
I laugh in the face of danger

I laugh when I'm in danger... I cry when I'm happy... I'll die when I am dead.

ADDISIYN · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Threatening the polices...

"nobody come forward! Or else I'll this girl in an instant! Don't!" he shouted. he had held my a bit too tight, "u-um… mister… you are… holding me a bit too… ti-tight" I said. "oh sorry" he said and made it a bit loose. "EVERYONE PUT YOUR GUNS DOWN! FAST!!!!" The police officer said. the polices put their guns down in their pocket. "THROW YOUR GUNS RIGHT THIS INSTANT! WAIT… NO!! THROW YOUR WEAPONS ON THE GROUND!" killer shouted. the polices threw their guns on the ground. "gather them up" killer said and looked at Yuri. Yuri grabbed them all. Killer whispered in my ear, "we are disappearing… so… you better close your eyes… we will be a bit very high from the ground…. so… close your eyes" he whispered. "okay" I said. I closed my eyes. suddenly killer moved and I almost screamed! I wanted to open my eyes. I did and I saw Yuri next to me holding killer's neck. I screamed and killer yelled, "I said not to open your eyes!!" "why are we so high?" I asked. "cause we are trying to run away from them" killer said. "oh yeah" I said. I saw a helicopter and it was right above us. a net came over us. it tied us and I looked up. I saw a guy. He took us down. killer kept on trying to tear the net but no… it gave him a shock… Yuri got shock too and he fainted. "M'lady, come out" I heard the guy in front of me. I looked at front and saw the guy.