In the original world of vampires, werewolves, and humans.
Kenan Light is the destined world villain. It has finally decided to make a move. Only the territory under the control of the Genus Academy remains standing, with the exception of a few desolate lands. The rest of the land had become desolate, making it a haven for the undead. Those who died during the undead invasion had been transformed into undead. Under Kenan Light, the number of undeads now surpassed that of the conquered population of the land he had invaded.
In the world today, the undead outnumber the other races. The Genus Academy Academy is the only remaining sanctuary. The domain within it was shielded from everything outside by the golden barrier. Furthermore, since the invasions of the undead troops led by the Devil, Kenan Light, pollution has not only affected the land and water, but even the air has hints of miasma, which is poisonous to the other races.
At the black castle of bones...