school, he noticed that Ayaka was following him once again. He sighed and turned to her, "Ayaka, what are you doing? Why are you following me?"

Ayaka blushed and looked away, "I-I'm not following you! I just happen to be going in the same direction."

Takumi chuckled, "Sure, Ayaka. Whatever you say." He then turned to her with a smirk, "You know, you're really obvious when you're trying to follow me."

Ayaka and Takumi walked side by side, chatting about their day at school. They talked about their classes, their teachers, and the latest drama happening between their classmates.

"I can't believe Mr. Tanaka gave us another math assignment," Ayaka groaned.

"I know, right? It's like he wants us to fail," Takumi replied with a laugh.

As they turned a corner, Ayaka suddenly stumbled over a crack in the sidewalk. She lost her balance and was about to fall when Takumi quickly grabbed her arm and steadied her.

"Thanks," Ayaka said, feeling a little embarrassed.

"No problem," Takumi said with a smile.

They continued walking, and Ayaka couldn't help but feel her heart flutter a little at the way Takumi looked at her. She knew she had feelings for him, but she was too afraid to tell him.

They reached Ayaka's house, and she turned to Takumi.

"Well, this is me. Thanks for walking me home," Ayaka said, feeling a little sad that their time together was over.

"No problem. See you tomorrow," Takumi said, waving goodbye.

As Ayaka watched him walk away, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that she didn't get to spend more time with him. She went inside her house, feeling a little down.

The rest of the evening went by slowly for Ayaka. She tried to distract herself by watching TV and doing her homework, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Takumi. She wondered if he ever thought about her the way she thought about him.

Finally, it was time for bed, and Ayaka climbed into her pajamas and crawled into bed. She stared up at the ceiling, lost in thought.

"I wish I could tell Takumi how I feel," Ayaka thought to herself. "But I'm too afraid of what might happen."

Eventually, Ayaka drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Takumi and the life they could have together.

(Joining A Club)

Ayaka and Takumi were both interested in photography, and they often talked about how they loved taking pictures of their surroundings. One day, while they were walking home from school, Ayaka brought up the idea of joining the photography club.

"Takumi, have you ever thought about joining a club at school?" Ayaka asked.

Takumi shrugged. "Not really. I don't really have any hobbies that would fit into a club."

Ayaka smiled. "What about photography? We both love taking pictures, and I heard there's a photography club at school. It could be fun to join and learn more about it."

Takumi considered her suggestion. "That could be interesting. I never thought about joining a photography club, but it sounds like a great way to improve our skills and meet new people."

Ayaka beamed. "Exactly! Plus, it's always more fun to do things with a group of people who share the same interests as you. We should definitely check it out."

And so, the next day, Ayaka and Takumi went to the photography club's meeting during lunch break. They were greeted by the club's president, who introduced them to the other members and explained what the club was all about.

As they listened to the president's presentation, Ayaka and Takumi couldn't help but feel excited. They knew that joining the photography club was the right decision, and they were eager to get started.

After the meeting, Ayaka turned to Takumi. "So, what do you think? Are you ready to join?"

Takumi grinned. "Absolutely. I can't wait to start taking pictures and learning more about photography."

Ayaka smiled. "Me too. I have a feeling that this is going to be an amazing experience for both of us."

And so, Ayaka and Takumi became official members of the photography club. They spent their afternoons taking pictures, learning new techniques, and making new friends. It was a decision that brought them even closer together and helped them discover their shared passion for photography.

As they worked together on their latest project, Ayaka couldn't help but feel a little nervous around Takumi. She still had feelings for him, but she didn't want to ruin their friendship by confessing.

Takumi noticed that Ayaka seemed a little distracted and asked, "Is something bothering you, Ayaka?"

Ayaka shook her head and tried to hide her blush. "No, everything's fine. Why do you ask?"

Takumi looked at her intently for a moment before saying, "You just seem a little different lately. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

Ayaka hesitated for a moment, but then shook her head again. "No, really. I'm just a little tired, that's all."

Takumi didn't push the issue, but he couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Ayaka. He had a feeling that she was keeping something from him, but he didn't want to pry.

As they continued to work on their project, Ayaka tried to focus on the task at hand. She took some photos of Takumi and then showed them to him, hoping for some feedback.

Takumi looked at the photos and smiled. "These are really good, Ayaka. I especially like this one of me with the sunset in the background."

Ayaka felt her heart race at Takumi's compliment, but she tried to remain composed. "Thanks, Takumi. I'm glad you like them."

As the club meeting came to a close, Ayaka and Takumi packed up their equipment and headed out of the classroom. They walked together towards the school gates, chatting about their upcoming weekend plans.

Ayaka couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that Takumi hadn't said anything more about her recent behavior. She had hoped that he might have noticed her feelings for him, but it seemed like he was completely oblivious.

As they reached the gates, Takumi turned to Ayaka and said, "Hey, do you want to grab a snack at the convenience store before we head home?"

Ayaka smiled, grateful for the chance to spend more time with Takumi. "Sure, that sounds great."

They walked to the nearby convenience store and browsed the aisles, picking out some snacks and drinks to share. As they sat outside the store, Ayaka tried to muster up the courage to tell Takumi how she really felt.

But as they chatted and laughed together, Ayaka realized that she was just happy to be with him, even if it was only as friends. She decided to cherish their time together and not worry about confessing her feelings for now.

As the sun began to set and the sky turned a deep shade of orange, Ayaka and Takumi said their goodbyes and headed home. Ayaka felt content, knowing that she had spent another wonderful day with her childhood friend.