
I lost it all…

Why me….?

TheRealPl3aser · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Downfall of A Hero PT 1

"Master? Where are we going?" A white haired loli spoke with confusion as she follows a blonde haired man. The man walks with a proud stride, the stride of a lion. "We're going to face the last danger to this world. Although, I wished it had never come to this. We've tried to work things out with the Jahas on multiple occasions, but all treaties end up being burned in less than a few years. There's no more running from this battle anymore, We're going to go face the queen on the Jahas, Lani. I wouldn't be a hero if I let someone like her roam free of law." The blonde haired man responded in a knightly tone.

The girl has a worried look on her face before she opens her mouth "Shouldn't we have brought help from the others, master? I'm sure Kari and Erin would've came along on this adventure alongside us.". The hero knew she was right, but he couldn't let anyone else get involved in his affairs, too many people have died in war, now it was his turn to end this all and set the world straight. The hero doesn't respond at all to the girl as they keep walking.

The two have arrived at the land of the Jahas alone but prepared. The hero and girl glide through the tree branches and leaves, the hero rains down arrows from his bow on any Jaha who lays their eyes on them before they can alert others. The duo then stumble upon the castle of the Queen of all Jahas. "As I pray, holy ice beam." The little girl whispers as a ray of ice from the clouds strikes down on the remaining guards.

Just as the girl is about to come out of hiding, the hero stops her with her hand, then knocking her out and casting a spell of invisibility on both of them. The hero hides the little girl's body away from the soon-to-be battlegrounds.

The hero had saw something within the girl, it told him that she wasn't ready for this mission, and she never would be. "I saw how you hesitated to kill those Jaha, unfortunately I can't take you along any further. I should have known that you weren't able to go against your own people this heavily and for that, I'm sorry Crystal." The man then enters the castle alone, ready to face the nightmares of his past, ready to face hell on earth…