
I just want to live a lazy life

Fed up with his life being the demon king, named Diavolo, Yuuha let himself be killed by the woman he loved and finally made it to the everyday world of his dreams. Now Yuuha can finally have the lazy life he's always wanted and enjoy his new daily life and happiness

Lord_Blacke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
55 Chs

CHAPTER 15: Gift

The next morning, Yuuha packed her clothes and other items and was ready to leave.

Daisuke wanted to take him personally in a police car.

He accepted the ride, but it would still be very strange to go to her house in a police car.

"Hey wait, this is for you."

When she was about to get into the car, Kirino held a box and placed it in her hand.

"What is that?"

Yuuha looked confused, he picked up the box, and discovered that it was quite heavy.

"This is a mission for you. When you come back at the weekend, tell me what you think!"

"Huh? Mission for me?"

Yuuha was stunned for a moment, but then he remembered something and her face twitched.

It seems that what's in this box is probably Kirino's eroge.

"That's right, think of it as a parting gift."

At this point, Kirino lowered her head a little uncomfortably. This scene made Kyosuke next to him realize, and he suddenly doubted his life.

Did this girl also have such a shy expression?

"Also, give me your cell phone."

"What do you want my cell phone for?"

"Stop talking nonsense and bring him here!"

The girl looked at him menacingly, with a slight blush on her face.

Seeing this scene, Yuuha instantly understood and handed him the phone.

After taking his cell phone, the girl quickly dialed a number and handed it to him.

After doing so, she turned around and quickly fled.

Yes, what she entered was her own phone number.

Looking at the girl's back, Yuuha showed a pleasant smile.

Speaking of which, he also left a gift for Kirino.


After returning to her room, Kirino felt an emptiness in her heart.

That annoying guy Yuuha left, but why isn't he happy at all?


He was lying in bed in a daze when his cell phone suddenly rang. Upon seeing the note, Kirino unconsciously showed a happy smile.

She suppressed her excitement, calmed her mood, and then answered the phone.

"Pervert Yuuha, what's the matter with you? Don't call me to harass me if you have nothing to do!"

Upon hearing this, the corner of Yuuha's mouth twitched.

"Ah, what you said was very sad, but I'm in a good mood today, so I won't argue with you."

"Kirino, I left you a gift. It's on the table in my room. Remember to check it~ So, goodbye~ my lovely imouto~"

After saying that, Yuuha hung up the phone.

"Huh? A gift? I don't want that... and it's cute..."

Covering her mouth, the girl's face turned red with embarrassment, her heart was hot and she had an indescribable feeling.

"Hmph, I want to see what gift this guy left for me!" He quickly ran to Yuuha's room and Kirino saw a gift box on the table.

She quickly picked it up, stretched her head, looked at the bedroom door, found no one, and tiptoed back to her own room.

"That's it…"

Opening the gift box, a delicate aqua blue hairpin appeared in front of her.

"What, it's just a hairpin."

When she said this, a sweet smile appeared on the girl's face. She took out the original hairpin and carefully placed the blue hairpin.

She looked in the mirror and felt really good.

"Humph, you at least have common sense!"

She doesn't know, but this is no ordinary hairpin.

Yuuha used one of her magical power to cast a protective spell on him.

There is a demon king aura about him, as long as there is any danger to Kirino, Yuuha will know it instantly.

Furthermore, this hairpin can also automatically create a magical barrier to resist any fatal damage.

This is Yuuha's love for her sister as an older brother.

Looking at the crystal hairpin shining with blue light in her hand, Kirino couldn't let go of it.

After thinking about it, she carefully put it into her small bag and replaced it with another hairpin.

It's not that she doesn't want to use it as a gift from Yuuha, but she is reluctant to use it.

After all, hairpins are consumables. Although this crystal hairpin is very beautiful, it will definitely get damaged if she uses it frequently.

This was the first time idiot Yuuha gave her a gift, so of course she had to treasure it.


On the other side, Yuuha finally returned to her rented house.

Originally, he planned to go to class today, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it.

Let's wait and see for another day.

Daisuke asked him to speak to the school instructor, after all he was admitted to the hospital on the first day of class.

He also doesn't know anyone in the class.

Only with the instructor's help will he be able to better integrate into the class.

Furthermore, during this time, he used magical power to strengthen his body.

By now, her originally thin figure has completely changed.

At this time, he had eight abdominal packs, evenly distributed, and both the muscles in his arms and legs had been strengthened by it.

At least, with his current physical strength, he can even lift a car directly without using magic power.

If he uses magic power, his power will be doubled.

From the outside, he is still very thin and his height has also increased a little due to the effect of magic.

Looking at her beauty in the mirror, Yuuha showed a confident expression.

When he came into this world, he just wanted to live a happy life, and whether it was going to school or work, he found it very interesting.

Don't forget, he is not an ordinary person, but a demon king.

Working part-time or something like that couldn't be easier for him.

And even though he was a demon king, he never thought of using his abilities to do bad things.

It is even more impossible to rob a bank to improve its life.

The Demon King's abilities are just capitals that he uses to live a better life.

And some things are boring if they are too easy to obtain.

He wants to use his own hands to get what he wants.

For him, the process of acquiring something is very important.

Before entering high school, Yuuha worked at a restaurant.

Due to the previous car accident, he took a leave of absence and his salary was paid, but the restaurant owner said he was still willing to hire him and called specifically to ask if he would continue working after being released from the hospital.

After searching her memory, Yuuha seemed a little strange.

The chef at the restaurant where he works is a beautiful girl.

Her name is Toka Takanashi

Plus, she helped him find the house she's renting now.

(End of chapter)


I apologize for the delay, my internet only came back on Sunday afternoon, and when I went to look at the chapters to be released I saw that I hadn't saved it😥😥

So I preferred to update it today rather than do everything in a hurry and have it turn out badly.


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