
Chapter 2 Sophon? Shoji!_1

If someone could know the future, know everything that would happen, they would understand what Logic's words meant and the monumental impact they would bring.


No one!

No one knows what the future holds!

Just like how humanity never thanked Logic, they forever only care about immediate benefits, never looking towards the future.

What if a minority could see it? So what?

The iron law of society.

The minority submits to the majority.

Yet it is often those minorities who drive the advancement of society, technology, and history.

Faced with Evans's question, Logic fell silent. Joining Three-Body was the result of his long contemplation.

Originally just an ordinary university student, he was elated to have been given a second chance at life after falling seriously ill.

After all, being alive is a joyful thing.

No one wants to die.

But when he realized that his name was Logic, had a high school friend named Yang Dong, and that Yang Dong's mother was Ye Wenjie, and that a popular VR game called Three-Body was in vogue, he understood.

He was a Wallfacer.

He was a Swordholder.

Nearly God-like yet compassionate towards mortals, Logic was the unthanked 'Logic'!

'Logic' had disappeared, while the Logic who inherited all of him, even possessing all future memories, was still bewildered inside. The burden of facing a high civilization, facing Three-Body, facing the entire human survival issue was simply too heavy; he could barely bear it.

Logic fell into silence.

He knew Evans's past and clearly understood what Evans meant.

Humanity evolved from nature, enduring countless predator attacks, the law of the jungle, and gradually grew stronger, rightfully standing atop the food chain, developing its own intelligence and civilization—arrogance towards other creatures was natural.

There was a particularly prevalent saying: Humanity didn't evolve over millions and millions of years to stand atop the food chain, just to eat vegetables!

But when such arrogance went unchecked.

When humanity lost its natural predators.

Everything became uncontrollable.

Just as the Dark Forest Law, threatening the entire universe, is predicated on the notion that resources are finite, the resources of a universe are limited, as are those of Earth.

When humanity lost control and continued to extract from Earth, consuming its resources, maybe in a few hundred years, maybe in a few thousand, humanity would face a civil war, bloody carnage, and possible destruction under weapons far more terrifying than nuclear arms.

After all, humanity's greatest expertise lies not in creation, but in destruction and killing; this was the choice of humans in nature.

A few hundred or a few thousand years might be an eternity for an individual, but for Earth, for the universe, it seems so fleeting.

Evans was right—humanity was too arrogant, treating the other creatures of Earth as mere insects, but Logic did not support him.


"Humanity has lost its reverence for nature, both in the East and the West, in times of ignorance, they created gods to restrain themselves, holding reverence in their hearts, but now, the gods have aged, becoming old gods!"

"Earth now needs a new god!"

Evans's eyes gleamed with fervor, "That's Three-Body, like the God in the Bible that created the Great Flood to destroy humanity, cleansing the filthy world, allowing everything to start anew. This is ETO! To create a new god, to create a new world!"

Why didn't he believe in humanity but instead in the alien Trisolarans?

Simply because the Trisolaran star system had too many stars; the scorching sunlight destroyed everything, and all life forms were caught in a cycle of survival and death, civilizations built and destroyed time and time again.

Therefore, Evans believed the Trisolarans had more respect for other creatures.

So, Evans thought the destruction and reconstruction of civilizations were natural.

In fact.

It was indeed the case.

Logic sighed in his heart, perhaps that was the difference between God and man, between genius and madman. He understood Evans' realm, but he couldn't do it.

In his heart, he still affirmed.

I am an Earthling!

Logic didn't have confidence in leading Earth in a better direction; just thinking about the lives and work of seven billion people was like a towering mountain before him.

He really wasn't Logic.

He couldn't even provide for one person, couldn't even plan one person's future properly, couldn't even take care of a family, let alone seven billion people.


Humanity did not thank 'Logic'!

Thinking of the Swordholder 'Logic,' dying alone in front of a grave, in his profound sadness and loss, perishing with the regret that he ultimately failed to protect his own planet...

Logic became even more determined in his thoughts, which was to reconstruct an Earth civilization, to create a world where humans and nature live in harmony, no longer greedy, no longer violent.

To reach this Earth civilization, in fact, only three steps were needed.

The first step was more advanced technology, more advanced productivity, to meet the life needs of all people; without needs, there would be no killing.

The second step was to hide Earth's coordinates, to let the Trisolarans leave, to prevent other civilizations from finding Earth.

The third step, Thoughtcontrol!

And this new Earth civilization.

Would be called...


A new Three-Body!

A new God to lead Earth in creating this new Three-Body!

Logic murmured, head bowed, "This really is a crazy idea, only a madman could come up with it."

Evans had no idea what was going through Logic's mind, assuming Logic was talking about himself, after all, his action of inviting the Trisolarans to descend and destroy human civilization was considered madness by almost everyone, the thought of a madman!

He smiled faintly, "In the eyes of ordinary people, a madman is a genius, right?"

Every era has those geniuses that surpass the imagination of ordinary people; some become immortal beings, the founders in various fields, while others become the lost souls under the knives of ordinary people, the ashes under the torches.

Seeing the resolute look in Logic's eyes, Evans felt secretly pleased. He had created the ETO organization and met countless elites. When he spoke the spiel he just had, anyone who remained silent was either in agreement with him or their hearts were swayed.

He patted Logic's shoulder, "Since the Trisolarans chose you to lead ETO, it means you have qualities better than mine; I only hope you can fulfill my wish in the future."

The massive Trisolaran organization.

An immense organization that nearly encompassed elite talents from all over the world.

Such a power transfer, a change of leader, was as trivial as child's play; with just a few words, Evans handed over the leadership of the ETO organization.

That included the immense wealth, the influence over various countries, even the independent military operatives.

This was originally Evans' family business, but he made no choice to keep it; instead, he gave it all to Logic.

As he said.

He never liked money, nor power, nor men and women.

Everything he did was for his seemingly laughable dream, a dream of harmony between humans and nature.

Upon learning that Logic was better than him, he left without hesitation.

Logic sat there, silently watching Evans leave, sinking into a long silence until a woman's silhouette slowly appeared behind him. The woman was tall and slender, with a handsome face, a touch of coquettishness with a hint of purity, almost the epitome of every man's aesthetic.

Her expression was exceptionally complex, her eyes filled with confusion, "Mr. Logic, please answer me one question, have you already developed Sophon?"


Logic shook his head, "That's not a Sophon, it's a screen!"