
Setting Up A Plan.

The plan is beginning very soon, let's see how it goes and how you take it.

- Xenon's POV -

I hold onto her swollen ankle on her right foot to help check it out, with the first-aid kit. She tries to pull away from me, but I tell her to be quiet and behave. "You have a swollen ankle and I saw you had been limping earlier," I say. "Why do you even care? You don't really care about me, right?" she says. "I may not, but I don't need you to be injured because of me and before the wedding. Got it?" I say. "Well, what's your name?" she asked. "Xenon. I'm the Prince of my family here in our kingdom. If you hadn't noticed, we're not in your kingdom of Eureka anymore," I tell her. "Wait, what? Then, where are we?" she asked, afraid. "Kingdom of Nayles. My home," I say. "Don't you hate my family though? Then, why marry me? It really doesn't make sense to me if you think about it," she asked. "Well, it's not by my own choosing. My parents had the final say so I'm shocked as to why they're surprised I brought you here," I say.

I finish bandaging her ankle. "Um, thank you. But, when exactly is the so-called wedding between us?" she asks. "Oh right. It is 2 weeks from today," I say. "Wait, did you just 2 weeks? But, I love my boyfriend! I don't want you! Please choose someone else to marry you!" she pleaded. I grit my teeth hard and say, "Look, we may come to love each other sooner than you'd think." She closes her eyes to stop the tears from falling. "Don't cry. It's going to be alright," I say. "How do you know? You won't let me go and just marry someone else," she cries. "Fine. Call Liam right now," I say. "What? Why should I?" she asked. "To tell him you're getting married and invite him to the wedding," I say. "No, please don't make me do this," she pleaded. "Call him now. No excuses," I say.

I see her body trembling badly as she dials his number. "Baby, what's up? How are you?" Liam asks. I put it on speaker phone. "Liam, we need to break up. I'm getting married in 2 weeks from today," she says, trying to hold back her tears. "Babe, don't lie to me. Don't do this," he says. "Liam, I'm not lying. I'm telling you the truth. I will send you an invitation soon. Hope you can come," she says, her voice breaking. "You can send it but I'm not going to be there. Hope you have a nice life," Liam says. "Liam, wait! Please, don't --" she cries out, but he hangs up the phone. Alayna just breaks down crying.

"Come on. You don't need to cry over him, right? He wasn't royalty anyway," I say. "I didn't care about that. He loved me for who I was and I the same for him and now I have no one that loves me," she cried out. "If you say so," I say, getting up. "Dinner is ready. You want to come down with me?" I asked. "No, I'm not hungry. Go ahead," she says, looking out the window. I sighed and say, "I'll bring you back something to eat. Okay?" She doesn't say anything and I head out. I felt her heart break as I saw her do what I had asked her too. It has to be this way.


~Alayna's POV~

Why has my dad not tried to come get me? I lost Liam. I can't lose my family either. I need help. I text Liam, 'Please save me. I was kidnapped. By the guy that I'm supposed to be marrying. I want to go home. They brought me to his own kingdom called Nayles. I need you. Please help me.' I hope he responds soon, because I don't want to be with Xenon. I want Liam back. - 3 minutes later - 'What do you mean you were kidnapped by him? Where are your parents?' he responded. 'I haven't heard anything from them yet, but I need you, that's all I know,' I texted back. 'Okay. I should be able to get there by tomorrow morning. Are you at his palace?' he texted back. 'Yes,' I reply. 'Alright. I'll be there soon, see you soon,' he replied back. I place my phone on the charger and lie on the bed.

-20 minutes later- I feel the bed dip low and I open my eyes. "You finally awake?" Xenon asked, angrily. "Oh, um, yeah. Why do you look mad?" I asked. "Because you had texted Liam to come get you tomorrow morning. Why did you do that?" he asked. I sit up, but he pushes me back down on the bed and gets on top of me. "You're not leaving anywhere; do you understand me?" he asks. "Why won't you let me go? We don't love each other," I cry underneath him.

"I said that we can work to love each other; don't you want to try?" he asks. "No, I don't. I don't want to love a guy like you, do you understand me?" I say. My heart starts to race faster as he leans in closer to me. "Either way you think about it, we will get married and we may fall in love with each other," he says. He smirks and then gets up off of me. "I have work to do but I'll be back later on tonight. You can eat what's on the bedside table and let the maid come and clean it when you're done," he says. Xenon exits the room and I sighed. Man, I'm hungry! I start eating the food he had brought me. It was really good, to be honest.

I finish the food, call the maid and they come and clean my plate. I go back to lie on the bed and I'm not exactly sure when I was able to drift off into the total darkness of sleep.